That Fox is wearing that Raccoon's hat. It's obvious what's going on here, there's a Raccoon with a narrow, waspish frame- arms entwined with the cross look of a disapproving girlfriend on his handsome face, brow tightly knit, eyes focused, peering...
Incalculable Vastness.
Have you ever been so lost or focused in thought that you became separate from your limbs? It's neat, isn't it? That rare kind of undistracted near meditative thinking that tends to come with being alone somewhere lonely. It's odd simply because you...
Lingering Melancholy
Arnie's tooth-pain has come down considerably. He still feels that he should see a dentist, though he hasn't worked enough hours to get insured by his company yet, and he's severely paranoid any further strain on his already tight budget will tip him...