Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2

Story by TreIII on SoFurry

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#2 of Roommates Side Story - "These Are My Reflections"

Disclaimer: I've said it before, I...

Disclaimer: I've said it before, I'll probably say it again and again...but really, I don't lay claim to any thing. Even the characters I intend to introduce in this chapter are not truly "mine", per se.

As always, the setting/scenario pertaining to "Roommates" was put together by Spelunker Sal and Dreamous.

Oh, and I forgot to mention this last time, but yeah...since this work is related to "Roommates", the same type of content can be expected. And by that, I mean M/M related overtones, romance, and all that good stuff. But if that ain't any good for you, nobody's saying you gotta keep reading, you can keep it movin', instead!

Ah yes, another note! In the interest of keeping things more "realistic" with the series, the bunny, his dragon and I came to the conclusion that things needed to be changed around. Junior and his bunch are not royalty in this "reality", in other words. On the other hand, they're still very rich and powerful, thanks to the line of work their family is known for! You'll see for yourselves as you read!

Still here? Well, on with the show then!

Chapter 2: Visitors

A short time later, Junior, now clad in his favorite blue and white jumpsuit, found both of his pink-donning siblings sitting in the main hallway of the "Koopa Manor", arguing with each other yet again.

Even as the two have gotten older, that was something that would remain consistent between them. Such was life, when you had one that proclaimed himself as the designated "HKIC" in Dad's absence, and the other, who was the uncontested "Q. Bee" of the Koopa family.

For all that the two argued like a married couple of sorts, it was only further fitting the mold that Junior looked to the two as his surrogate "parents", in a number of respects.

Wendy was the first of the two that spied his arrival. Clad in a formfitting pair of blue jeans, and a dark-pink shirt that had the saying "I Just Love Being MEAN!" written in white, cursive letters on the front, her eyes lit up as she started to speak again.

"Good! Junior's here, now maybe he can help settle this!" Wendy said.

"...Settle what?" Junior asked, amused.

"YOUR sister and I were havin' a bit of a discussion," Roy stated plainly, arms folded across a plain, faded pink t-shirt, sitting atop oversized jean shorts that sagged down his rear.

"About...?" Junior continued to ask.

"YOUR brother is acting all like he's on a 'Psychic Friends' trip," Wendy shot a side-ways glance back at Roy.

"Ain't nuthin what I've been talkin' 'bout! Don't be just puttin' words in my mouth, woman!"

"Alright, children!" Junior got in the middle, hoping to avoid anything getting any uglier. "Now, take it back from the top, for those of us in the audience just tuning in."

"Well, what had happened was..." Wendy started. "...this one here just started out claiming that Hanbei's on the way. And not just in the notion that we all assume that we know he's coming, either."

Junior raised a red eyebrow in amusement. " that right, bro?"

"Lemme put it like dis. He's practically here. Just feel it."

"...and...exactly how do you know this, exactly?" Wendy prodded.

" that vibe a lil while ago. All she wrote," Roy continued to remain absolute in his convictions.

"See, Junior? Completely, and utterly ridonkulous. This is the one who couldn't get past classes like Algebra and Chemistry without Hanbei's help, and now he's acting like he can see and sense things that aren't there! What's next, Roy?" she then proceeded to walk over, look up into his face, and then said in a hushed tone. "You'll be claiming 'you see dead people...!' in a minute?"

Roy started to open his mouth, as if to immediately retort with what he wanted to say at first, but then thought against it, and shut his mouth quickly. Calming himself down, he started again.

"Y'know, woman...I could elaborate on why I feel the way I do. But I know better then to try and break it down for ya, when ya won't understand, much less appreciate.

All I know is, you go through the kind of stuff that Hanbei and I did back in the day, and you get a...different sort of perception on things. Couldn't even try to explain it if I tried. It just happens, and I go with it."

Junior then just smiled, and started in on the conversation himself.

"Well, be that as it may...all I know is that I feel a 'grave disturbance' too, Roy..." and then, to accentuate his point, Junior's stomach rumbled quite audibly. "I'm starvin' like Marvin, we going to get some food soon?"

"Daddy said that dinner would be on, as soon as all that stand to be here, are here. So, the sooner both Hanbei and Daddy are here, the better," Wendy stated.

"Well, if he is practically here already, like Roy says..."

"Wouldn't count on it, no matter what Roy says. I just checked the schedule: the flight that Hanbei was supposed to get on got held up hours ago. It could be a while before he gets here."

"Aw, man..." Junior groaned. "Roy, y'know I love the guy, but if he's the reason keeping me from my culinary-related satisfaction..."

"Trust 'n believe, son," Roy stated calmly. "He'll be here, soon. F'sho."

"I wanna believe...! Really, I do! But it's hard to put one's heart into it, if his stomach has other plans..." Junior ended with another grimace induced from his stomach rumbling.

And then, taking the trio by surprise, was a distant, and yet still quite loud "call", coming from outside the manor.


With that, an increasingly widening smile dawned on Roy's face...followed by a few knowing chuckles of delight.

"...No way," Wendy simply stated.

"Believe what you want, woman! Cuz I dun give a shit no mo'!" Roy said as he rose upright from his leaning position.

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-WHOOOOOOOOP!" the same call echoed from outside again.

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-WHOOOOOOOOP!" Roy bellowed in reply. And with that, he took off running down the hall like a boy half his age.

Junior chuckled in delight, and then soon followed his older brother's example, sans using Roy's interesting choice of a sound effect.

Just hearing the "call" itself brought back some memories of those long-gone days when Roy and his long-time friend were a nigh-inseparable twosome. This coming July would actually mark the 13th anniversary of that friendship, as well as the many things that eventually stemmed from that bond.

Even the "call", itself, had a degree of significance. As the story goes, from what Junior remembered Roy relaying to him, Roy and Hanbei went to the Aubrey Science Center with their class back in 6th grade. The majority of that trip was boring for both of them...until they were able to bear witness to the new, at the time, entomology exhibit. The main attraction? Live specimens of the Kricketune variety.

Ever since the two were privy to hearing the fairly renowned "song" of that particular species of beetle, they were smitten. And from that point on, the two utilize their emulation of the "Kricketune Kry™" as their own personal means of communicating and greeting one other. Their version of a "holla", if you will, and it was exclusive to the two of them.

