The Serpent Curse - Chapter 4

So, what do you know about the reconciliation of snakes? the skeletal snake slithers past an intricate painting of a rainbow serpent flowing across the land.

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 8

Kiah: as reconciliation was once brought to mankind through jesus and the cross, so i seek to bring reconciliation, not sin, to snake-kind. cherubim: i fear you do not know that which you are getting yourself into.

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Famously effective double-talk to good practice, and the other will yield another day- troubled, but with feelings still, in a place where the sex is as often as the fighting, and the slow making up on the drive-way patios, smoking cigarettes and lingering in reconciliation


The Winter Lady [Lyrics]

The renewal of the sun is symbolized in the traditions surrounding the winter lady, which vary, but often include feasts and gift-giving, and which stress forgiveness and reconciliation.

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 5

That's the same cross where they say jesus died to bring reconciliation to humanity, isn't it? i saw a documentary once. kiah turns away from critter, fresh hurt on her face. kiah: at least humanity had reconciliation. int.

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The Serpent Curse - Epilogue

And perhaps that's reconciliation enough. and we close on kiah, a look of contentment on her face. fade out

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Epilogue

Tensions flared and emotions ran deep, though heeding the wisdom of the great lupin, char'ena, paved the way for reconciliation: "let past stay in past."

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Going Concerns (Chapter 3)

"before reconciliation. right. it gets withdrawn by a different branch. maybe several." "so it's being cashed through union without showing on any balances." he rubbed his chin. "that would require a lot of people to be in on it, though."

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A look at "Variables" by Roland Jovaik

He dodges what he perceives to be the issue for a while but gets no closer to a reconciliation. a spontaneous kiss doesn't make it any better either, as cory runs off with considerable finality.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

Ere this meeting can be happy much sorrow must be spoken, and much reconciliation, they each must make assurances, repeated, to the other that despite all appearances, they yet are not a monster.

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Lessons On Chains

They never talked about the reconciliations. the raccoon went back to his cat, and the old bear poured him coffee and didn't have to ask why. # "i'm making a mess now."

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A Bully's Kindness - Part 2 - Jay's Confusion

They went to church which lasted about four hours because was taking reconciliation. pots got this weird feeling when he saw the priest, his golden fur and crimson eyes.

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