Fantasy Story Outline
#1 of Series 1: A Heroes End, A Legends Rise, Book 1: Protectors of Earth
So...Since I have not uploaded another part in my fantasy series, I will give you guys and outline I have created to keep track of all the events going on. Although they do not curtail every event, it is still accurate in the basic sense. This list will grow over time of course. I am doing a commissions right now for someone, so hopefully within a few weeks I can get back on track and continue my stories.
- Prologue: Dark Days, July 8, 2217
- 200 years into the future
- Setting: Broken world, disaster and destruction everywhere
- Colby and Lira (Mang) face off
- Colby prepares his final move
- Lira separates her brothers characteristics
- Colby Destroys the Earth
- Chapter 1: A Heroes Beginning Part 1: Loss, Story Year beginning: February 5, 2017
- Description of self and background
- Car Crash
- Hospital for three months
- May 3, 2017
- Meets Anea
- Contemplates possibility of super powers
- Day ends, Colby falls asleep
- May 4, 2017
- Breakfast
- Anea comes in again
- Goes down to the kids room
- Meets Paul
- Play video games
- Watches movies
- Thinks about his parents
- Thinks about super powers
- Bank Robbery in Progress somewhere else
- Hears faint buzzing in back of head
- Heads back to room
- Talks to Anea about where he is going to live
- Goes to bed
- Chapter 1, Part 2: Recovery and Discovery, Story Year: May 17, 2017
- Two weeks pass as he heals
- Talks about his gaming job
- Troubles emerge
- Spends more time with Anea
- End of first week, Colby and Anea go on a picnic in the park
- They talk about the terrorists, the world, Germany making Dinosaurs, and his sister's possible involvement
- Dinosaurs in a nuclear War
- Realizes feelings for her
- Anea gets items from his home with permission
- Paul Accompanying Anea and Colby on Walks
- Talking about Paul
- Takes scans to identify Toxin
- Finds out information, reviving Dinosaurs
- Toxins heal anything
- Revives skeletons
- Heads back to room
- Power comes into fruition
- Anea gets Colby's supper
- Talks with Papa
- Discusses her feelings about Colby with Papa
- Anea returns to his room
- Finds the room open and a speck of something outside
- Colby has a vision of a bank robbery
- Talks with Quin Shun
- Realizes his powers
- Jumps out the window
- Damages the side of the Hospital as he pushes of to fly to the Bank
- Back to mysterious figure
- Figure talks about better soldiers
- Wonders about atonium
- crash is heard
- Colby arrives
- ** Chapter 2: Mysteries and Revelations, Part 1: Rescue, Story Year: May 17, 2017: Night**
- Colby flies to the bank
- Crashes onto the roof
- Meets Greg the bank teller
- Battles mysterious figure/wins
- Gets caught by her two thugs, Larry and Garry
- Police barge in
- Larry and Garry defeat the police
- Goes invisible while attention is on the police
- Colby uppercuts them
- Releases plasma bolt straight up in hopes of getting cops attention outside of bank
- Exits to the back of the bank
- Gets spotted by cops
- Runs through a wall
- Flies to Harold Parker State Forest
- Cops reconvene
- They take Larry and Garry away
- Robert assigns Ken to go with team six to get their leader
- Mang talks with the Darkness
- Gets yelled at
- Hint that Colby is her brother
- Mang wakes up fully healed
- Vanished in front of their eyes
- Ken calls Robert
- Receives orders on what to do
- Chapter 2, Part 2: Secrets, Story Year: May 17, 2017: Night
- Colby travels to his hideout
- Anea stares at the open window
- Papa carries her to safety
- Wakes up
- Talks to Paul
- Paul says to her to tell him what she can remember
- Anea wants to know where Colby is
- Yells at Paul for keeping a secret of where he could be
- Yells at him for keeping secrets
- Find out more about Paul and protectors
- Talk about traveling to meeting place
- Colby arrives in a forest
- Lies on the forest floor till morning
- May 18, 2017: Morning
- Quin Shun appears
- Praises Colby on his accomplishment
- Warms Colby up
- Gives Colby Protector's training robes
- Tells Colby to guide him to his place
