Prison's Embrace

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#1 of Cavynthra's Imprisonment

Hello friends of So-Furry. I present to you my first short story. I have finished part 2 of A hero's beginning. I have gained the help of a editor for me in my school, who is generously lending me a hand.

I have many ideas for this line of a short story. I could continue it, or go to something, more fun per say. I wrote this within a day, and I would like to hear what you thought of it. This may, or may not have anything to do with my main Fantasy story.

Chapter 2 is under way, another month, and a few more short stories. Enjoy the story!"Cherish the time you have now, the future is fleeting away."

The silence in the air hangs heavy on my head. The cold cell walls encompass my will, my freedom. Every breath I take is another breath that I am alive. Pain knows no bounds where I am. It is given mercilessly and ruthlessly, I cannot seem to get any rest.

The bars that hold me will stay forever strong, the evil permeates the air is thick and foul. The seconds tick by unbearably, the suspense almost too much for me to handle.

I lay on my side, in pain, in sadness, hoping my love will one day come to rescue me. I have gone so long without his caring touch, his soft caress, and his carefree nature.

*Sigh*... He is probably in a lot of pain right now. If only he had told me that prophecy that had been troubling him since my change, I could have trained a lot harder. All that is in vain right now as I lay uselessly on my side, every breath taking some concentration.

No light enters my cell, no sound except my own breathing, my own heartbeat.

My love, my sweet sweet mate. So alone, in so much pain. Even from where I am I can feel it. The blow from the sword so close to his heart, it would take a lifetime to heal. I have no doubt my mate will be able to survive. I am just worried about what he will do once he is healed. Over centuries, no, millennium of being together, over countless fights and fruits of victory, we have come to know each other so well.

Last time I died he nearly died inside as well. I could not bear again to let that happen. Even laying here, rotting in this jail, my mate fights for both his and my life. Unless he fully heals, any attempts at a rescue will be useless, just like me. Even my magic could not stop him from capturing me.

As I watch in gaping horror, that day, that year, when the Darkness came for me. It was terrible.

My mate had set up the tournaments to be a happy affair, warriors and knights, dragons and gryphons, fairies and elves. Every world, every ally was there. The tournament had been set up to test everyone's skill through various challenges. Battles, skirmishes, puzzles, strength, agility, intellect, it was all there. The top couple hundred participants would either face off against my mate, or would be given a specific challenge by him.

None of that happened.

Towards the end of the year long tournament is when he came. Meteor's rained down on the crowds, thousands were killed, many more injured. Creatures and monsters of all different shapes and sizes started to descend on the twelve colossal arenas where the games were being held.

Many died in the first few minutes, but within the next, weapons were drawn, spells ready, armor on.

The battle was fierce, my mate had gathered me and we were heading to the mountains, with an elite guard of followers protecting us. Then the Darkness came. It spread all over the plains, the hills and the mountains.

My mate told me to quickly go home, head for the tree and say a specific phrase of words. I had protested, but he still insisted, telling me the time has come again.

I reluctantly agreed, flying as fast as my body and wings could take me. The dying rays of the sun glinting off my gold, silver, and purple hide. While I fled, my mate battled the Darkness, one horrible blow after another delivered and received in succession.

When I had gone a good mile or two that is when it happened. A resounding thump or boom echoed around a nearby cliff face. Off of it, my mate lay embedded in the wall, eyes wide with fear.

Before I knew it, dark, cold hands grasped my hind legs, pulling me strongly to the ground. A voice rang out, a dark, hated voice that spoke with hidden rage and amusement.

"Come on Cavynthra, you know there is no use in running from me. Your mate is not nearly strong enough yet to defeat me, despite the predicament he is in." The darkness said, howling with laughter and unrestrained glee.

I shake my head in denial. He could do it. My mate had been training for thousands of years for this day, yet unexpected as it was.

I still could not slip free of the grasp, freezing spikes of pain running up my leg, into my head. My eyes go wide as I look frantically down, searching for my mate, wings beating heavy, cupping the air in great circular strokes.

He is getting up, right hand holding his left. His head is banged up, blood dripping in an endless flow. I roar to try and get his attention, but it is cut off as the cold, freezing grip picks that time to savagely start pulling me towards the ground.

My mate looks up, frightened. His eyes narrow in anger, while he starts to run frantically towards me, and the Darkness.

