Kazufox Interview #5

Story by Kazufox on SoFurry

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#5 of Kazufox Interviews!

Note: I hate my life...

another pre 2007 interview thing.


~Prologue #5~

~Location: Outside Thorntail Hollow~

*Kazufox*: Wow, sure is beautiful here, I should come here on vacation someday.

~Kazufox notices an artic wolf with short white hair in a purple and white military uniform that he knows walking nearby~

*Kazufox*: Ryusen!

*Ichiro Ryusen*: Hello Kazufox.

*Kazufox*: Are you here for a fight?

*Ryusen*: Not this time.

*Kazufox*: Huh? What do you mean by that!?

*Shadow*: Allow us to introduce our cool club.

*Kazufox*: Oh yeah? What's the name of it then?

*Shadow*: It's too cool to have a name.

*Sephiroth*: And the president of the club Ichiro Ryusen.

*Kazufox*: Sephiroth...I hated you with a passion! You were tough to kill in Final Fantasy and you were just a pain in the ass in Kingdom Hearts and the worst part about that was I didn't get a new Keyblade! But I'll be ready for you in Kingdom Hearts 2!

*Sephiroth*: I look forward to it.

*Ryusen*: That's enough Sephiroth, he's my rival.

*Kazufox*: Hmph. If you're asking me to join then no thanks.

*Ryusen*: Don't flatter yourself, we were just going out for a walk.

*Falco*: Yeah and showing off our coolness!

*Kazufox*: Figures...

*Faust*: Hello Kazuyox.

*Kazufox*: Faust, what are you doing with them!?

*Falco*: You're just jealous that we're cool and your not.

*Faust*: That's right ah ha ha ha ha!

*Ryusen*: Faust. Shadow Sephiroth and I were talking and you're more creepy than cool so you are out of the club.

*Faust*: What? How dare you! I guess now I can show off some flame alchemy that my dear friend Roy Mustang taught me.

~Faust snaps his fingers and the others become engulfed in a blaze of fire~

*Faust*: Oops...I guess I over did it.

~The flames suddenly subside showing the others not burned and a small purple and white figure with sword-like arms by Ryusen~

*Faust*: What!? But how is that possible?

*Kazufox*: Idiot, do you think you can stop them like that? Take a good look at that thing. Its Ryusen's alter, Suisun.

*Faust*: So?

*Kazufox*: It has amazing cutting abilities.

*Ryusen*: You're alchemy needs oxygen to work right? Well I cut the air around us creating an empty vacuum.

*Kazufox*: Well, now that your alter is already out we can begin our fight!

*Ryusen*: If you haven't checked you are outnumbered, but don't worry. We aren't here to fight. Poses!

~The four do their cool poses~

*Falco*: Oh yeah! We rock!

*Shadow*: Chaos Control!

~The four then disappear~

*Faust*: Oh great, now what Kazu? Kazu?

*Scarabs*: *chirp, chirp, chirp*

~Location: McDonalds on Earth~

*Kazufox*: Man, Ryusen pisses me off, even after all this time. I guess a milkshake will help calm me down.

*Ryusen*: Welcome to McDonalds. How may I take your...

*Kazufox*: o.o

*Ryusen*: ...order.

*Kazufox*: Heh heh well, never thought I'd see the great sword alter user Ichiro Ryusen working in a place like this. What happened to your uniform? It matched your alter so well. Now you're gonna have to get that thing a paint job. J

*Ryusen*: Your order sir? (vein on forehead starts pulsing)

*Kazufox*: Oh yeah, one chocolate milkshake. Large.

*Ryusen*: That'll be $1.50.

*Kazufox*: Hehehehe...

*Ryusen*: Hey! Are you going to pay or not?

*Kazufox*: Sure, sure. Wow you take this job pretty seriously.

*Ryusen*: It is the honorable thing to do and-

*Kazufox*: What honor!? You work at McDonalds! On Earth, too! But only you would try to make working here look cool.

*Ryusen*: Grr! No one insults my honor! (glows to summon alter)

*Kazufox*: Your honor or your pride? (glows to form alter)

*Ganondorf*: Listen everyone! May I have your attention please. I will announce the new employee of the month...Ichiro Ryusen!


*Octork*: Way to go!

*Like Like*: Good job!

*Ryusen*: (stops glowing) I...I don't believe it. Finally after six months of toiling I finally made employee of the month!

*Kazufox thinking*: (stops glowing) Six months...-.-

*Ganondorf*: Way to go Ryusen! Keep up the good work.

*Ryusen*: Don't worry sir, I won't let you down!

~Falco's car pulls into drive through window~

*Falco*: Hey Sephy, watch where you put that sword!

*Sephiroth*: My name is Sephiroth and you should've let me put it in the trunk!

*Shadow thinking*: Must not say anything...Must keep coolness...Very hungry...

*Falco*: Whatever. Hey, where's our...Ryusen?

*Sephiroth and Shadow*: What?