- Quin Shun lays a hand on Colby
- Arrives at his cabin
- Colby retrieves food from his basement
- Practices opening cans with magic
- Questions Quin Shun about his abilities
- Quin Shun leaves
- Colby goes to sleep
- Chapter 2, Part 3: Plans, May 17, 2017: Night
- Anea walks through the wreckage caused by Colby
- Teleports through a door
- Arrives at the Scotland Conclave
- Goes back to actual meeting place
- Talks with Paul on where Colby is
- Paul answers Anea's questions
- Activates 3D hologram
- Papa arrives
- Paul talks about strategy
- Unit to survive
- Papa goes on a speech about not fighting
- Talks about the Dinosaurs
- Gives Anea a present
- Tells her how he lost his memory
- Group plan about movements
- Papa, or Alessio to Heart mountain in Alberta Canada
- Paul and Anea to Phoenix Arizona
- Mang talks to The Darkness about their plans
- The Darkness sends her Far-East into Russia to Cherskiy
- Instructed to command Dinosaurs
- Chapter 3: The Way of The Warrior, Part 1: Preparations, Story Year May 19, 2017: Morning
- Quin Shun awakens Colby rudely
- Colby eats
- Thinks about Anea and Paul
- Colby begins his training
- Colby asks various questions about what the other level of warriors are
- Baffled by the potential power
- Finds out how long he will live for
- Years, Decades he will be in training
- Talks about training
- Noon comes
- Quin Shun gives Colby a charmed pendent
- Colby goes into his house for food
- Midmorning: Same day
- Alessio stands atop of Heart Mountain in Alberta Canada
- Day dreams
- Retired in 1993
- Robert arrives
- Talks about the problems of the world
- Talks about Colby and Paul
- Talks about their plans
- Alessio finds out that Colby can fly
- Asks about whereabouts of Mang
- Robert answers that he does not know
- Alessio storms off
- Robert finds out Alessio is retired
- Alessio calms down
- They talk about the enemies movements
- They kid about Roberts childhood hat
- Alessio rescuing Robert many decades ago
- Alessio offers Robert a ride home
- Alessio uses Earth Travel
- Magical power, travel beneath the earth crust, advanced skill
- By sundown they arrive at a park in Boston
- Alessio jokes about replacing Robert onto the front lines instead of him
- Robert goes semi-insane, talks about the how terrifying the dinosaurs are
- No army stands a chance
- Robert offers to travel to Russia himself with Ken to see what is going on
- Hopes they have enough time to get ready
- Chapter 3, Part 2: Meditation Heals the Mind, Story Year: May 19, 2017: Noon
- Colby materializes a bowl and spoon
- Eats spaghetti and bread
- Materializes water and stick to stir milk
- Wonders slightly at the possibilities of materializing a T.V.
- Heads out to Quin Shun
- Shows Quin Shun his ability of flight
- Quin Shun leads Colby into the forest
- Begins meditation training
- Inspects Colby's energy
- In awe at the potential he has
- Unique energy even to him
- Suspects his energy is what changes his eyes into reptilian eyes
- Colby sits down on a stump
- Meditates while Quin Shun leaves for some unknown reason
- May 19, 2017: Afternoon
- Paul and Anea arrive at Phoenix Arizona
- They enter Superstition mountain and collect ancient shields
- They travel to Fountain Hills and Paul meets an old friend
- She takes them to where the ancient weapons are stored
- Chapter 3, Part 3: Tricks of the Trade Story Year: May 20, 2017: Dawn
- Colby meditates until dawn
- Quin Shun comes
- They head back to Colby's cabin
- Quin Shun gives Colby his training staff
- Colby is excited, talks about what he can possibly do
- Gets upset once he comes to his dad
- Quin Shun helps him
- Colby talks about everything up until now
- Quin Shun lectures Colby on his purpose
- Head back to cabin
- Briefly talk about Mang
- Quin Shun mentions a darker power out there
- They talk about Colby's training schedule
- Colby accepts role and responsibility of a Protector
- Quin Shun has watched Colby from afar
- Talks about unusual ability of flight
- Colby lists some potential Protectors while Quin Shun says from weakest to strong to strongest
- Avatar, Thor, Superman, Batman, etc.
