Candy Fiend Showdown

"could you explain that a little better?" snowheart asked. "there are spirits in this world that only children can see." sammie explained. "i'm one of them. we take many forms.

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A guide to understanding COC

To explain the censorship so you do not become confused when you see it, i will explain and use an example.

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A New Life in a New Body: Unfortunate Circumstance

Here ill go and explain this whole situation to her," she said and hurried off to explain what happened.

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Chapter IV: First Time Explorers

Outside, the spider took them all on a tour of the humble village, and explained that there were many of these villages, and some larger cities, all across the planet, or so james explained to mark, who didn't understand any of the things being said.


Primrose Valley: What's Xmas

The orange espeon, as he did with all his powers, explained this as if it was a normal everyday thing.

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Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 6

He explained. and he explained everything that happened next. to judy's creeping dread he didn't leave a single bit of it out.

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Heading Home

I could tell that luca was feeling a bit left out, and i suddenly remembered that we had never explained luca's ability to mother. so i brought luca's wave guidance up in my story and explained it to mom as best i could.

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029 - Prime pt.12

Sawyer explains. -well maybe you're somewhere in-between? i mean that's what i am. explains butters. rosie looks up at butters with a sense of intrigue, i guess she never thought to ask that about them until now.

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