For you...

My love I would do anything I would fly to the highest peak if you told me to I would dive to the bottom of the ocean to bring you the shiniest pearl I would face an army just to keep you safe beside me I would brave the most treacherous forests...

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Fantasy Story Outline

- **Prologue: Dark Days, July 8, 2217** - 200 years into the future - Setting: Broken world, disaster and destruction everywhere - Colby and Lira (Mang) face off - Colby prepares his final move - Lira separates her brothers characteristics -...

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A Hero's End, A Legends Rise

Series: _A Hero's End, A Legends Rise_ Book 1: _Protectors of Earth_ Prologue: Dark Days: []( Chapter 1: A Hero's Beginning, Part 1: loss:...

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Forgotten can live immeasurably long, they seem to be almost immortal like the elves. They can live for 5,000,000 years (Hence Forgotten.) Forgotten can be of any race (or species) specified as before. As Guardians can destroy and create solar systems,...

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Guardians of the (Multi) Universe

Guardians are of immense power, whereas Defender can destroy and create worlds, Guardians can do that to solar systems. Guardians can be of any race (or species) as specified before. They live for incredibly long lives, 1,000,000 years, no choice. As...

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Defenders of the Universe

Defenders travel from planet to planet fighting against evil and helping protectors when needed. They can be of any race as specified before. Defenders live much longer lives at 200,000 years. As there are an infinite amount of Protectors, there is...

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Protector of the Planet

Every warrior lives very long lives. Protectors live for 50,000. Anyone can become a warrior of the elite order, Humans, Elves, dragons, dwarves, fairies, unicorns, gryphons, hippogyps, Phoenixes, etc. Every protector, every warrior starts out with the...

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Nova of the Multiverse

A Nova is almost unheard of. No one knows how long they can live for. To become a Nova...Wait an immeasurably long amount of time. Long enough that time will forget. The Nova can be of any race or combination of races or species. There is ever only one...

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Prison's Embrace

The silence in the air hangs heavy on my head. The cold cell walls encompass my will, my freedom. Every breath I take is another breath that I am alive. Pain knows no bounds where I am. It is given mercilessly and ruthlessly, I cannot seem to get any...

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