All Hallow's Fright

Story by Dracofiend on SoFurry

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Old story I wrote back in 2003, A simple little Halloween story hope you enjoy.

All Hallows Fright


Dracofiend (Kakiro)

The skunk twins ran out the door laughing ready to do all their trick or treating looking around at the dimly lit street each house decorated for Halloween. The twins glance back at the house as their Mother walks out wearing a vampire cape and her black fur powdered to make it look pale almost ghost like. The twins were each wearing costumes one dressed up like a cowboy the other an Indian each with a large black sack with pumpkins on the front for collecting candy.

"Lets hurry you two we don't have long before the party and I know you don't want to miss the party." They both cheered as they started down the street bouncing and swiping at each other playfully with their sacks. They walked up to the first sidewalk glancing at the dark two story house the windows glowing red the cheap red drapes filtering the light from the candle's within. The boy's walked up the walkway as their mother watched from her doorway with a smile. They both stepped up onto the patio the door cracked open.

To their left stood a scarecrow with a pumpkin head carved out with a spooky face a candle set within. To their right was a cheap plywood coffin with a plastic skeleton laying in it with a cigarette stuck in it's mouth. One of them reached out and rang the doorbell, the door slowly crept open a large ferret poking his head out with a grin as he has toilet paper wrapped all around his body a pair of glasses easily glinting out from under the bandages. "Trick or Treat!" They yelled together holding out their bags. The Ferret laughs softly and sticks out his paws holding them downward closed looking the two over before opening his paws dropping two bite sized candy bars into each of their bags. "Here's your treat, I hope you two have fun tonight."

They both bounce and wave noddling quickly before running back down the walkway peeking into each other's bag trying to figure out what flavors they got. The ferret just smiles and closes his door leaving just a crack so the light will spill out onto the patio for the next kids. The boy's walk along to the next house the walkway overgrown with weeds the house itself a horrid almost neon pink with yellow trim. A small black kitten sat on the porch smiling and waving as she kicked her feet a bowl of hard candies sitting next to her. She is wearing a witch costume complete with a long pointed hat.

"Hihi, How's my favorite set of boy's?" They skip up the walkway sitting down on either side of their friend. "You two need to get a new routine, you wear those costumes every year!" They both glance at each other before looking at her. "We do not!" they say together causing her to giggle. "You two are strange, well here's your candy." She scoops out a pawful of candy tossing it into their bags as equally as she can before they get up each hugging her tightly before running back down the walkway. They turn back and wave before walking down the street towards the last house on their block.

This house is painted a light dirty gray color with blackened windows the house having a spooky feel to it year round. Several small fires were lit in the yard from iron pot's. Each pot had a almost goulish look to it with faced painted onto their rusty surfaces. This house was always the best for a good scare and the most candy as each little surprise held a good chance of giving out some candy. They walk up the carefully trimmed walkway made of stepping stokes. They bounced happily across towards the cobwebbed filled entry way. The small hall like covered patio has a countless number of cages and spookables.

Their favorites were the snake tank, and the spider cage. The tank held a giant twelve foot long albino boa the snake always happy to see the boy's it's tongue darting out as it raises it's head. A small lump around it's middle make the boy's laugh having always loved watching the snake feed. The spiders cage was a very fine mesh that the spiders had filled with webbing allowing small bugs in but trapping the spiders within.

A large brown bear opens the door before they reach the first trick smiling and waving them in. They pass the barrel filled with rubber rats and the occasional real rat with candy at the bottom running up to the door each of them holding their bags tightly. "Well hello you two, I figured you would have been out earlier tonight." They sigh and shrug, "Mom made us eat with grandma before we got to come out." One spoke then the other. "It was annoying but granny gave us lots of candy afterwards." He laughs and pats each of their heads pointing into the house.

They entered quickly looking around at the spooky furniture. The couch bright orange with black stripes, he grins and lead them over to a giant bowl of candy. "Feel free to take as much as you want as long as you don't drop any. Soon as you drop some you have to stop." They both rush up to the bowl giggling and holding their sacks open with one paw the other reaching for the bowl. Suddenly a small boy pops out of the bowl his fur covered in red blood like gel his eye covered with a face patch of dried and dead fur and flesh. The boy's scream and drop their bags nearly spilling the entire bowl of candy causing many pieces to fall to the floor.

One of the two boy's fell backwards landing on his tail with a yelp. The bear just laughs loudly and pulls his son out of the candy bowl setting him down to the side. "Sorry boy's I had to do that." He picks up two small brown bags of candy handing one to each of them as he helps them to up and to the door. "Have a happy Halloween and don't stray to far." They pant softly as the walk out of the house shivering as the pass the decorations heading to the street...

Thanks everyone I'm sorry it's so short but I was kinda in a rush to get some other work done. Thank you for reading my story and check back later I might write a little more though I doubt it.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

(story from October 2003)

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