Refliction: ChazeDown

Story by SerpentLeaf on SoFurry

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Refliction: ChazeDown

The lights shut off; leaving me in the dark with no one around me. I was deeply afraid. Like those scary stories and dreams, you used to have when you were a child. Only this time, it's the real deal. I looked about upon my surroundings, noticing a few of the familiar things when there were lights. Dark red lockers were stretched out on both my sides, heading out deep into the horizon beyond as I looked back onto the stairs, noticing how the puddles were making things wet upon the stairs. "I wonder sometimes if it's difficult to walk up to them?" I asked myself, taking a step forth to the stairs. Planting my foot upon the first steps and stopped there also holding into the silver railing on my right side. I looked upward no voices were upstairs. It was as if I was truly alone in the school, which had brought up a thought in my head, "Where is everyone?"

I walked slowly upstairs, trying my best to avoid the water and puddles on the stairs. Cause one slip from puddle will throw me down onto the previous step or even worst... death. I shuttered upon this thought as if it was an enemy deep within my mind. For I knew that if someone was dead, save for video games of course, then there be no respawns... at all. Trying to block my thoughts of certain death, I haven't realized that I was on the second floor. Realizing, I grinned happily and threw my paws into the air as if I had earned some kind of achievement. Another thing I realized also was that I didn't run out of breath. But I chose to ignore that and searched my eyes around cupping my paws upon my mouth while I shouted for anyone's names, even those stranger cats that I do not know at all as I resumed my walkabout. Still, I make my way to the exit of the school grounds and stop just short of it. Shifting my attention towards the left side, I saw a secret passageway that leads into another hallway on the other side. Deciding to take my chance, I moved to it and reappeared on the other side.

From there, I looked onto the gates on my right. Seeing that the skies were gray there was no sun peaking from them. The water was auto strolling moving leftward towards some vent or sink that was close to them. But with this much water, it was deemed impossible for some vents to be holding this much waters on the road. With fear, I locked the door. In response, however, a single light came on behind me and I turned about noticing someone crying on the floor. It was another high school cat meowing for help. Her paws were on her face; tears were streaming down forming a droplet which dropped onto the grounds beneath her. I felt ashamed and scared at the same time as I inched closer to her. With each step, I took, the louder that meowing. Until I stopped just inches away from her and all I could do was stare at her. Then I looked up and fear struck me once again. I gasped but my mouth refuses to open and all that breathing came into my nose. It was a strange figure, dressed in a black cloak. Several specks of dust and powder partials were lingering onto its cloak. When it faced me, it had no face. Upon his hand was a black scythe and he doesn't look anything like the grim reaper mind you!

Nothing came from my mouth in response, all I could do was stare at him. The figure raises its paw up onto its neck. Slicing it through, I interpreted it and frowned finding myself whimpering. Afterward, he turned his back on me and fled. Leaving me with awed and shocked surprised that he had spared me than killing him. Although I was left in the dark, I shake myself to regain control of myself. I growled with anticipation and fled up onto where the figure once stood following him deep into the unknown part of the school where none other students were even supposed to be here. Maybe... maybe it was a bad idea at all. I mean, here I am inside the dark tunnels- I mean, hallways of the school with no way on getting out of here somehow. Still I continued my way onward, despite my thoughts telling me not to pressed on. I came across something ahead of me that I stopped peering my eyes as I take a precaution step. I stared onto what seems to be a painting which met my eyes. It was idle yet creepy now that I had thought about it as I inched myself forward towards the painting, daring not to meet his eyes once again. I still couldn't help it and here we are, faced to face with one another as if we're having some kind of showdown. But I let the painting win and turned the corner of one of the hidden hallways disappearing... "Was that it?" I thought to myself often times gazing behind me hoping to see that painting not again.

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