A New Life in a New Body: Unfortunate Circumstance
#14 of NLNB
A New Life in a New Body
Unfortunate Circumstance
Here was the first woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She walked closer to me. I had lost all feelings for her over the years. I don't know if she had or not, but the way she looked at me I think she hadn't. Not a good time to run into her, after all I just proposed to Lisa.
"I haven't seen you in five years, How have you been," she asked in a seductive tone. "It was if you were dead to the world. I talked to thousands of people, none of them knew who you were."
"Impressive huh," I said smugly.
"Well yes it is quite impressive. I was an intelligence operative and I knew how to find just about anybody." She said defeated.
"Well, don't beat yourself up about it I hid from a lot of people even my own family," I said in a more civilized tone.
"Well anyway good job," she said and kissed me on the cheek,"
"What the Hell," Lisa yelled. "You sick little slime ball! You have been cheating on me this entire time I trusted you! I loved you! I would have died for you well now you can just go to hell!"
"No it's nothing like tha-" I tried to explain, but she had stormed off in a huff.
"Who was that," Sherry asked.
"That was my girlfriend, but now I think that might have an ex- in front of it," I replied distraught.
"Oh, so she just assumed that, oops sorry. Here ill go and explain this whole situation to her," she said and hurried off to explain what happened.
Oh that will go over perfectly my ex-girlfriend talking to my soon to be ex-girlfriend. Lisa has no idea who she will be talking to. Sherry isn't the kind that welcomes any insult. Which is one of the reasons I liked her anyway, strong independent type.
The nerve of him, cheating on me with some cheap bimbo! I loved him but after this... Well I don't rightly know. I feel betrayed, and in some ways violated. This isn't like me, but that has never happened to me before in my life. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.
"You," I said angrily, "What the hell do you want!"
"Look I hadn't seen him in five years, I didn't even know he was with someone," she said.
"Oh, so that gives you the right to kiss him, you bitch," I replied angrily.
Her paw bundled up into a fist. She then raised it, and was about to hit me. Then she put her arm down. I wanted to know why but my instincts told me I wouldn't like the answer. Then as if seeing my confusion she explained.
"I won't hit you this time. You mean a lot to him you know," She said.
"Sorry who are you," I asked.
"Sherry," she replied.
"Well, Sherry how would you know that," I asked.
"We met back in basic. We knew each other for a good five years. He was in love with me a little after basic. We dated for four years; you learn to read someone pretty well after a while. I saw the look in his eyes after you left they had despair written in them," she explained.
"Are you sure that he loves me," I asked doubtfully.
"With all and more of his heart," Sherry replied confidently.
She and I walked back to the room. I feel so embarrassed I had flown off the handle and made him feel like crap. I won't apologize I have nothing to be sorry for but maybe he won't see it that way...