
Story by Tavi on SoFurry

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That Fox is wearing that Raccoon's hat.

It's obvious what's going on here, there's a Raccoon with a narrow, waspish frame- arms entwined with the cross look of a disapproving girlfriend on his handsome face, brow tightly knit, eyes focused, peering with a stare of pure acidic daggers piercing the fox's skin within the coon's own mind. The kind of look only bred by knowing a particular someone's brand of bullshit a long time.


By an obviously suave Vulpes Vulpes, peering with a disarming look of practiced charm- stood confidently absolving his sins with a friendly grin. He seems to say 'Why are you so mad?' as he casually lights the Raccoon's cigarette, posture leaning forward- noses touching, his eyelids drooped half shut locked in an amorous stare, packed complete with an intolerably smug grin.

There has to be some kind of working relationship between these two. I mean, you don't just go up to a random stranger, press noses, and light that person's cigarette while shooting them a suggestive stare. You'd get socked in the face- Or have the cops called on you-'d get laid, but! the odds are you'd wind up in jail somehow by the end of the day.

I've worked it down to a few idea's as to what -possibly- could be happening here:

They're either Room-mates in a volatile relationship by which the Fox persistently puts back empty milk carton's, leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor, borrows the Raccoon's earphones without informing him, determinedly leaves empty soda can's on the coffee table, borrows his car without putting an adequate amount of gas in it when returning, takes out his game from the PS3 so he can play Black Ops II and leaves the Dark Souls disc data side down on the rug, and other things which ultimately end in tragedy.


They're star-crossed lovers, in a volatile relationship, eyes locked in confrontation in the latest twist in their adventurous though caustic mateship- severely hampered by one's backward attitude toward being in a monogamous union. So here they are, sharing yet another tense moment as they mount the crest of yet another bump on the ruinously patchy road that is their partnership, of which one will put his famously effective double-talk to good practice, and the other will yield another day- troubled, but with feelings still, in a place where the sex is as often as the fighting, and the slow making up on the drive-way patios, smoking cigarettes and lingering in reconciliation.


Or that Fox is wearing that Raccoons -fucking- hat , which he told him 10,000 -fucking- times he should not -fucking- wear, because he KNOWS it's his grandpas -fucking- wartime hat, and it's really disrespectful to pull it out of his FUCKING closet, and the fox really FUCKING needs to take it off right FUCKING - now before that Raccoon goes FUCKING nuts, seriously, James- I don't care if your friends can hear me, they're fucking losers anyways- why do you do this shit- Every day with you, you KNOW it PISSES me OFF, YOU DO IT TO PISS ME OFF, REALLY, JUST TAKE OFF THE HAT JAMES I'M SERIOUS.


Well it's up to you how you see it.

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