Vore Night at The Painted Wolf

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#18 of Personal Works

Summary: Gemini puts on a show for his audience, demonstrating a product that will allow one to survive being swallowed whole. Though the 'prey' demonstrating the suit is not wholly on board with the idea.

Word count: 3107

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"Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes as our special guest... eyes his feast." The white wolf announced with a laugh over the microphone, dancing away. The light catching the shining green paint shaped like lizards scales around his face and shoulders. Stepping away from the stand that held the microphone, Gemini approached a shining figure beside him, a collar circled the squirming quadruped's neck, chained to the floor to hold them on the stage. Directing its head with one hand, he turned it to the far door as it opened and a monstrous serpent slid forth. Deep green, with brighter green diamonds along its back, and a strange nearly purple underbelly. The true peculiarity other than it's giant size was the way that the tail didn't gradually taper down, but instead came to a shallow rounded point, giving a hint of what lay concealed for the moment.

This far from the microphone, nothing he said could be heard by the audience, and they were busy watching the colossal serpent slide forward. "Be a good kitty and submit to it yes, Ofenna?" He whispered, brushing his hands on the lioness' back.

She growled out at him, encased in a white rubber suit with a tinted visor that let her see out, though her mouth was stuffed up by a thick gag underneath a jaw-tight muzzle.

"Ah, temper temper, if you want to turn back to an anthro you'll just have to perform. Or I could keep you as a mascot, your choice." He grinned, looking over to a corner of the club where a large rubber statue stood, the threat clear to her as Ofenna had seen who was trapped inside it. Besides, if the wolf could be believed, the glue they'd used to trap her in the suit could only be dissolved by her... performance.

The large snake had halted, rearing up to size up the figures before him. His name was Ourodas, and though he acted the part of mute beast for now, his knowing eyes flicked to Gemini's. The wolf gave a small nod as he unhooked the chain from Ofenna's collar and slapped her rump, sending her skittering forward with another growl. Ourodas was already responding, sliding his scaly bulk against the glass walls erected for the night's act, but the serpent was careful with how his body fell. Making sure to allow the audience to see as he slowly closed in on the defiant lioness.

Gemini meanwhile sprang back to the microphone, the podium raising into the air to help him get a better view as he began his commentary. "Don't worry folks, as we promised, the lioness is fully sapient and dressed in our special suit!" The part he was advertising had been the key component of tonight's entertainment. Not just to watch the hopelessly outmatched lioness, but to see this demonstration of a suit that would allegedly allow one to be swallowed whole and pass through any suitably large creature untouched.

Ofenna's version contained further modifications, however, her paws in round and thick mitts to cover her claws and the mask over her head hid all traces of the gag. Plus, the sheer size of the deep-green constrictor would have made her attempts to scratch moot. In all, she was powerless, a feeling that only grew as Ourodas slid his tail round in slowly smaller circles.

"It seems our lioness has lost before she's even begun, but I'm sure she won't disappoint us too much." He said, eyes sharply on Ofenna. The words seemed to make her wince, and she sprang forward, jumping toward the snake's head. He dodged back, raising the neck of his body forward to catch her instead. Watching almost passively as she hit the soft underbelly and slid down with little impact. His tail slipped out, almost thick enough to press around her entire belly on its own as it wrapped and pulled her down to the ground. The audience were far more excited now that action had started, some rising out of their seats to watch. The shining coated lion was squirming her way out, inch by inch as the serpent was clearly playing with her. Once she scrabbled free her hefty paws and even the tip of her muzzle came to bear against him, trying instinctively to bite and claw, though all she did was depress the scaly hide. The tip of his tail raised up into the air, hovering over her for a moment.

"Oh, what's this? Our guest is going to show us why he's special already! Such a treat you're in for, my dears." Gemini chirped. On cue, the tip of Ourodas' tail split open, revealing a deep indigo maw of its own which dripped with a strange sticky slime. Ofenna looked up, eyes widening behind the visor as the tail slammed down with an unnatural speed.

The tail-maw's tight lips grasped behind her ears, holding tight around her neck. Her paws came up trying to leverage herself out by pushing with them and pulling her head, but the snake's grasp didn't so much as slip. Instead he twirled his tail in the air, dragging her around all over the place as he held on tightly.

His tail-lips pulled her up until she was on her hind legs, whilst around her, his body grew in length while getting slimmer in bulk. His maw opened, letting her head drop from it, with sticky strands of the goo still clinging to the mask, but before she could react to the sudden return of light, his coils clamped down around her. Winding thrice around her chest and paws with another slim, living cable running between her legs. Showing they still possessed considerable strength, he effortlessly resisted her squirms and picked her up until her belly was shown to the crowd.