- Training Schedule
- Meditate in the morning
- Basic combat training
- Practice with staff
- Used to control, guide his powers
- Practice with powers
- Practice flying, invisibility and other powers
- Practice trying to train to achieve his other possible power out of him
- Combat attitude
- Calm and collective
- Fiery and aggressive
- Wants to know what he is going to face
- Quin Shun warns him against it
- Worries about his friends, Anea and Paul
- Lectures Colby on readiness and what to expect, etc
- Colby agrees he is ready to become a Protector
- Quin Shun becomes joyous
- Walks outside, Colby follows
- Talks about powers to earn, evil to defeat, tricks to learn
- Announces Colby's apprenticeship to seemingly no one
- Repeats the Oath Of The Protector
- Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 1: Day of Discovery, Story Year: 2016-2017
- Recount Earth's achievements
- Appearance of foreign chemical and figure
- Law enforcement hard at work to capture villain
- Construction of a secret scientific installation in the Brooks Range in Alaska
- Meeting of all scientific minds
- Fascinating discovery made February 8, 2017,
- Robert Bakkar joined the team
- Brought dinosaur skeletons with him
- Heard about eye witness testimonies on strange creature sightings in Russia
- Citizens claim they saw dinosaurs
- Year: May 22, 2017: Midday
- Bekkar writes a journal recounting the events that have happened to far
- Need for retaliation against enemy dinosaurs
- Plan to revive a dinosaur to study it
- Accident on a week before February 8, 2017
- Colby comes in contact with chemical
- Slowly heals at hospital
- Coma for two months
- Bakker's assistant knocks on the door, interrupting him
- Asks if he is ready
- Sent to bring Bekkar to the testing area
- Setup all ready
- Blake runs down the hall
- Mitch comes around the corner to get Bekkar to come
- Head off to testing site after discussion of possibilities
- Protector coming
- New information available
- Gets called down to the testing area
- 12:34 PM, 3:58 minutes later:
- Bekkar and Mitch come to Professor Rudolph Jaenisch in the testing area
- Brief speech by Bekkar on what is supposedly going to happen
- Answers some questions
- Huge facility containing a multi football field installation for their first inhabitant
- Blakes 'favor' is ruined
- Pet the dinosaur after acclimation
- Process gets started
- Mechanical arms lower to inject in place skeleton with the special serum
- Nothing happens for a while
- Perspiration starts to gather on the bones
- Marrow begins to whiten
- Muscle and tissue start to grow
- Vital organs form
- Reptilian skin appears last
- Microceratus revival is complete
- Scientists jump for joy at their success
- Microceratus looks around, curious
- Jaenisch yells to let the dinosaur into its home
- Bekkar gets congratulated by Jaenisch
- Bekkear leaves to find arriving protector
- Travels out the installation and down to level one out of four levels
- Greets door guard then sees a suspicious character after hanging up his jacket and scarf
- Finds the Protector
- They head back up to inform Jaenisch
- Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 2: Mother Russia, Story Year: May 22, 2017: 7:43 AM
- Recap of journey to Russia
- Robert asking Ken to join him on his mission
- Ken is confused as to why Robert asked him
- Two weeks earlier
- Ken and Faro guard Larry and Garry
- Faro asks if ken is going to put false information in his report
- Robert comes down
- Asks Faro to check on Larry
- Robert asks Ken to join him on a mission
- No choice
- Pay raise for Faro if prisoners go nowhere
- June 3, 2017: 1:35 PM
- Ken is special
- Robert had a hard child hood.
- Half a week into the trip, Robert tells Ken what their objective is
- Friends with Earth Elemental?
- Reconnaissance from Lensk to Bilibino
- June 3, 2017: 8:13 PM Russia: Lensk
- Drive to a hotel
- Robert encourages Ken to give it his best shot
- Get inside hotel, replica of the Golden Horse Hotel in china
- Receptionist gives them the key
- They reach the room
- Room is trashed
- Rush back out to car
- Robert orders Ken to grab his sniper rifle but not load it
- Drive out of town
- Robert tells ken to sleep
- June 3, 2017: 10:34 PM Russia: 83 miles from Vilyuysk
- Robert drives up a small mountain
- Dinosaurs track their movements
- Attack
- Ken loads his gun, starts shooting at dinosaurs
- Gets into back
- Shoots the same dinosaur before losing his rifle
- Robert tells him to get his AA-12 shotgun
- Drive on for hours before running out of Ammo
- Megolosaurus runs in front of car
- Robert slams on breaks
- Fuel almost gone
- Robert brings out special crystal
- Car gets a speed boost
- Spinosaurus crashes sidelong into the car
- Dinosaur picks them up again and flings them over the side of the mountain