001 - The Fable Of Feigh!

I remember having a pretty okay life, which is a great life for a socially weird autistic kid.

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Ryan Dalmatian

Even though he's autistic, he's still a fun loving dalmatian.

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Tales from English Class

Be friendly to anyone you know that is on the autistic spectrum. my brother has autism, and bullies have been giving him nothing but hell since fifth grade. a lot of these bullying accounts are pulled directly from my and my siblings' lives.

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Monstrous Fangs

Just because i'm autistic doesn't mean i'm a freak. one day i'll prove to them that i'm more than they'll ever be, and when they come to me demanding attention i'll slam the door in their faces." "excuse me, young man.



On top of this he found out he was autistic after he turned 15, but despite all this he was smart and did the moral thing if something came up and continues to use his art skills to his advantage.


[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 01

The monster theorises it's the unfortunate side effect of being both an autistic in their late 20s and being a squirrel, also in their late 20s.

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[Character Profile] Seiryu-ou

Gender type: male »nickname(s): sei, ryu-ou »orientation: dominant (top) »occupation: keeper of the eastern throne ============================== **¤personality¤** ============================== »outlook: stoic »attitude: enigmatic »nature: autist

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010 - Oh! Even In The Grave! pt.02

Maybe it's the autistic urge to throw up at the thought of small talk, but this convo was free, there was no worry about running out of 'spoons' here this was easy... perhaps too easy. butters couldn't shake the feeling they were doing something 'wrong'.

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A gift you can't refuse

"that's impossible, he's autistic..." he paused. "did he had a crisis?" he suggested, also trying to convince himself that his boy could do such a terrible thing.

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041 - The Fool pt.01

We're all autistic here, textures are like... our love language right? ell's head tilts slightly again as she stares into space. she can't quite process ambers statement. -i dunno what you mean, my back is a sausage?

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Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]

Thursday prompt story: this week's word is... exponential i was planning on getting this finalized by friday but it appears my lovely autistic brain felt like being depressed on that same day and completely crushed my mood.

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Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend Chapter 2

No one lives to be 25 with sato-autistic-mutagenic-disorder. there is a hole in his 'cortex the size of a pinecone. we don't know how he is alive at all." bird pulls away. "i'm sorry ms. sagata i will be back shortly."

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