Sunset on a Rooftop

As I sat atop the house, Staring into the clouds. Wind in my fur, Away from the crowds. The rustling of trees, And dance of the breeze, Calling me gently, My mind at ease. A day's troubles are forgotten, As I watch and see, The mighty...

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#1 of sunset of lies you never really know what you have until you lose it they say. they also say that you should always cherish what you have because you don't know when it will disappear or leave.

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Tran looked back out at the sunset. the sun had nearly vanished beneath the horizon and the sky was lit a blood-red that faded into a dark purple. the entire grassland before him was painted a warm red-orange.

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The red sun rolls towards the sea Its last glow tints the tower above The war is done. The land is free. The lion girds himself for love. Helmet and armour laid aside The heavy mane hangs splendidly He licks the blood clots from his...

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It was morning when the girl set out, a pack upon her back, a ticket in her hand on her eighteenth birthday the fae female's devotion to her parents was over. Her wings fluttered, eyes dripping a tear as she looked back at her home for the last...

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Oh pretty setting sun Of you there's only one Unless you travel out a few light years 'Cause out in space there's a ton

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Two Friends [Epilogue]

He stood up and looked down at tom's grave, then at the horizon and watched the sunset down below the trees. mark sighed as he remembered that he and tom would fish at the old bridge and watched the sunset down into the river.

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Lament for the Sunset

Fire shimmers on the glass As her hate and desire burns Glorious as the Sun, dark as the Moon The Stars are the only witness When her lust for power consumes Future days too bright The present night without a guide But the sister of a Moon...

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Eoraptor Sunset

But this too will pass, as it once had for those two eoraptors, standing to watch the sunset so long ago, so too will it pass for anyone who has ever lived to walk this earth.

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Caribbean Sunset

Their last sunset greeted the lovers, the sun flashing one last time... it grew dark as the stars appeared.

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Sunset Bound

#7 of hunter hunted sunset bound jimmy jumped from the window and landed below with the princess on his shoulder "bloody heavy for a princess if you ask me" he grunted.

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Sunset Dream

So i decided to share sunset dream she stands atop a stone. silhouetted in the dying rays of a setting sun. the verdant beauty of her forest home surrounding her lupine form. a ghost in gray and silver with eyes of beaten gold.