And for most who hear them do it, they have been thinking that something must be wrong with those two, ever since. Wendy included within that number.

Catching up to Roy, Junior saw his brother opening the door and stepping out in the late, afternoon sky. Junior followed soon after him.

Looking around, it was sometimes easy to take for granted just how utterly expansive his family's property was. Several acres of freshly manicured lawn stretched out to the east and the west. The very large manor itself was a Mediterranean-style mansion with a number of palm trees dotted around. There was also a good-sized fountain in the center of the brick-paved roundabout, just beyond the marble walkway and 6-tiered steps that lead to the platform where Roy and Junior stood. And to complete the marble motif, a large statue of Bowser Koopa Sr., stood tall and proudly, in the middle of the fountain.

Those who doubted the claims of Junior's father's renowned vanity were quickly silenced upon seeing such a grandiose, self-servicing sight.

But the actual thing to draw attention to was the white limousine that had pulled up at the bottom of the steps. Or further to the point, the 6 foot tall, periwinkle-blue Wartotle male that stood just outside of it.

He was dressed in an updated version of a look that he has sported ever since he was young: a pure-white gakuseifuku, which was the school uniform for Japanese males. Even though he spent the last half of his K-12 school years in America, he still opted to wear such uniforms every day he went to school with Roy. Reason being, possibly amongst others, was that, while the Nehru jacket combo was utilized as a means to conform within the Japanese school system, in America, it served the exact opposite, and made him stand out. The irony was too delicious for Hanbei to resist, and as such, donning his uniform became his trademark up to college and beyond. He was open to wearing other colors though, at Roy and various others' behest.

Today though, Hanbei had modified his guise to a much more "casual" one. The Nehru jacket he was wearing today was open, revealing a black shirt underneath that showcased his slim, yet taut abdomen. Additionally, he wore a slightly silver, reflective shell on his back.

As soon as the large, pink-domed Koopa and the smaller, blue Wartortle saw each other, they began yet another round of sound.

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-WHOOOOOOOOP!" Roy started off with a large smile.

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-WHOOOOOOOOP!" Hanbei responded with a matching smile.

"Han-BOI! My man! My second shell! What's REALLY good!?" Roy shouted out.

"Hisashi buri nee, Roy!" Hanbei answered in Japanese.

"Hey! Didn't ya get the memo, Bei-bei?" Roy asked as he walked down the steps to meet him. "You back in AMERICA now! No further need for dat moon-language of yours!"

Hanbei snickered to himself, and then spoke again. "Oh, Roy....watashi no anata...."

"'Ey, 'EY! What did I JUST say?"

"What's wrong? Come here and make me stop it, if it bothers you so much..." Hanbei responded in English.

"Don't mind if I do!" Roy responded.

The two then started to approach one another as Roy got off the last step. Soon, Hanbei's brown orbs were able to look upwards into eyes obscured by shades as Roy towered over his terrapin friend even more than he did Junior.

"Hm...think you're ready to FINALLY stop growing?" Hanbei asked with a grin.

"Say, what? I had thought you wuz the main one, saying that I could always stand to 'grow up' some mo'!"

"Obviously, neither you, nor your pituitary gland, were paying heed to what I truly had in mind..."

The two then shared a combined bit of light-hearted laughter as they then performed a short "dap" sequence, ending with them clasping their palms together, and then brought each other close to pat each other on the back lightly.

"...Welcome back, Hanbei," Roy stated.

"It's good to be back, watashi no anata...", Hanbei answered.

Roy grunted in retaliation. " just can't resist sneakin' a lil in, can't ya?"

" the end, I can't help being who or what I am..."

The two then broke the friendly hug, but the hands that were still clasped between the two of them stayed exactly where they were, as if they were getting ready to shake hands, once more The wartortle and koopa themselves, remained motionless, and each individual face was like stone, as they looked upon each other once again.

It was by this time that Wendy had caught up to Junior.

"What took ya?" Junior smirked at his sister.

"I am NOT about to sweat out my hair, chasin' after y'all crazy lizzas. I JUST got it done."

Her gaze then turned downward, spying her other brother and his friend.

"...and just what the hell are THEY doing? Looking into each other's eyes like that...they twitterpated or sumthin'?"

Junior brought single finger to his lips to "ssh" his sister.

"Just watch and learn, Wendy O. This should be good...." he said in a hushed tone.

Another full minute passed, with the two still remaining absolutely motionless. Eyes did not blink, nor waver from the gaze of the other. Breathing was kept to a nigh-silent minimum. Muscles were controlled, so as to not betray any intentions to the opposing side.

A gentle breeze blew. The palm trees around them swayed in response, offering a short lived rustle, which was the only sound that reverberated in the direct vicinity. Even the billowy tail of the pokémon swayed a bit in the wind.

And had happened in an instant. Roy attempted to make a quick movement of some sort, but it never even had a chance to be executed. Hanbei's right hand immediately shot forward, breaking the former grasp it had on Roy's own. His hand was out-stretched for literally a second, before it came together in a fist that hit Roy's middle, and actually sent the large koopa male reeling, flat on his back. Roy's impact into the road made a good-sized "thump", and kicked up a bit of dust.

If Junior had not witnessed such a feat with his own eyes, he may have had difficult accepting it had actually transpired. Truth be told, Junior was the kind of guy who was not fazed easily, much less impressed by much. Yet, once again, the wartortle did not disappoint. It was all he could do but to look on with a newfound level of respect for Hanbei's prowess.

"...Well, gyat damn..." Wendy uttered softly. And in her own way, her words probably best summed up the emotions she and her youngest brother shared.

Meanwhile for Roy, he was unhurt, for the most part. The pain of knowing that he had lost this particular exchange, was quickly erased by utter surprise and admiration as he was forced to look upward to meet Hanbei's gentle gaze.

"...Really, man? Really? A fuckin' ONE INCH PUNCH to da gut...!?"

Hanbei just gave him a smile.

"Dat's wassup, Han-Boi! I wanna shake your hand AGAIN! THAT WAS SEXY!"

