Vagabond - Chapter 2

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#3 of Vagabond

The second chapter to the book. I'm slowly making edits to these as I go, so bare with me. Feel free to leave feed back, or if I should even bother continuing with this book.

"I'm not telling that!" Me and my friends were playing Truth or Dare after lunch. It had been a few weeks since Kyle had asked about Kiari, and I'd basically pushed it to the back of my mind. I lucked out this year, actually. My classes are in a sensible order for navigating the halls and stair wells, I got first lunch, and I won't have any class changes!

The thing about my group is that everyone has someone else to look like, except me. Titus, Alan, and Derek are all hyenas with similar builds and colors. Alan and Derek are actually twins, the only difference being that Derek's eyes are so brown they look black, as opposed to Alan's bright blue eyes. Marko and Kiari are like second cousins or something, so they look a lot alike, with the same eye color even. They're bright yellow lions with black markings on their faces that resembled those of a cheetah, but they say they're lions. I don't know either.

I stand out in the group as this bright pink and purple wolf that looks like some gay ass idiot compared to them. My fur is pink and magenta, but I've got bands of gold along the edges of my ears, which just adds to the target practice any bully could use. Lucky for me, no one trusts a guy who's brother and parental gaurdian used to work at a strip club.

That actually kinda fucked up my life. I mean, even though a few friends trusted me enough to let me stay at their place or come over, their parents hated the premise that they might have to be within fifty feet of Kyle or his little brother. Baby sitters avoided him, so I ended up getting pretty close to Seth, who's like Titus's uncle or something. Seriously, there's like a hyena infestation in Amberstone City.

"Come on, Kiari, you said truth. Now tell us, who do you have a crush on?" Titus was a little bent on finding out.

"I'll answer anything but that."

"It's one of us, isn't it?!" [Alan] I bet all the guys in the group had a crush on her. Great, moment of truth.

"Is it too late to choose Dare?"

"Oh yeah, way too late!" [Derek]

"Come, on guys. She doesn't wanna tell, then she doesn't wanna tell." [Marko]

"Oh, yeah. Says the gay guy!" [Alan]

"I ain't gay!"

"Tanner!" [Kiari]

"Wait who'd you say?" [Titus]

"Not saying it twice!"

"Dammit, Marko, now we'll never know!" [Derek]

"Okay, Tanner's turn." [Kiari]

"Oh, okay. Dare." [Me]

"Okay... I dare you, to play gay chicken,-"


"With Marko!"

"What?!" [Marko] Dammit, really Kiari?

"You're always trying to prove you aren't gay!" [Kiari]

"Yeah, but this isn't a good way. I mean, he's got a gay brother!"

"What, scared you gonna lose gay chicken to a straight guy?"

"He's probably gay himself!"

"No, I know he's not gay. He's actually a bit of a homophobe."

"And he lives with-"

"Scared you gonna lose to a homophobe?!"

"God dammit!"

"Go on, get up you two!"

We got up and stood in a bit of a clearing next to the table. He reached his arm over and we kinda hesitantly hugged. He patted my back and I patted his. We were both waiting for the other to give in, or to do something incredibly stupid and gross. I turned and gave him a little kiss on the cheek, and he grabbed me and held me downward. He leaned over and gave me a big fat kiss on the lips, which freaked me out, so I fell to the ground with a hard thud.

"What the hell!?" [Me] God, this is really embarrasing, everyone just started laughing, at both of us.

"Well now we know Marko's gay!" [Alan]

"I'm not gay!"

"Says the guy who dove for the kiss." [Derek] Marko's face was a deep red, mine probably was, too.

"I'm not gay!" He stormed off, some of the tables around ours were laughing at the whole thing.

The bell went off, Thank god, saved by the bell!

My next class was with Marko, which would be pretty awkward. I got there before him, but when he sat down, he instantly put his head down. I thought I heard him pant a little, like he was crying. "Hey, Marko, you okay?"


