Breaking Point: Chapter Three

Both were koopas and both turned to look at him as he entered. what kind of lessons would take place here with only three total counting him? it was the koopa closest to him that saved him any future embarrassment.


Darkness and Starlight 5 - The First Degree

Chan rebounded once more, ready to strike once more, but this time the koopa had a plan.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2

Going without the shell, quite literally, is a nice load off a koopa's back. as of right now, i only wear mine's for training," the shades-wearing koopa chimed in.

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Drifting off to shell

If it turned out to be an attraction, maybe even he could change people's minds about koopas, or at least him. for now though, he just needed the sleep. he was a koopa with a dream, and not about to stop here.

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Darkness and Starlight 10 - A Town of Thieves

Inside was an old green-skinned koopa with absurdly bushy eyebrows, the size of pillows upon his head.

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Last Man Standing: Darius Koopa vs Crash McCloud

"here is your winner, co general manager, darius koopa!" darius poses for the sellout crowd as they scream and cheer for him. "darius koopa wins our opening contest folks.

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Kazufox Interview #5

~the koopa army charges at kazufox, but he dodges their attacks and counters by jumping on their heads or punching them with his alter arm~ \*koopa #1\*: oh no! \*koopa #2\*: ow! my shell! \*kazufox\*: too bad!

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Darkness and Starlight 14 - Aboard the Rosalina

He grinned back politely while sticking close to his koopa.

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Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir

Through the door strode a koopa without a shell. instead the koopa wore a long blue robe and a pointed hat. it had large thick glasses that nearly fell off its face as its mouth opened in shock seeing erakir. "young master!" the koopa shouted.

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Don't touch the goombas bowser

The koopa then turned to the group of minions "you heard the king! fish! lots of it!" a couple goombas fired up the grill, while a couple koopas went to grab some fresh cheep-cheeps from the river out back.


The Rising Fallen Star 8 - Kaelan

koopa-bloopa simply smirked, wiping his beak with the back of his hand.

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Breaking Point: Chapter Four

She broke contact and jo wondered if he would see the energetic koopa. she smiled at him and warmth came over him. was something wrong with him? "i am so happy for you jo! congratulations!"