Hanbei snickered again as he reached out a hand to his friend, this time, to help him up.

"....Osoi desu. Zuibun namateru ja ne ka, Roy?" Hanbei asked, in a gentle tone.

"Lizza, you don't exactly be coming with subtitles as an option! In English, for the sake of us 'Nihongo-impaired' lizzas, please...?!" Roy said a bit disgruntled, as he took his hand in Hanbei's own, and started lifting himself up.

"I was merely asking 'when was the last time you practiced', my friend. You telegraphed that last move of yours poorly, not to mention had an overall poor stature in your legs. In short, I should not have been able to take you down as easily as I just did, even with my new technique of choice. Not some one who's claimed to be my 'eternal rival'..."

"Ummm...things have just been busy over here!" Roy stammered out as he was able to stand up fully. He then dusted himself off, trying his best to avoid his smaller friend's gaze.

"...I consider you to be great at many things, Roy. Guile? Deception? None of these are exactly, how you say, your forte."

"You ain't never lied, 'Hanbei-bei'," Wendy said, as she and Junior approached the two of them. "All this lummox does, now-a-days, is just lie around the house and work out. Not doing anything to better himself, or otherwise contribute meaningfully to the household, or society as a whole."

"'Ey! Din't nobody ASK for any comments from da peanut gallery!" Roy stated gruffly.

"If I step on your toes, all you can say is 'Ouch!', boo. Junior, you can back me up, right?"

"Think VERY carefully about what you're about to say, lil man," Roy stated with more bass in his voice.

And Junior, undeterred, did think carefully. Roy was some one he loved and respected, but, in the end, even if the truth did hurt, it had to come out, if it was going to help his older brother.

"...Roy...y'know I love you and all, but as much as I may hate to admit it, she's right. This last year, alone, you haven't done much of anything that could be described as 'meaningful.'"

"You call helpin' out with getting all your shit together for college next year NOT meaningful?!"

"...please note how I said 'much,' brother of mine. As if to say 'you at least did something,'" Junior quickly added. "But, being honest...what more can you say beyond the stuff that you did to help me out a bit? And what about for yourself? Career building, self-improvement, or otherwise?"

"...Well, I..." Roy started off, ""

"...I believe this is the type of things that we can talk about, in greater detail later, I'm sure," Hanbei calmly interjected. "After all, I have not seen you all in close to two years! This should be a joyous time, ne?"

"...Yeah!" Roy added on in agreement.

Such was so much Hanbei's way. When at all possible, the periwinkle blue turtle was prone to try anything in his power to promote peace when unnecessary strife started to rise. Especially in the case when Roy was at the center, or possibly the direct cause, of that strife.

Some time had passed, and he immediately fell back into his old role of "protecting" his best friend, as if he had never left. At least it was nice to know that some things never change.

The turtle in question then turned his gaze to meet Junior's red eyes. He did a bit of a double take, as it soon registered in his mind just what changes Junior had made since he last saw him.

Hanbei approached Junior with a raised eye ridge.


"I see you recognize my new addition! Ya like?" Junior added with a snicker.

"Honestly? I do not know what's more 'disturbing' to me...the fact that you now have a hoop through your snout, the fact that you're actually TALLER than me now, or the fact that you..." Hanbei did a quick pan to view Junior, as well as his present siblings. " well as your kin, are ALL shell-less."

Junior just continued to cackle some more. He expected that Hanbei was probably not going to find favor with his recent nose piercing, and was already pleased as punch that he got a reaction of some sort out of him. But he had completely forgotten the notion that suggested Roy's friend was probably going to have a bit of a "culture shock", seeing his siblings and himself going without the spiked shells which were their kind's trademark.

Couple that with the wartotle's bit of "disgust" at Junior surpassing him vertically, and that just made Hanbei's overall, bewildered attitude all the more amusing for the teenage koopa.

"...Been out of the loop, have we, Bei-by?" Wendy added, lightly rubbing Hanbei's shelled back.

"I've never professed to be one that was all that concerned with the movements of pop culture," Hanbei openly admitted

"'ve been away in Japan, so I'll excuse you this time," she said with a smile. "Any volunteers to get Bei-by up to speed, or should I...?"

"...I'll do it," Junior spoke up immediately. "I do it, he gets the CliffNotes version, which is likely all that a fellow male like him will care about. You do it, and Christmas shopping will be the next thing we talk about, due to that being next on the agenda by the time you finish."

"For your information, Junior, I do NOT run off my mouth incessantly! I make it my business to always deliver information with plenty of details, so as to not cause any confusion and..."

"AW, SHADDUP! We'll never get dis shit done!" Roy bellowed.

"Hmmph, well, I never!" Wendy said with a fake pouting expression, arms folded across her bosom.

"...'never shut up', is more like it..." Roy said under his breath.

"What WAS that!?" Wendy said angrily.

"Ahem!" Junior cleared his throat to direct focus on himself. "I believe it's my turn to talk now, right?"

Hanbei could only smile gently. "And here I was, beginning to wonder why exactly I missed you crazy Koopas so much..."

"We missed you, too, nii-chan," Junior added with a wink. "And in any case, here's what you missed out on:

'Bout a year and some change ago, one of Wendy's favorite bands, L.M.D.R., had another concert tour."

"...L.M.D.R.?" Hanbei asked.

"Eh, I forget what it means off the top of my head. But any way, the theme of the tour was 'Coming Out of Their Shells'. Everybody assumed it was probably meant to promote another new single. Well, it was a bit more than that."

"That's right! I was there at that first showing in Aubrey, me and my girlfriends! The 4 of 'em just, quite literally, dispensed with their shells in front of everyone! Right on stage!" Wendy interjected.

"...I thought I was the one telling the story," Junior gave a sideways glance to Wendy.

"Hey, I WAS there, y'know. I think my eye witness testimony is necessary to give Hanbei the lowdown!" his sister added with a wink.

"...So wait...they took their shells front of everyone?" Hanbei asked again.

"Yep!" sister and brother answered simultaneously.

"...So they were...naked, then...?" Hanbei continued to ask, this time with a more disturbed look on his face.

"No no no no!" Wendy exclaimed. "They were fully clothed otherwise, they weren't trying to be all like 'Wink 193', up in there!"

