Village Life
Village Life By Dracofiend (Kakiro) 12/11/04 The young boy could not help but stare at his friend as he ran by, The young skunk was very much smitten with another young boy. The Otter waves and giggles as he runs off towards the water his chores...
Plushies And Cubbies
Plushies & Cubbies By Dracofiend (Kakiro) Three small cubs huddled together just within the boundaries of their little cub house. The building just big enough for all three to play with their toy's with a little room left over. Max the eldest of the...
All Hallow's Fright
All Hallows Fright By Dracofiend (Kakiro) The skunk twins ran out the door laughing ready to do all their trick or treating looking around at the dimly lit street each house decorated for Halloween. The twins glance back at the house as their Mother...
Desert Wind
The scene starts with a rather plain looking ferret, about six foot two from nose to tail tip his eyes a soft brown matching his marbled greyish brown fur nicely. Next to him sat a rather angelic artic fox, her fur a pristine white. The odd feature was...