"Wow, the little kitten is just a toy for this beast, truly this meal will test the suit's limits!" Gemini shouted, putting on an act of seeming tension and fascination. The snake turned so that his face was away from the crowds as he gave Ofenna a predatory grin, squeezing her once more, making the rubber squeak around the luckless lioness. She grunted as her legs were squeezed together and her form was raised higher still. Ourodas slid his head around like a circling shark until he judged he was in the best spot for the audience, and then his face split open wide. "Oh my, if I didn't know better I'd think this spells the end for the feline."

A few gentler members of the audience were taking the cue to turn away or cover their eyes, as the coiled package of the lion was pulled closer, rear first toward the mouth. She could only see the audience's reaction, held too tight to turn as a new, encompassing pressure reached her rear paws.

The snake's tongue flicked out, helping to guide the shiny white suited lion in as his coils slowly receded, squeezing the defiance out of her. When parted he let them grow shorter and thicker once more, the tail maw hovering away from the lioness' face in mockery as it followed her down.

Past her hips, up to her chest, the squeeze around Ofenna grew worse as the great serpent started to swallow over her. Even now he was taking his time. Ourodas' tail maw snapped shut to a small tip which pushed a still struggling forepaw down his throat. Fleshy walls squashed soft yet firm around Ofenna as he once again manipulated his body to narrow it down, showing the audience what was taking place in the throat by turning her from a bulge into a slightly more shapely form of struggling limbs. The back of his throat slipped past her shoulders and he stopped, holding her there, just her neck and head in the air as he kept his own jaw dislocated. He turned to look at the crows, forcing her to do likewise, saliva dripping onto the visor from his hunger to finish the job. By now the audience was enthralled enough to suspend their disbelief that he was just some mindless beast, the only pity, he thought, was with her head so covered they couldn't see Ofenna's reactions. Though he himself let out a soft throaty chuckle as her growls had turned to desperate mewls. Apparently even she didn't trust the suit to work.

"Oh, dear me, it's time to say a hopefully temporary goodbye to one of our performers. But at least she tried!" Gemini said quickly muting the microphone to stop his sadistic cackle getting through too clearly. The snake rehinged his jaw, took a few seconds and then slammed it shut, casting Ofenna into pitch blackness. Ourodas's tongue slipped over her nostrils, smearing them with a strange gel that would still keep her able to breathe. After all, the snake liked his prey squirming for as long as possible.

Even Gemini's announcements were soon dulled by the thick walls that surrounded her, that tongue playfully poked her snout, pressing as she was pulled slowly in, down the throat. Her front paws were pinned below her chest and the rear set were clamped tightly together by the hungry fleshy interior of the great serpent. She felt him moving, rising higher into the air, stretching to let gravity aid her slow descent until she had slipped a good three feet away from his head. The walls squeezed constantly, groaning and gurgling around her. The many creases and folds rubbed thickly as the powerful gullet smoothed her encased self deeper and deeper.

The lioness was scrabbling as best she could, paws wiggling ineffectually and only her hips and chest making any movement worthy of the name. That said, they did little except entertain her devourer and the audience. She felt herself getting unnaturally exhausted, far faster than she ought to be, and the fully enveloping massage, pressing in even through the hefty rubber suit, was only adding to that drain.

Outside, the audience were starting to drift, they'd watched the struggling shape inch by inch, but the passage was slow enough that the most impatient were turning their attentions elsewhere. There were still plenty of keen watchers though, some amused by the show, others even envious, holding their breath to see if the demonstration would bear fruit. As if he wanted to get more attention, Ourodas changed his tactic, his tree-thick coils shrank a little, turning the faint bulge into a more distinct one yet again, still thick enough that every part of the lioness was rounded, but with the new elasticity, her struggles were far more visible. "She's giving it her all, despite how pointless it is!" The wolf announced, egging on the crowd by following with "Show her your support! Cheer if you want her to escape the beasts clutches, or if you're the more ... intense, clap if you hope our product fails and she becomes just another inch on that beasts' girth."

With the walls thinned Ofenna could hear the crowd's din, and a small pit in her belly formed when she heard that there were still come clapping loudly, although the majority cheered. Taking another inspired cue, Ourodas stilled himself, weakening his grasp and, to the audiences delight, the lion was slowly crawling forward, shouldering her way back toward the head. She nearly managed to get all four of her legs under her as she started her efforts. Indeed she painstakingly made her way about a foot forward, only for the snake to resume his own meal and push back. The resulting pressure stole easily three times the progress she'd made in a mere moment. "Well Ladies, Gents, that about wraps up the action of the show! Please feel free to watch, to mingle, or relax to your content! We'll see how the pair are getting along later this evening."

Gemini sprung onto the handrail, rather than the stairs down from his podium, sweeping dramatically as he walked to the hatchway that would permit him to exit the enclosed stage. He'd love to watch either outcome, but alas, the Painted Wolf club called its manager to ensure things went just as smoothly off stage.

With the audience busying themselves in other ways, Ourodas let his body expand to the point that was most comfortable for such large prey, coiling and flopping on the floor to relax as the protesting lioness was squeezed deeper.