"...I see."

"So, anyway," Junior continued. "it caught on. Turtles, koopas...whatever, if they had shells on their back, they were comin' out of 'em. Being 'de-shelled' is that 'new shit' now, for those who keep up with the trends."

"...fascinating," was all that Hanbei could say.

"But hey, you gots to give it credit. It's both functional, AND a fashion statement! Going without the shell, quite literally, is a nice load off a koopa's back. As of right now, I only wear mine's for training," the shades-wearing koopa chimed in.

"...if you all say so, and it makes you happy, who am I to say anything otherwise?" Hanbei concluded. "I guess that even goes for 'the hoop', in your case, Junia-kou."

"It's called a 'nose ring', nii-chaaaaaan," Junior said with a grin.

"I have seen nose rings. THAT is not a nose ring. It is a hoop."

"Nose ring," Junior snickered out.

"Hoop," Hanbei replied simply.













"Ring!" Junior got a little louder.

"Hoop." Hanbei kept his even tone.

"RING!" Junior said with a widening grin.


Junior waited a second and then....


"R-...", but Hanbei caught himself just in time with a chortle. "...nice try, Junia-kou."

"You were about to say it! I almost had ya!" Junior cheesed it up as he looked Hanbei dead in the eyes. He was really enjoying the fact that he was now taller than one of the very guys who used to pet him on the head in his younger days, up until Hanbei left a while ago.

"As they say, 'almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades,'" Hanbei continued with a small smile.

"I say, they should include a clause for 'outwitting smart-ass wartortles named Hanbei.'"

"I would co-sign 'dat kinda clause wit' 'da quickness! Live Arcade should have that as an Achievement!" Roy agreed, chuckling in tune with his brother. Then he proceeded to wrap one of his trunk-like arms around Hanbei's neck.

"In any case, it's good you back. Now, da crew is back at full force!"

"This is true," Hanbei replied with a smile.

"...think we can get you out of YOUR shell, too?" Roy grinned.

"...we'" Hanbei said.

"I ain't about to have my man not have his look together! After all, you not just reppin' yourself, you be reppin' me when you're out on 'da streets, too!" Roy squeezed his arm tighter around Hanbei's neck

"Like I said....we'll talk. Not exactly sure about all this 'de-shelling' business, for myself. But hey, it's still early in the game. Maybe it might grow on me." Hanbei stayed ever cool, even as Roy's vice-like grip continued to tighten.

"Speakin' of early, why exactly ARE ya back so early?" Roy asked.

"Yeah...last I heard you were supposed to be training on your little tour de force with Mr. Gai, leading up to your test, which would have you certified to officially teach at the school..." Junior added.

"Well, actually...." Hanbei started.

"...It was at my request," an older, deeper voice sounded out.

All eyes turned back towards the doors of the mansion, acknowledging the figure that had just emerged: Bowser Koopa, Sr. It could only be assumed that he got home from work relatively recently, but nevertheless, he had found the time to change into a deep red muscle shirt, and some black colored jeans.

"Daddy? We didn't even hear you come in..." Wendy said.

"Good! Keep y'all on your toes! No wild house parties in my least, unless I'M the one that's throwing them!" Bowser chuckled.

The Koopa family patriarch came down the steps to greet his children, and their guest. It was clear as day to see where Junior got his looks from, as well as Roy's basic body type. Were it not for Roy, Bowser would be the uncontested tallest member in the immediate family, including those siblings not currently present. And even there, Roy only has him beat by a mere inch.

"Welcome back, Hanbei Kagami, my 'eighth son'!" Bowser grinned, as he shook Hanbei's hand. "And it's also good that you were able to make it earlier than I anticipated, no less!"

Hanbei released himself from Roy's grasp, and looked Bowser over. He could not help but notice that the patriarch ALSO was without his shell.

"Kimi mo...?" Hanbei asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, that's right, me too! Sure, I can't be rockin' it like this when I'm Bowser Koopa, the King of the Hotel Industry, but here, at home, in my own humble abode? Anything goes!" Bowser said with a smile. "I must say though, it is a bit of a surprise to see you this early!"

"Well, truth be told, I was able to catch an earlier flight on another plane. And since Gaisei-sensei...mmm...Oyaji made it seem like it was a pressing matter, the opportunity was taken when it was presented," Hanbei replied.

"Good thing too, since that original one got held up! Nonetheless, you're right on time...but before I get started, I must know...what did you think of the new Koopa Suite located in Tokyo? I know you and your Pops stayed there a few nights in Japan," Bowser inquired with a hopeful gaze. "...And be honest, now!"

"Daddy! Hanbei is NOT one of your critics!" Wendy stated sharply.

"It's alright. We were allowed to stay for free, whenever we needed to," Hanbei stated calmly. "The least I can do to reciprocate in kind what your father simply asks of me."

"Exactly! So, stay over there, little girl! The 'adults' are talkin'! Nyah!" Bowser then proceeded to stick his tongue out at his daughter in a playful fashion.

Both Roy and Junior expressed amusement at their father's actions. Wendy, not so much, but she took it in stride, chalking it up to Bowser's natural disposition.

When he wanted to, Bowser was perhaps the biggest kid in the household, and had little qualm with releasing that aspect of his character whenever he desired, or the situation left such an opening. It, among other things, was what helped keep Bowser healthy and happy, even though he was now rocking it at 50 years old. He had just turned that age a few mere months ago. And the party celebrating that milestone was indeed a wild one, done in a style that only the head of the Koopa household, and the owner of the Koopa Suites business, could have executed.

Any body else would have likely had the cops shut down their party by the time things really started getting loud by 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the festivities were just started to get underway.

Meanwhile, Hanbei recounted his experiences.

"Well...I have to pay my compliments for the overall service. Exquisite as always, and we were, overall, very pleased," Hanbei praised.

Bowser nodded assent. "But...?"

"I can see why you may be having a bit of trouble making as big of a splash as you may be expecting. And the overall answer may be simpler than you may think..."

"Really, now? Lay it on me," Bowser asked.

"It all comes to Japanese traditions relating to etiquette. The area of hospitality, especially."

"...Go on," Bowser said, intrigued.

