Marriage Part One

Story by Drinnock on SoFurry

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Standing in front of the mirror made me think of what was actually going to happen. Just a few months ago I asked my fox for his hand, and now here I am putting on a tux as he gets dressed down the hall. Now I know that your not supposed to see your, in this case, husband before the ceremony but it was getting really hard not to. But I am strong willed and I will make it.

The sound of soft footsteps behind me worry that it was Zero, "Hey, D." A soft paw rubbed my shoulder, turning my head I looked at the paw. Thank god, it is Blinx, my best man. "I believe a thank you is in order."

Still adjusting my tie I turn to look at him, "And whys that?" He already had his suit on and was just putting in the cuff links. His black suit mixed with his dark fur making it look like he didn't even have a suit on.

"For pointing out Zero that one night at the club." Walking up, he pushed away my claws so he could adjust my tie for me. "Cause you know, if it wasn't for me pointing him out we wouldn't be here. So are you getting nervous for this?"

"Your welcome, and yes I am getting nervous now that you mention it, thanks." I said nodding. I hate to admit it but if it wasn't for Blinx I wouldn't be getting married to my fox. "I bet you have an embarrassing best man speech for me."

"You now it," He said laughing.

My paws shake as I button up my suit and check myself in the mirror. Not bad Zero, not bad. I can't believe all of this is happening, especially to me! My soul mate asked for my paw, and now I am putting on a suit. God I love him, he is so cute, loving, kind, protecting, and not to mention great in bed. I am sure that he wouldn't mind me going to see him before the ceremony. Yes I do know that it is bad luck to go see your, in this place, husband before the wedding but I just had to go see him. Putting my paw on the door knob I take a big gulp and open the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" said the figure blocking my road. A tall fox, Holly, with his arms crossed, my best man, standing in the door way.

"Well, you see...I...I'm gonna just go back in there."

"That's right you will." Turning around I go back into my dressing room and make the final adjustments to my suit. "Zero, I know how you feel, you wanna go see Drin. But you know the rules, you can't yet." Holly said as he watched me finish getting dressed. His black tux was in complete contrast with his red. His white paws sticking out of the sleeves like some odd game of hide and seek. But I have to admit he did look good. "Zero, I am so happy for you." His paws moved up to my neck as he adjusted my tie.

"Do you really think that Drin is the one for me?"

His paws froze as he looked up at me with a look of shock on his face, "are you kidding me? You're having second thoughts! Zero, I have been your friend since we were 6, you never second guess yourself."

"I am not second guessing myself; I am just not sure if I can do this. I mean I love him so much and I want to be with him, but marriage? Don't you think that is a little far?"

His eyes fluttered down as he sighed, "Z, Drin loves you more than his own life and he just wants you to be happy. I mean you told him that you wanted to get married some day, and I still remember your face when he popped the question. Your face showed me that this is what you wanted." Letting go of my tie, he takes a few steps back to see how I look, "and if you are not sure if he is right for you, look in the mirror and tell yourself."

Following his advice I turn and see me, yes I know what else would I see but I see me for who I am not who I want to be. A small grin spreads across my muzzle as I envision my dragon wrapping his huge arms around me and holding me tight. "Your right Holly, he is the only one for me." A small tear forms in my eyes knowing that this is the most important day of my life, and I only wish that Drin feels the same way.

I take a deep breath as I walked into the chapel for the ceremony. My family all smiling at me, my mom crying her eyes out. Zero's family, some smiling some not even looking at me, sat on the other side. Taking my place nest to Blinx and Ralph I try to stop my tail from wagging as I wait for Zero.

The doors open as Holly and Zero enter, Holly leading my fiancé. God he looked good. His family now grinning at both him and me, that or his family is planning to kill me. I take his paws in my claws as he stands next to me and Holly on the other side. I don't care what his family thinks of me, I love this fox and nothing will ever change that.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of these two furs," began the priest, a small chubby brown bear. "If there are any here you object to this union please speak now or forever hold their peace." Oh god, please stay quite. I take a quick glance over at Zero's family and to my surprise no-one raises the paws, oh thank god.

"Now Zero, do you take Drin, to be your husband. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, till death do you part?"

Taking a look deep into Zero's eyes, I notice a few tears starting to form. Giving a small nod he said, "I do."

"Now Drin, do you take Zero, to be your husband. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, till death do you part?"

I take a deep breath and rub Zero's fur between his thumb and finger lightly. The pause must have been longer than I thought because when I look back up at Zero, his smile has vanished and has been replaced by a look of worry.

"Drin, do you" asks the priest.

After another breath, I look back up at Zero, ""