My wings give out as a particularly violent tug rips them out of unison. The cold grasp now encircles me, speeding my fall towards its intended target.

I blanked out after I hit the ground, but I wake to a scream yelling my name. The next thing I see as I slowly get up is my mate standing firm, arms outstretched, in a protective stance in front of me. I look beyond; the Darkness has a sword in his hand, stained with copious amounts of blood. I curl back a few a few feet, cowering like a cat.

How could this be! How could this have happened!

The Darkness laughs haughtily, slowly raising his sword toward both me and my mate.

While my mate's breath becomes ragged and hoarse, the Darkness speaks.

"You know that was futile. I always get what I want. Since you have so kindly changed her for me, I will end your life now and take her with me." He said, emphasizing always, before walking menacingly toward me.

The next part happened in a blur, as the Darkness was approaching me, could nearly touch me; my mate, who had been holding still, blood pouring out of him in rivers, leapt into action. Faster than humanly possible, he shoved me out of the way, despite his size and grappled the Darkness.

After a few terse moments, and some coughing from me, my mate was flung even more violently back into another mountain wall. Blood streaming in great quantities as he cracked the surface hard enough to cause a rock-slide off to the side. I stand back up, horrified, and slowly turn as I hear the Darkness approaching.

Before I knew it, I had been knocked down, drugged, and strapped down. I could barely move, less because of the drugs, but of the fear of the Darkness's smirk as we rode one of his big monsters up into space.

Now...Here I am, imprisoned in a cage, waiting for my love to rescue me.

I have been here for almost a year, accumulating numerous new scars and wounds from the unaccountable tortures the Darkness has dealt to me. He thinks I will break soon, Ha! My mate did not change me physically so that I could be broken so easily.

I had naturally been at the end of a dragon's long life, more so for me, but that is another story. My mate had said he would train for ten years, gaining the knowledge and capability to transform me and give me a new life.

My once beautiful hide is now marred with countless scars, wounds, and burns from many torturous nights and days. Now I just lay uselessly on the floor until the next one comes.

I had not been broken so far, but I could tell my will was failing even now. Of all the torture methods that could be used, fear was the greatest motivator. I had nearly cracked on some occasions, except for my belief that my mate would rescue me, and this war would be over again.

None too soon, I hear the sound of a door opening. Awkward, yet strong, must be one of the Darkness's quadruped minions, probably a dragon if I had to guess, from the obvious burns.

Loud clicks sound down the immeasurable hallway, a great mass plodding along to my cell.

The already dark color of my cell turns a slight purplish hue. A low growl issues from the owner, trying to rouse me. Not that I am just resting, it is just I am tired of doing anything around here.

The growl turns into a savage bark; definitely a dragon, and a big muscled one at that. I reluctantly open my eyes, slowly raising my head to look at a dark, black and purple outline of a humongous dragon.

My size is probably to that of where a human could sit, and walk around in my palm. This male dragon was even bigger, with jagged horns and a horrendous breath, even by dragon standards.

I blink a few times, trying to see more clearly. The dragon lifts a clawed hand and presses it against the lock of the cell, growling the whole way.

With a quick push of inward magic and a small click, the cell door swings outward.

The big male lumbers in, a fierce smile plastered on his jaw. I try to rise, but the male is not satisfied. He lunges, I close my eyes, but he just closes his jaws with unnecessary strength around my neck, pulling me roughly up. I flounder onto my feet while the male gets behind me. I subconsciously turn, and in doing so, frustrate the big male.

"Go." the male says in a low masculine tone, looking at me with the savage eyes of a lustful carnivore. I gulp and walk sideways towards the door, walking sideways away from the male.

I start to turn when I catch a movement back towards where the big male had been. I shriek in surprise, but something hits me over my head, behind my horns, knocking me out. A laughing male dragon then starts to drag my crumpled mess up the stairs and into a waiting room. Along the way he says:

"Hehehehehehe, today's the day we will find out the limits of your endurance and will." he says, voice muffled by the package in his jaws.

"Today, you will bear the brunt off your mate's shame. You will be humiliated beyond what you know is possible. You will bear the Darkness's children, and once I am done, all hell will break lose. You will feel more pain than your mate did when the Darkness sliced him open. Hahahahahahahahaha." The male taunts the motionless form of the gold, silver and purple dragoness's body.

Leaving behind the cold embrace of the prison's hold, and into the jaws of pain and humility, the dragoness travels to her predestined fate....