"First off, you probably know this already, but it has to be said again. The first impression means a lot. The more sincere the greeting equates with a higher level of service. And whoever is your okami has to recognize that, as well as making sure they are THERE to greet the guests."

Bowser nodded fervently, as if he was taking mental notes while Hanbei continued to give the elder Koopa a play-by-play listing of his recommendations.

Junior had to give Hanbei credit. Whether it is interesting trivia relating to various subjects, book smarts that showcased his learned background or other types of "worldly wisdom," Hanbei probably had more data locked away in his personal gray matter, than some supercomputers could ever lay credit to.

His skills came into their own mainly when it came to getting Roy through their various levels of school together, but practically every member of the Koopa family had found themselves employing his talents, in some way. Junior himself was appreciative of the tips Hanbei was able to provide for his GT Calculus class, back during the early part of his Sophomore year. And that's nothing to say about how Hanbei had treated Junior as his own "little brother" in many respects, welcoming the younger koopa in many of the combined activities he and Roy would cook up, including various "game nights" that often lasted until 3AM, or later.

It was little wonder that Junior often found himself happier hanging with Roy and Hanbei back in the day, than chilling with classmates his own age. At first, it was due mainly to "cool" factor of being able to hang with the "big boys," especially two that had quite a bit of fame in the area, for their various exploits. But in the end, where so many of Junior's former, would-be friends were, too often, fickle and small-minded, he found something real with Roy and his best pal.

So, it should go without saying that Junior loved and respected Hanbei as much as he did so for Roy. The two friends did a lot to compliment each other's strengths, as well as make up for each other's faults. And, of course, the steadfast loyalty that the two friends possessed for each other was something that Junior deeply admired. In fact, if he was being completely honest with himself, having some one like Hanbei in his life, was perhaps the one thing he truly envied Roy for.

Such was the story of Junior's life. Besides one particular episode of his life back in 5th grade, it was easy enough for him to be well-liked by his peers and teachers and coaches alike. He was an athletic star. He was a charismatic card. He obtained solid marks, in tough classes, that kept him firmly on the Principal's Honor Roll. And, well, he was nowhere near the level of his namesake's narcissism, but Junior thought of himself as quite the catch, at least.

For all the guys that would give anything to be in his shoes, as well as many more girls that would love to get in his pants, Junior was never short on having people to casually hang out with. And then there was Barbara, his girlfriend of 2 years, who was the most popular and beautiful girl in school, plus had plenty of smarts and athletic ability in her own right. There were a number of rumors around school that pointed to the notion that she and Junior had Prom Crowns with their names on it, and he would not be at all surprised if this was true by the end of tomorrow night.

For a guy who had practically everything that one at his age could stand to want, not to mention the fact that he was definitely born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the one question Junior threw around in his mind, especially lately, was "why was it that he was not exactly pleased with the way his life was presently going?"

Yes, there was the notion that he was effectively living a lie. Several of them, matter of fact.

For example, there was the thing of how, as of this moment, only Roy and Hanbei know the full truth about how Junior has no inclination to join his father and eldest brother in the family business. His father would often mix praise, as well as a bit of comedic jabbing, at the fact that Junior took such high level courses that no prospective business major in college would need. And it is true. After all, what use would such a major have for the likes of Calculus III and Linear Algebra in a student's repertoire, when they could just finish up their High School career with a few Statistics, Accounting and maybe a Software Application courses, instead? Junior count it all joy that either Dad has not quite "caught on" yet, or he has just been merely too busy to investigate it further.

Then the question just becomes, how long does Junior honestly think he can keep up this particular charade? Until he walks across the the end of his COLLEGE career?

Speaking of charades? He could not forget the one relating to his "leanings," either. Far be it for Junior to try and narrow it down to a specific point in time when he may have started feeling the way he did. For all he cares to remember, he could have literally "woke up gay" when he was around 12 or 13, and that would have worked enough as a possible line of reason. Whatever the case may have ended up being, Junior was gay. He knew it and accepted it as a personal truth. That much was not the problem. But what about everybody else?

Dropping such a megaton announcement of that nature on the people in his life would definitely have a lasting effect. His fair-weather friends would drop him like a bad habit. Ms. Barbara Tanya Wallace would DEFINITELY not be pleased to have had a boyfriend who was never that interested in her from the jump. Worst case scenario, it would be a most uncomfortable time for him. But, on the bright side, it is his Senior year; latter-half of May, with Graduation, and his walk across Sherwood Pavilion's stage, practically in sight. He would never have to see those people ever again, and could effectively start anew in college, like he had planned to anyway.

It was his family, the ones that he had to actually live with, that are his main concern. Or, more to the point, Roy and Dad. If it came down to it, Junior would be able to live with possibly the ire of the majority of his family, even amongst his siblings. But his father and favorite older brother were the two male figures in his life that meant the most to him. To even remotely think of a possible future, where Roy and Bowser, Sr. turned their back on him because of him being gay, chilled him to his soul. It was perhaps the fear of being marooned in that manner coming to pass, which ended up being the main reason that kept him "in the closet," as the saying goes.

Finally, there was the aspect that Junior was undeniably lonely. No one, not even Roy, the brother that knows him best, would possibly surmise such an idea, given what they see on the outside. Junior has his issues, but the one thing that may even begin to surpass the pressing issue relating to his sexuality, may lie with the fact that Junior has never had some one, quite like Roy has Hanbei. A true friend that was on his level, possibly going through issues similar to his own, and be some one that Junior could "trust with his stuff." It was always nice for Roy, and Hanbei, when he was present, to have Junior's shell, when needed. But all the same, his "big brothers" had each other for things like that. Junior desired to have some one of his own, too. It would be nice to have such a friend that he could perhaps "turn out," as well, but one thing at a time.

Speaking of much as Junior did profess to have nothing but the highest regards for him, that still did not excuse the fact that, when he wanted to, the terrapin-type could talk up a storm. Even Wendy could not hope to compare to the wartotle, when the latter was in his "Encyclopedia Britannica" mode. The young Kagami's helpful-to-a-fault and teaching-friendly nature often incited him to even go over material again and again, until he was sure that the recipient had gotten all that they could handle.

