This, is MY story Part 3

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **vow of silence** "now, can you explain what happened?" the canine police officer asked. "well..." started gai.

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Roommates - "These Are My Reflections" Chapter 2

_Disclaimer: I've said it before, I'll probably say it again and again...but really, I don't lay claim to any thing. Even the characters I intend to introduce in this chapter are not truly "mine", per se._ _As always, the...

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This, is MY story Part 5

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **forgive and forget** trey's heart was beating double time as he made his way to the manor's kitchen.

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This, is MY story Part 4

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **silence broken** true to his word, hanbei gave his adoptive father's plan a try the next day.

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This, is MY story Part 2

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **monster...** a week had gone by since his birthday, and things still seemed to be improving for trey.

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This, is MY story Part 6

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **jojo** trey let out a big yawn as he made himself more comfortable.

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This, is MY story

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **homeward bound** trey's seat shook a little as the plane hit a bit of turbulence, shaking him out of sleep.

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This, is MY story Part 9

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **the future** the trio got onto the elevator and took it up to the penthouse level.

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This, is MY story Part 10

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **killin' time** trey got off the elevator and walked back into the suite with a yawn.

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This, is MY story Part 8

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **bon voyage** for a few moments more, the two young men sat in complete silence, allowing themselves process everything that had just transpired.

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This, is MY story Part 12

A story that my friend treiii has been helping me write that relates to his tamr story on roommates. **promise** after about an hour of lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, trey finally forced himself to get out of bed.

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