"Okay, could you repeat that in english?"

He lifted his head up, and I saw tears streaming down his face, "This isn't how it was supposed to happen!"

"How... What-"

"No one was supposed to find out like that, and then-"

"Okay, stop. Calm down, and explain."

"No one was supposed to find out, and even if they did, it wasn't supposed to be like this!"

"Find out what?"

"You know what!"

"What, it's not like you're actually... Oh."

"Yeah. That's right. And now everyone's gonna find out!"

"Do your parent's know?"

"Yeah, they agreed that I should keep it under tight wraps, don't let anyone find out, but now everyone knows!"

"Well, honestly, it was just a joke. They'll tease you for it, but they won't actually believe it."

"And you promise not to tell?"

"Tell what?" Vincent has a different lunch then us, but we still have sixth period together. Vincent's a nerd. Not in a bad way, but like the ultimate concoction of a freakishly preppy boy- not like a jock, just... preppy- and a totaly nerd. So basically if a cheer leader and young Steven Hawkings had a kid, this was him. Speaking of hawks, that's what he was. I think. I get all the birds mixed up and stuff, but he's got brown feathers and wings and all that.

"Oh, nothing." [Marko]

"Dude, you have tears streaming down your face and your voice is quivering like there's no tomorrow. What are trying to keep a secret?"

"I- Oh... what's the use!" He buried his face in his arms again. Vincent looked at me expectantly.

"I ain't tellin'."

Marko lifted his head up a little to say, "I'm gay."

"Seriously? If they're still teasing you about something that's not true, then why do you hang out with them?" [Vincent]

"Uh, can I tell him? For you." [Me]

"Mhm." [Marko]

"Okay, he's actually gay. Found out by be forced to play gay chicken with him."

"Okay, just because he beat you at gay chicken doesn't mean-"

"He went in for the kiss."

"Oh, well... That doesn't mean-"

"He also actually was gay before that, right?"

"Mhm." [Marko]

"Oh. So... You're gay."

Marko lifted his head up and wiped the tears from his face. "Yup. I'm not even gonna try and hide it, no use. And to make sure everyone knows before I change my mind, I want you two to tell everyone I'm gay."

"Um, what?" [Me]

"Yup," he looked up at some girl as she walked by, "Hey, guess what?! I'm gay and I have been for three years!"


Sarah sat down at the table, "So, what's new?"

Sarah was a snow leapard bright silver eyes. She didn't really follow the rules that everyone else did. You know that one kid in the your group of friends who's parents were super cool would let them do just about anything? She was that kid. She had a thing for art, and usually would draw throughout class.

"I'm finally free and everyone deserves to know!" [Marko]

"Free from what?"

"He's gay." [Vincent]

"You didn't know?"

"How did you know?!" [Marko]

"I've seen the way you've been..." She stopped as Marko started making gestures at her.

"Who've you been eyein' Marko?" [Vincent]

He started blushing again, "N- no one."

"We're not idiots-" [Me]

"Oh! That's debatable!" [Sarah]

"I'm not telling. Never!" [Marko]

"It's me or Tanner, so just tell us." [Vincent]

"No!" [Marko]

"It's Tanner." [Sarah]

"Sarah!" [Marko]

My cheeks started feeling hot, "Really? Y- You know I'm straight, I'd never-"

"I know, I know! ... You're still cute though."

"You are." [Sarah]

"Well, if you think so, Sarah..." [Me]

"Don't even think about it. I'm in with Spencer, and he's got a black belt in-"

"Kidding! Just kidding!" [Me]

*That night*

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he suddenly pulled me in closer, and held my back downward. Everything seemed to slow down as he did so. We stared into eachother's eyes for a moment before he pulled my head to his for a long, meaningful kiss.

The alarm went off and I shot upright in bed. I slammed the off button, and paused. Oh god, what the hell was that?!