Tuning back into what they were talking about, Junior half wondered if Hanbei was going to tell his father that there was going to be a quiz on this material, later.

" closing, I would also recommend that you maybe think of possibly adding on at least some aspects of this 'ryokan regiment' I have been speaking of, to your Hotels on the West Coast," Hanbei concluded.

"...Hmm, makes sense...the possible Japanese businessman would be able to expect a certain level of service, at home or abroad! Brilliant! Arigatou, Hanbei," Bowser agreed with a large grin.

"I would only suggest you don't dawdle with this. I believe I saw a 'Dark Star Suites' development under construction before I left..." Hanbei said with a knowing smile.

"A Dark Star? Out there, already?! Damn that guy...!"

"Gerakowitz-san even invited the two of us to lunch, his treat..."

"...No shittin'?! The nerve of that guy, trying to holla at my two best 'regulars', will he?! ...Of course, you didn't take him up on that offer, right?" Bowser asked.

Hanbei just smiled. Roy, Junior and Wendy just started snickering amongst themselves.

"...Right...!?" Bowser continued, and then furthered his pleading by placing two large paws on each of Hanbei's shoulders. "...Don't do this to me, Hanbei!"

"Relax. We politely declined. Even though it was a treat to my favorite sushi restaurant..." Hanbei grinned.

"Damn right! Kagamis and Koopas are SUPPOSED to be tight like glue! Ain't no other way!" Bowser grinned.

"Agreed," Hanbei replied with a mild chuckle.

"And if ya really want that raw fish stuff ya like so much, you only have to ask! You know I'm good for it! Still don't understand how you and your Dad can eat such stuff..."

Hanbei just continued to chuckle in response.

After a while, Bowser decided to change the subject.

"...I take it you probably figured out that I did not summon you simply for tips to help run my business."

"The thought had crossed my mind ever since it was brought to my attention days ago. Then there is always that saying..." Hanbei trailed off.

"...what sayin?'" Bowser asked.

"'Things are never what they seem...when Koopas are involved.'" Hanbei ended with a smirk.

Bowser stood there, looking at Roy's friend briefly...before he then burst into a long and loud fit of laughter. Junior and his siblings even joined in on the jovial display.

"Wooo, mercy!" Bowser breathed out happily. "Been too long since I had a nice guffaw like that! Sharp one like you? Your Popseses would definitely be proud, lemme tell ya!!"

Bowser then cleared his throat, and resumed his business like demeanor as he pulled a few things from his pocket. They turned out to be pictures of his youngest, circa his Junior Prom appearance.

"Hmmm...? What are those for, Dad?" Junior asked.

Bowser raised a hand gently to silence Junior, as well as his older siblings, in case they tried to interject. He then handed the pictures over to the blue turtle gently.

"Hanbei...could you look at these, for me, please?"

"Sure thing..." Hanbei whispered as he started to analyze the samples that Bowser had provided them.

Bowser waited pensively as the 24 year-old turtle examined each photo, before looking back up to meet their owner's eyes.

"Well...?" Bowser asked.

"Being honest? I do not like them. Not one bit," Hanbei stated.

"THANK YOU! Just what was I thinkin'!" The Koopa patriarch said.

"Just from the outset, I can conclude that there were a lot of things that I do not approve of this particular set. For example, the background choice doesn't do anything to bring out Junior's eyes, not to mention that," Hanbei examined quickly again. "...none of them appear to be even white-balanced correctly! This unsightly orange-tinted cast tells it all."

"...Yeah! Exactly!"

"...You don't even know what Hanbei's talking 'bout, do you, Daddy...?" Wendy said with a snide grin.

"What are you doin', all up in GROWN FOLKS' business any way, LITTLE GIRL?" Bowser grinned back manically.

"Hah! Guess you was right about one thing, Wendy! Truth hurts, dun it, 'King Dad'?" Roy said with a knowing, toothy grin.

Junior, in line with his siblings, supplied a few snickers at his father's expense.

"Y tu, my namesake? See how these bama children gang up on their poor Papa, Hanbei?"

Hanbei, as was usual, just stayed to his largely aloof demeanor, with a smile.

"...Any way, getting to my point," Bowser continued. "the reason I asked you to come back to America, was to, among other things, humbly ask for your photography and videography services once more. Could you please take some nice, HI-QUALITY shots of my youngest son, tomorrow? Tomorrow night is his Senior Prom, and it would mean a lot to me if I and the fam could have great pictures and video clips to commemorate such an occasion. Especially with your touch involved, I know it would be great! I mean, I know you're quite busy now-a-days and this was definitely last minute..."

"Say no more," Hanbei stated calmly. "It would be an honor."

"Wonderful!" Bowser lept forward, and bear-hugged Hanbei vigorously in delight. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou...oh, and did I mention, THANK YOU! And of course, you can be sure I'll gladly make it worthy your while."

"Please. You know your money is no good with me, sir." Hanbei said as he freed himself from the large Koopa's hug. "But I believe we can work something out..."

"...Yeah?" Bowser asked, bushy eyebrows raised in interest.

Hanbei's eyes had a bit of a fiery desire to him as he looked Bowser dead in his eyes.

"...I think you have a good idea of the only thing I could really desire from you."

"Oh....OH!" Bowser then grinned mischievously.

"We have an understanding, then?" Hanbei just continued to smirk.

"Of course! It just so happened that I'm free for the next few days, so that I can soak up all the goodness relating to my son's big night and so forth! I'll be happy to give you a re-match! That is, if you ain't afraid of getting more of what you got last time!"

"Excellent," Hanbei said, satisfied. "I do indeed look forward to our next contest."

"That makes two of us! You Kagamis have always been too much fun!" Bowser smiled with glee. "I can't wait!"

The two then had their individual fists meet, as if to make it an official vow that they had an "appointment," of the most interesting variety.

Junior's father would not be the only one eager. Both Junior and Roy alike already knew what was up, and gave each a sideways smirk to let each other know.

Wendy, on the other hand, was not as enthused, but nonetheless amused.

"Boys will be boys, no matter how old they get," she giggled as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, watch it, young lady! You're starting to sound too much like your mother!" Bowser snickered.

