Axolotl Eternity

#1 of axolotl eternity (i couldn't find a perfect title, so here is one named after a sonic cd soundtrack, but with cosmic replaced.)

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044 - The Fool pt.04

Turning around the axolotl sees in her friends paws a small bottle of extract. -stick this in it, they brought it the other day to give their milkshakes that nutty taste they like. explains chloe.

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The Last Resort Story - Prologue (text)

They were an otter, an orca and an axolotl, and they all stopped in the swirling tide line that pulsed between bare sand and ankle-deep foam, discussing deeply.


041 - The Fool pt.01

Sebastian was the first one to give ell an actual vocal reply, after giving a bit of sigh towards the axolotl. -welcome back home. but also: what are you even doing here!? did you not run into trouble on the way back?

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004 - The World pt.03

Suddenly the axolotl that's been glued to her phone this whole time speaks up: -are you, lousid? i thought you would've been super busy with your theyfriend and their girlfriend? -lousid sighs a little.

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Bunny and Jupiter - Writing Prompt for Hyenaglasses

"you're part axolotl for pete's sake. pretty sure they don't grow on trees." muttered bunny as she daintily dipped a toe into the lukewarm water and sighed. "still not going to join me?"

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045 - The Fool pt.05

Butters parks their keister on their desk chair as they gaze down at the axolotl and began to tell her... well, everything honestly.

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[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 01

The faucet runs cold water down the Monsters paw, as they try and concentrate on the cooling sensation now crawling through their claws, as they can feel their fur getting more and more wet. They take deep breaths. Iiiiiiiiinnnnnnn Aanndd ...

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Tin Can Radio Sports

"i think it's an axolotl?" bob suggested. "whatever it is, it's very pink and has these cool face things. then we've got avians in the outfield and a bear playing catcher! and i appear to be a coyote now." "fox."

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