It was hours later, the unfortunate Ofenna squeezed every inch along his colossal body when Gemini returned to his microphone, quick to call back the rest of the audience to stare. "And now the finale, one way or another we will see a victory, will it be the serpent's or will it be our product?" He called. The tension in the room was palpable, Ofenna's motions had stopped so long ago that murmurs had already circulated as to her untimely demise, where others adamantly believed she must have simply been exhausted. Ourodas raised his large tail up, the maw at the tip splitting as the lioness inside was kneaded forward.

She'd been further compressed, folded over into a fetal position instead of the stretched form that had travelled down, and with a thick pulsing press, the tail spat. Shocked gasps came as the limp form of the lioness, coated in a thick slime from his tail, bounced on the floor. Ourodas had been careful to keep the coating relatively thin, rather than forming the thick membrane shell that he could use to trap prey for later. As such Ofenna was quite visible, the suit fully intact and shining as it was when she first wore it.

The room stilled, hushed and quiet as they looked on, silent seconds stretching out before there was a twitch, and then a shuffle from the feline. The crowd let out an excited cheer. "You see, my darlings? The lion entered, swallowed whole by a voracious monster and yet, thanks to our special suit, she has exited unharmed and healthy!" Ofenna was stirring a little more, yet still unable to hold her own weight on fatigued legs.

"With that, I announce this suit as available for commercial rent! For those of you who've ever daydreamed of being ingested, but still wish to continue living afterwards... well, The Painted Wolf now has the answer, but do hurry as this serpent and others like him will only be here for a limited time!"

As he made his salesman's speech, the far door of the chamber was opened, the snake directed back to his room and then several members of staff dragging Ofenna off stage.

True to Gemini's word, the passage down the snake had weakened the sealing line along the suit's back, and the staff peeled the rubber away, dropping the tan furred feline out of it in the same room as the snake. When the wolf came backstage at last to congratulate them, she'd regained enough of her faculties back to be able to sit and talk.

"Well, here you are my dears, a wonderful show." He declared, applauding.

Ourodas brought his head round, flatly staring at the flamboyant wolf, "I still don't understand the ploy at work here. It would be just as safe to send these willing fools to my gullet naked, and plenty more enjoyable for many." In private the guise of ignorant beast had fallen away and the serpent was even smirking.

"And yet, my coiling comrade," he responded with a wry smile. "The costs of a full body suit are negligible when you compare what we'll make. Not just in booking the session, for we simply hike the price up to make them believe that they are getting some special product instead of standard latex."

The snake tilted his head, the closest the serpent could come to a shrug. "If you say so. I'm fine with simply being fed, I suppose."

"It's all part of the-"

"G-Gemini! Turn me back already." Ofenna shouted out, their banter of little interest to her. The wolf grimaced at being interrupted, his hand flicking a gesture in the snake's direction, implying they'd talk more later. He squatted down in front of the lioness.

"Turn you back? Oh dear, you thought I could do that? No I was just saying that if you didn't do your part... well, we might have had a failed test." He said, smirking with utmost condescension.

"You! You lied, then?!" She said, eyes widening and lips peeling back in a snarl.

"Oh, hardly, you can find a way to change back now, on your own, whereas if you were a corpse... that would be impossible. Savvy?" He said, straightening up and raising his chin in a smug grin.

The rage in Ofenna boiled up and she lunged forward for that exposed throat, only for the wolf to dodge as if he'd been predicting, nay, baiting the attack. Instead her lips slipped uselessly over a scaly coil as Ourodas intervened to protect Gemini. His body swiftly twisted around her own, pulling her away and squeezing down.

"Oh, it looks like I left you with more energy than I thought. I guess that means we can have a round two, and I get to feel you without that silly rubber getting in the way." The serpent crooned, leaning forward.

"Nnngh, no, g-get off me, this isn't a performance now, I did my bit!" She huffed her shoulders squirming. The snake responded with a tight gripping squeeze making her cry at the sudden strain.

"Technically, you're contractually working for me, and I don't allow my employees to act out so without some reparations." Gemini spoke out, pouting in feigned injury. "I'll let Ourodas here give you some discipline, do be sure to keep her alive, of course. But feel free to keep going until she's learned her lesson."

"Mmm, it would be my pleasure, always happy for bonus payment." The snake replied. Squeezing once more to constrict his prey. "But if you'll excuse me, I'd rather enjoy this time in private."

"Look! I'm sorry, don't pass me through that wringer again, at least give me a break!" She whined, before Ourodas tail tip slimmed and slithered over her muzzle, squeezing it shut.

Gemini was already leaving and turned to give one little smile. "I have to go clean up. But if you need anything I'll be back soon, just shout out. Oh, and I mean Ourodas of course, not you, kitty." The door shut gently behind him, and Ofenna heard the light click of Ourodas' jaw unhinging. It would be a drawn out punishment...

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