My work from last year found it

autum comes, running, hawk crows sparrows, death aproches winter takes away. holding your hand child nomore, nothing compairs comes to the world, her at your side autum shower. arne death, time, haunts the evning no mater to me whatching...

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044 - The Fool pt.04

Chloe stretches out their back, while also tending to their triceps as they approach the living room. She notices that the entire room has been cleared out, meaning Lousid and his partners must've headed back to his room in the basement. Mercifully a...

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What if we find out

I had never heard of these chemicals before, but i did know how to find out. i reached and grabbed the flask labeled procyon lotor, tossed it into my bag along with a few of the papers.

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Do You Want To Find Out How I Got My Nickname: "Orion the Protector?"

The sea is as unforgiving as she is bountiful. A storm, thousands of miles away in the southeast pacific or southern Baja, Mexico, could send waves of unforeseen magnitude and speed that reach American shores one or two days within predictions. Unlike...

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The Unsolved Mystery (Coming Soon)

He gets curious and heads to the police station to find out the report of his parents. he finds out that his parents and sibling's bodies were never found, but the blood was there and all the signs of struggle.

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Vagabond - Chapter 2

What-" "no one was supposed to find out like that, and then-" "okay, stop. calm down, and explain." "no one was supposed to find out, and even if they did, it wasn't supposed to be like this!" "find out what?" "you know what!"

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2:13 A Vixen's Ultimatum

As much as it concerned her, jenna knew she had to find out. because she was very afraid that one night, alias might not return at all.

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D.E1 Chapter 23: Supernova II

We are there already, we will find out what we need to find out and then get out of that place; the sooner, the better." "find out what?!" titan confronted his sister. silver opened her muzzle to speak but words didn't come out for a second.

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The Observer Stories Log 3

I always find out the truth. and if i find out, then so too does the source. at least that's how suoh keeps its bills so low. they know how to recycle people well. why throw away life as it is precious to waste what is already wasted?

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Fantasy Story Outline

About whereabouts of mang - robert answers that he does not know - alessio storms off - robert finds out alessio is retired - alessio calms down - they talk about the enemies movements - they kid about roberts childhood hat -

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In The Night

She needed to find out what had happened to her family. she also needed to find out who exactly she was. for some reason, the details in her nightmare were the only things she could remember about her life before meeting keahi. she needed to find out.

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Vilanova's tale behind his regret

Vilanova returned for his grandfather only to find out this was all planned by both his grandmother and biological father.

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