"Then I'm doing my job, ain't I?" she smiled.

"Heh...that you definitely are," her father chuckled in reply.

Hanbei smiled as well, as he gathered the pictures together, before giving them back to their owner.

"Well, in any case, it would simply be a matter of running back home to Charm City, getting my things and..." Hanbei started to list his trail of thought.

"No need to worry about that. Everything you need is here already!" Bowser smiled broadly.

"Oh, really? Father hooked you up with a means to get into the place?" Hanbei looked at him quizzically.

" after Gaisei and I talked, it was kinda hinted that such things were ok..." Bowser trailed off, diverting his scarlet gaze from Hanbei's eyes.

"B-san..." Hanbei said firmly.

"Aw, c'mon! I'm the head of a Global Hotel Conglomerate! A guy like me has plenty of means open to him in the realm of acquiring skeleton keys, and having plenty of people being able to move stuff quickly on a moment's notice...!" Bowser explained rapidly.

"...breaking and entering into my own home, and lifting my things from the premises. I must admit, I didn't think there was anything more that you and your kin could to surprise me," Hanbei sighed in a deadpan manner.

"Well, look, in the end, everything is all here and just waiting for you to set up. And as I always say, the most direct way of doing things, is definitely the BEST way of doing things!" Bowser said.

"...more like the 'Koopa way of doing things'..." Hanbei said with a wary smile.

"Best way? Koopa way? Same difference!" Bowser concluded with a wide smile.

"Well said, Pops!" Junior matched his father's smile with his own.

"Back up in the midst of things for a couple of minutes, and it is already crazy. What have I gotten myself into...?" Hanbei said softly.

"...Don't you worry, Bei-by!" Wendy added. "All of your equipment and things have been handled with the best of care. And I, personally, have seen to it that one of the guest rooms has been converted into a suitable dwelling for you."

"...guest room...?" Roy said softly. At that level, only Junior, who was standing right next to him, was able to actually hear him clearly.

Obviously, that one room that he and Roy had a brief tussle in earlier today was the room that was intended for their favorite guest. Good thing that their little rough-housing session did not do anything to mess up the room...much.

But, more over, Junior pondered briefly about the meaning of Roy's question. Was it merely to ask a question he likely already knew the answer to, or was there a bit more than that?

Before he could psycho-analyze any further though, Hanbei spoke again.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you did your best, Wendy. I just merely ask, 'will it be big enough?'" Hanbei asked with a smile.

"Hmm? Everything I saw looked like it could fit into the room with little trouble at all." Wendy mused. "...Unless you bought that much with you back from Japan?"

Hanbei continued to smile as he walked back towards the limo he arrived in. "Funny you would put it that way. I actually did bring with me a number of surprises for my 'second family.' But possibly the biggest surprise is right here in the limo..."

All Koopa eyes were on Hanbei as he walked back over, and then leaned down to peer into the still open door on his side.

"Well, now...are you guys planning to sleep the entirety of your first day in America, or...?"

It was then that Hanbei was surprised by two forms that leapt out and surprised hugged him. Obviously, the original intent was to attempt to tackle the wartortle, but he had already "braced" himself adequately for such a thing. So the two forms had to settle for the bear hug they ended up with.

Coming clearly into view, Junior was able to see for himself just who had tried to tackle Hanbei. Two kids of obvious eastern draconic descent, both of which could not be older than 14, stood in front of Hanbei, after the latter broke from them. The two seemed to be perfect twins, at least at first glance. Each had the same pair of red eyes, a matching pair of horns on his head, aqua-marine colored skin, the same height that Junior would wager to be about 5' 7" and were dressed in their own gakuseifuku, which was a dark blue color, as opposed Hanbei's white.

Junior allowed himself a smile. A part of him was always interested in twins. His first exposure to such interesting people was back in 6th Grade, when he was friends with a pair of tawny feline sisters named Tia and Tamera Meowry, who were actually a grade ahead of him. His favorite thing to do was to find some way of vexing them, usually on a more perverted tip. This usually led to a stereo chorus of them saying "GO HOME, JUNIOR!", or maybe just a smack upside the back of his head. He snickered at the thought of that familiar shout echoing in his memory.

The Meowries were probably the closest friends that Junior had, aside from Hanbei and Roy. And he enjoyed the days they had together, until they graduated from 8th grade, and moved away to Detroit, last he heard.

And now, fate has given the young Koopa a chance to get acquainted with a second pair of twins. The prospect enthralled him to no end.

"Well, hello there, guys!" Junior said, turning on his trademark charm. "Name's Junior. And you are...?"

The two twin dragons looked at each other.

"Shall I?" one asked.

"After you, dear brother," the other replied.

"Alright...We are the 'Double Draco' twins! I'm Billy Li!" the first one stated.

"...and I'm Jimmy Li!" the second one followed.

"And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" they said in unison, followed immediately by a synchronized quarter-bow.

Junior allowed himself to chuckle. He was beginning to like these two already.

"As my older brother stated though, such things like 'bowing' are not needed here! 'Specially not with me. A good handshake is fine, though! Put 'er there!" Junior said, extended both of his hands towards them.

Both twins tentatively outstretched a respective hand to meet with Junior's own.

A twin's hand in his left and his right, Junior continued to grin.

"See, now that wasn't so bad now was it...?" he started to ask.

But before he could finish, each twin had already started making quick movements. The twin on Junior's left pushed forward slightly, which made Junior off balanced. This was only worsened when the one on his right hooked a foot underneath Junior's right foot, and that caused Junior to topple onto his back.

Next thing he knew, he was looking up to both twins, each with confident smirks on their faces, and a fist cocked at Junior's own.

"We have you at our mercy, sir," one twin said.

"Do you surrender?" the other asked.

"BOYS!" Hanbei shouted. "That is NOT the way you introduce yourself to some one new!"

"But we saw you do it!" Billy stated excitedly.

"Yeah, to that big guy!" Jimmy added.

"...That's different."

"How so?!" they asked together.

"Because, that big guy you are talking about is your big brother's best friend. We have history together. We trained together. And that's one of the ways we like to greet each other sometimes, by putting each other to the test," Hanbei explained.

Roy snickered.

