Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 2-Return Of A Warrior
#2 of Shadow Of Chernobyl
It started with a simple assassination mission. We were sent to hunt down a notorious arms dealer known only as "The Jackal". He was making a deal in the dead city of Chernobyl. Rumors around had it that strange things had been happening lately. Disappearances, strange noises and the like. We didn't think we'd have a problem. We were dead wrong.
I woke a few hours later. Looking out the window behind me,I could see that it was at least two in the afternoon. There was still a long way to go before we hit Echo,and despite sleeping for the past six hours,I was exhausted. The only ones who were awake were me,the white,red and blue Feral Shadow and two others,the large brown one and a black and red wingless dragon.
"You okay kid?",the black and red Feral asked,"looking kinda nervous."
"As hell",I replied,"this is my first mission and I'm straight outta basic."
The Feral laughed.
'What's so funny?" I asked him.
"I was in your exact spot years ago",he replied.
"You were?"
"Yeah,we had just been placed in squads and then General Holland tells me were going straight to Iraq."
The Feral continued,telling me that he'd gone on his first combat mission less than a half hour after arriving at Fire base Leatherneck. Not only that,but his team was the first to face Mk-2260 Scale Piercing ammunition,otherwise known as DK. Later that night,two of his friends were killed.
"So what's your story?" A female Anthro with then asked me. If her scales were blue and tan,then she'd look exactly like my Mom.
"I'm supposed to hunt down an arms dealer known as The Jackal." I replied.
The brown Feral laughed,"Us too",he said.
"I didn't get your names",I said.
"I'm Tyro Serelth",The brown Feral said,"this is Mnerloth Firechaser,Taro Salanath and his son Shadow."
My eyes went wide. My father was member of Raven way back when,he'd been there when Tyro and Shadow had killed the traitor General Wei. I had always idolized them,and now,they were sitting six feet from me. It was like a dream come true.
"You guys are Raven Squad! Your my hero's!"
Tyro laughed,"What's your name kid?"
"Tanner Volarn",I replied.
"Syralth",Taro said,"look at what your son has gotten himself into."
"Holy shit",I said smiling,"Taro Salanth is right in front of me."
"You talk as if were legends or some shit,"Shadow said.
"You are!" I replied with a smile,"Dad's always told me war stories about you sir."
Shadow laughed,"Did your Dad ever tell you about how you came along?"
"No sir",I replied.
"Well your Dad was drunk off his tail",Taro replied,"and your Mother gave him a once over."
I was about to laugh when the C-260 shook violently,instantly knocking everyone awake.
"What the hell is going on?!?" Taro commanded.
"Incoming AA fire!",The pilot yelled.
The plane shook violently as the AA fire ripped through the fuselage. Some of the rounds hit humans,killing them instantly,while others lost limbs. A few of the Ferals were hit,killing them as well. A loud explosion suddenly rang in my ears,next thing I know,I'm flying towards the back of the plane,which had been ripped off. Just inches from certain death,I felt a paw close around the back of my vest.
"I gotcha kid!" Taro yelled over the wind.
With a grunt Taro hauled me back into the plane. Other's weren't so lucky,many of the humans and a wingless Feral were thrown from the plane to their deaths,screaming on the way down. The plane lurched again and there was a very loud,ear splitting SNAP.
"We just lost the left wing!"the pilot screamed,"brace for impact!"
The 260 began a rapid descent,the entire hull shaking and rattling.
"Surface to air missiles!" Mnerloth shouted.
I looked out the back of the plane to see sixmissiles flying towards us. I closed my eyes,there was no way I was making it out of this one. I felt a paw on my shoulder,I looked to see Taro staring at me. It was the last thing I saw before the missiles impacted.
I came too sometime later. I looked around. The flaming wreckage of the 260 was all around me. There was a sudden sting in my eyes and I realized we were in the middle of a sandstorm. With a bit of difficulty,I managed to warp my Shemagh around my head and put on my sunglasses. I could see Tyro,Taro,Shadow and Mnerloth laying a few feet away from me. I couldn't tell if they were dead or not. As my mind slowly came back,I attempted to stand,but collapsed onto my back again. I could tell from the pain in my left leg that it was broken in mre than a few places.
"Great,"I thought,"this is the last thing I need."
That's when I began to hear the footsteps. I turned to see a Feral poking around the wreckage.
He was warped up in the same warps that the Taliban use,mostly tan and white. He looked to be about ten feet long and seven feet tall. He had two horns that curved backwards at the top of his head and two more jutting out the side of his muzzle that looked like hooks. Not only that,but he had large,six inch long spikes jutting from his neck,back and tail and his tail looked like a medieval mace He was also wearing a 105 Howitzer vest,it looked old and well used,but was still in good shape.
I got scared,and then I noticed that my AR was laying beside me. I reached out for it,but it was just inches out of my reach. That's when the Feral began walking towards me. I reached as far as I could,even then,it was still just an inch out of my reach. I heard a paw step ino the sand just beside my head. I turned to see the Feral looking down at me. His eyes were covered by sunglasses,I could see my reflection on the lenses. It was the last thing I saw before passing out again.
When I woke,I was laying on a bed in a large room.
"Was wondering when you'd wake up",Taro's voice came from beside me.
I looked to see him laying on a large,dog bed type thing in the corner. His left fore paw was in a split and covered in medical warp. He had a long gash on his back that had been stitched closed. Shadow was laying next to his Dad,with a long stitch going down his tail. Tyro was in another corner of the room,it didn't look like he was hurt too badly,but his right wing was in a splint and there was a small bandage on his chest. Mnerloth was sitting by the door with her right arm in a cast.
"Did anyone see who rescued us?" Tyro asked.
"I didn't see anything",Taro said.
"Me either",Shadow said,"but whoever he was is a good medic,I've had combat doctor's who couldn't do this good a job."
"I did." I replied.
"You did?" Menrloth asked.
"Yeah,he was a huge Feral,ten feet long,seven feet tall and he had all kinds of spikes."
I checked my leg,it was in a metal splint and covered in medical warp,and I could tell it was wrapped up under the splint as well.
"God this hurts." I said laying my head back down.
"Yeah"Shadow said,"broken bones hurt like shit." Taro was about to say something when the door slid open and the Feral who'd rescued us stepped in,still wrapped up.
"You are all very,very lucky to have survived that wreck,he sent men to kill any survivors,it was only by the grace of God that I got there when I did."He voice was deep,but raspy at the same time. Kinda creepy if you ask me.
"Thank your for rescuing us",Shadow said,"but,who are you."
The Feral began to unwrap his head. He had grey scales and blue eyes. A huge scar wrapped around his face,looking like it was from a burn. A large claw mark traced down the let side of his face and his left eye was a cloudy grey. Taro looked at the Feral for a minute,and then his eyes went wide,he looked like he'd been stabbed in the chest.