_as always, the setting/scenario pertaining to "roommates" was put together by spelunker sal and dreamous._
_oh, and i forgot to mention this last time, but yeah...since this work is related to "roommates", the same type of content can be expected
Dracomon, Dreamous, Koopa, Roommates, Spelunker Sal, TreIII, Wartortle
Okay here it is. This is a fan story to the fictional characters Flamedramon and Hatsune Miku following the story 'Gian's First' by Dreamous. I made This story as a way to show my respect for Dreamous and not to make a profit. The characters and...
Digimon, Dreamous, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Flamedramon, Gay, Hatsune Miku, Mystery, Spelunker Sal, Vocaloid, life
This just happened moments ago and I wanted to write it down before it left me. Figured I'd share.
Just now, I was startled awake by a nightmare where I was being chased around the complex and very polygonal perimeter of a high school building at...
Dream, nightmare
Hanbei or roy koopa,
these characters belong to spelunker sal.
stabsunteroffizier josef johannes gutenberg iii, nicholas coulter, professor gutiérrez, isaac crowder, and any characters not already part of the roommates universe belong to me.
Bowser, Gay Relationships, Koopa, Roommates, Series, Wartortle, Wolf