Being What You Eat
Slowly, inch by inch, the thick substance encased dave, replacing all sensation with thick warmth one inch at a time. soon, dave was encased in a ball of goo... waterdragon goo. as the time passed, dave moaned in distress.
Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 2-Return Of A Warrior
I reached out for it,but it was just inches out of my reach. that's when the feral began walking towards me. i reached as far as i could,even then,it was still just an inch out of my reach. i heard a paw step ino the sand just beside my head.
CJ's Got Fleas
The inching only grew worse, now stinging and nipping at him in multiple places at once.
The Scariest moment of my Life
If the piece of metal that struck me had been an inch to the right, i would be paralyzed. too many things could have happened to end my life that night.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 3
It was not only fascinating to watch but imparted a pleasant sensation as his opened tentacle ends stroked over every inch of his body.
Archie and Lu
Computer disk storage was fourteen inch diameter platters, in sets eight inches high, called 'disk packs'. ok, low cabinets, but still frakkin big. yeah, ibm made eight inch plastic diskettes, then five inch, then three-and-a-half.
Vore Night at The Painted Wolf
The shining coated lion was squirming her way out, inch by inch as the serpent was clearly playing with her.
I worry about you.
Jessica peered into the four inch long, half inch deep sword slice into toshubi's back. it ran just an inch to the left of the spine and extended slightly downward across the shoulder blade. jessica looked closely inside for any dirt or signs of poison.
normal. zero
His good eye was pure silver, but the other, clouded blue with blindness, sat embedded uselessly in the path of a scar that ran from a few inches above his temple to an inch onto his muzzle. the flesh was exposed, unable to grow a single hair.
Refliction: ChazeDown
I felt ashamed and scared at the same time as i inched closer to her. with each step, i took, the louder that meowing. until i stopped just inches away from her and all i could do was stare at her. then i looked up and fear struck me once again.
The Small Get Smaller
#29 of shrinking/micro the ych for micro may featuring the following characters in order of appearance. zeelo zeelo the two inch tall kitten kido kido the just under 2 inch tall arctic fox bestbetrolling metaxi the 6 inch tall fey prince goat littletex little
Dragon RP-Dragon Character Creator
Wings can be any where from 40ft long to 60ft long eyes most often bright blue,but can be any shade of yellow or very rarely green,red and orange crest is short,only two to three inches and rigid like spikes.