"...But in any case, we know each other. Therefore, it's okay for us to do as such. You two, do not know Mr. Junior like that. So, apologize, and help him up. Right this instant," Hanbei stated with utter seriousness.

The twins then hastily helped Junior up, obviously not wanting to provoke any more of Hanbei's ire.

"We're sorry, Mr. Junior..." they said together.

Junior, however, was all smiles.

"I see you guys all into that chop-socky stuff, as well! That's fine! But you know what's not fine? Calling me 'Mr. Junior'. I hate that kind of formality, especially for two guys who I'm sure I'm going to be cool with soon enough!" Junior said with a wink.

"Really?" one twin said.

"Cool!" the other replied immediately.

While Junior and the twins quickly were on the ups, and getting introduced to Wendy and his father in turn, Roy pulled Hanbei aside.

"So...details. How da hell did this come 'bout?"

"Well, it's a long story, my friend. But to make that long story short, while we made a stop over to visit an old friend in Hong Kong...we ended up picking up two new additions to our family."

"Ahhh..." Roy mused.

"Technically, Gaisei-sensei adopted them. But beyond all that, they're my charges. So, that makes me their 'big bro', as it were."

Roy then snaked his arms around Hanbei's neck yet again.

"If what I just saw was anythin' must drive 'em pretty hard."

"It's good for them. They have potential to do a lot of great things...if they just stay focused enough, and are put on the right path. Sound like anybody you know?" Hanbei gave a sly grin to Roy.

"I gots no idea what chu talking about, man," Roy smiled back, albeit a bit nervously.

"Oh, I'm sure, you don't," Hanbei replied. "But in any case, you should know, this was all due to you, in a way."

"...really? Why come you say dat?" Roy queried.

"Well, I'll be honest. Seeing the way you and Junior were so tight when we were growing up...the way you took him under your wing, doing your part to help make a man out of him, and such? That struck a chord with me. And with that, I think a part of me always wanted a 'lil bro' of my own, as well."

Hanbei turned aside, looking at Junior, already teaching his two new friends various things, like the proper way to walk with some "swagg in your step," among others.

"So, when the opportunity was clearly looking in my face back then, a year ago...who was I to say no? Especially when there was definitely a need...?" Hanbei concluded.

"...Heh. Well, who'da thunk I would have made such a positive impression on ya, Bei-bei? And here, ol' boy 'Lude the Prude' continues to think I'm such a bad influence on you...which, of course, is still correct, don't get me wrong!" Roy quickly added with a grin.

Hanbei just smiled gently, with a bit of a blush that was not easily missed on his normal, blue complexion.

"...But I'm mad tho'!"

" what?" Hanbei asked.

"What, you think you can just go ahead and get two youngins' to look after, while I had just one? Thinkin' you can go one-upping your partna', like 'dat?" Roy looked with a smile.

"...Roy, you have FOUR younger brothers, including Junior." Hanbei deadpanned.

"...Oh yeah! Easy to forget, seein' dat Junior's da only one I actually like!"

"...So sad..." Hanbei shook his head as best he could.

"But true!" Roy smirked. "'Sides, our own, not-so-little-any-more Bow J was the only one who really needed the help, much less actually wanted it."

"Looking at him, now? I think you did a fine job. He's definitely still got that 'play' about him, which I don't think he will ever outgrow. But I see that he's become a fine young man. You should be proud," Hanbei praised.

"...Oh, f'sho...but, don't tell him I said all 'dat though. Bow J doesn't need dat big head of his to get ANY bigger than it already is!" Roy laughed, with a bit of a blush himself. "'Sides...ain't like I can take all 'da credit. What's dat saying about a village....?"

"Takes a village to raise a child, based off of the Nigerian proverb 'Ora na azu nwa'. Used a great deal by many politicians, including, but not limited, to Former First Lady Clinton" Hanbei rolled off effortlessly.

"...thank you, my walking, talking, Wikipedia," Roy squeezed his arm around the wartortle's neck.

Hanbei chuckled out in reply.

"But seriously, tho'...I am proud of dat lil' rugrat. Just can't bring m'self to think that he's getting ready to graduate from High School...and hell, getting ready to go to college! And even worse...he'll be 'legal' in a few weeks! Jus let dat notion sink in!"

"God help us all..." Hanbei said, as the ideas fully registered in his mind.

"You ain't never lied..." Roy agreed.

Meanwhile, as Junior was now teaching the twins from Hong Kong the intricacies of some American slang, he had heard most, if not all of the conversation his two "big brothers" shared. A smile crept to his face at the praise they emitted on his behalf...and for another reason that was for him, alone.

"...So, 'killing it' means to actually slay something?" one twin asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Nah, nah! See, 'killing it', in this school of thought, means more along the lines of you're DDT-ing it, or 'doing the damn thing.' This means you're doing it exceptionally well! That make more sense, Jimmy?" Junior corrected.

"I'm Billy!" the Dracomon corrected.

"Oh, I'm sorry, man! I'll get it right...eventually!" Junior smiled.

"And what is this 'damn thing?'" the real Jimmy asked.

"Stick with me guys, and you'll pick it up along the way!" Junior winked.

"OK!" both twins answered.

Such as it was, and always will be, Junior's family was now all together. With two new additions, no less! As the twin 14-year-olds hung on every word the young, American Koopa uttered, he had to admit it: there was indeed something to be said about being the "big brother" that made for a nice change of pace from him always being the youngest at home.

It was then, that Junior caught a faint scent in the air. The all-too-familiar scent of his favorite dish wafted into his nostrils, and only proceeded to make his mouth water with delight. His father must have specifically requested his favorite dish for tonight's meal, and now, he was even more eager to sink his teeth into it.

"Mmmm...steak..." Junior thought to himself wistfully.

Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 3

_Disclaimer: I don't own shit. So don't sue. Please! I got bills to pay!_ _As always, the setting/scenario pertaining to "Roommates" was put together by Spelunker Sal and Dreamous. This side-story, however, is my labor of...

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 1

_Disclaimer: Well, let me just put it bluntly. Basically, I don't own a THING! All original characters/species are owned by their respective companies and/or players. The original "Roommates" comic, and accompanying scenario, are the property of the...

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