~The trio sees Ryusen and he sees them~

*Kazufox*: Six months of work and only today you become employee of the month?

*Ryusen*: Yeah...


*Shadow*: Ryusen. Sephiroth and I were talking and you're no longer cool enough to be with us.

*Ryusen*: So what! You can laugh at me all you want but I've been looking forward to this day for a long time and I won't let anyone ruin it!

*Sephiroth*: Not letting other people's insults ruin your day, that's cool.

*Shadow*: Its good to have you back with us Ryusen.

*Ryusen*: Thank you.

*Falco*: Hey, how come you guys decide who's in or out?

*Sephiroth*: Shadow, Ryusen and I were talking and you're out Falco. Whining is so uncool.

*Falco*: Fine! Then get out of my car!

~Falco drives off leaving Shadow and Sephiroth at the window~

*Shadow*: That's not cool.

*Kazufox*: Give me a break! You guys are actually gonna let him join back just like that? I can't believe you guys even let this loser in charge to begin with.

*Ganondorf*: Ahem.

*Kazufox*: What do you want?

*Ganondorf*: I can sue you for harassing my employees.

*Kazufox*: What are you, a lawyer?

*Ganondorf*: Yes I am and I'll see you in court tomorrow.

*Kazufox*: Oh crap. I always knew lawyers were evil...

*Mermaid Man*: Evil? EEEEEEVIIILLLLL!!

~Next day after trial~

*Kazufox*: ...

*Jolteon*: Well how did it go?

*Kazufox*: Pretty good actually, I was found not guilty.

*Jolteon*: What!? How? They had cameras.

*Kazufox*: So?

*Jolteon*: Eyewitnesses, including me!

*Kazufox*: So?

*Jolteon*: You were against cool people with the king of evil on their side! And I'm pretty sure that the judge was a fan of Marth.

*Kazufox*: So?

*Jolteon*: How could you be not guilty!?

*Kazufox*: Simple. I pulled a grab bag magic trick. (shows bag of money) Now what was I supposed to be doing?

*Jolteon*: Interview someone.

*Kazufox*: Oh yeah. (pulls out cell phone) Hey, interview today? (pause) Okay. (pause) Good, okay. (pause) Bye. I was wondering who'd I'd interview. I guess it's the good old general, General Pepper!

_Kazufox's interview with General Pepper_

*Jolteon*: Where did you get that money from anyways?

~Meanwhile in space near the Space Orbital Gate~

*Paul Wizzle*: Let's see...Kazufox is somewhere on Corneria but if I can just remember where. I bet he knows who blew up my house!

*beep, beep*

*Paul Wizzle*: Huh? Oh, mail. (reads message) WHAT!? Bankrupt? Someone's taking all my money!! I worked hard to steal that money, too. I'm gonna kill somebody!

~Back outside courthouse~

*Jolteon*: Yeah...what am I even doing here anyways?

*Kazufox*: You've been drafted.

*Jolteon*: Drafted? For what?

*Olga the fat nurse den mother*: For the 'Girl Scouts of America'!

*Jolteon*: Huh?

*Olga*: That is correct! Why are you not in uniform?

*Jolteon*: Well, I uh-

*Olga*: Drop and give me 20!!

~Jolteon starts doing push-ups~

*Jolteon*: Kazufox!

*Kazufox*: Well, better get going. Later.

~Later at General Pepper's office~

*Pepper*: I'm a very busy person so let's just get this over with.

*Kazufox*: (mockingly) I'm a very busy person so let's just get this over with.

*Pepper*: Stop that!

*Kazufox*: Stop that!

*Pepper*: Grr!

*Kazufox*: Grr!

*Pepper*: Get out of my office now!

*Kazufox*: Not until I get my interview.

*Pepper*: But I already said...oh nevermind.

*Kazufox*: First question, what happened to your sunglasses?

*Pepper*: What are you talking about? They've been right here in my desk-Hey! My sunglasses are missing!

*Kazufox*: Maybe Bill took them.

*Pepper*: Bill?

*Kazufox*: Yeah, I mean James always had a pair of his own and Bill shows up wearing shades in his first and only appearance? Seems suspicious to me.

*Pepper*: Bill...(looks in drawer at copies of 'Kill Bill' 1 and 2)

*Kazufox*: Next question, how long have you known Peppy?

*Pepper*: Ever since we were young.

*Kazufox*: How many centuries ago was that?

*Pepper*: What!?

*Kazufox*: How long ago was that?

*Pepper*: Oh I'd say about 40 years.

*Kazufox*: Okay, last question. I know you had your name changed so what is it now?

*Pepper*: Oh you don't want to know, there was a mistake in changing it you see and-

*Kazufox*: Tell me.

*Pepper*: ...

*Kazufox*: Don't worry I won't tell.

*Pepper*: ...

*Kazufox*: I'll find out one way or the other because I could just scan your mind and then I'll tell everyone.

*Pepper*: All right! My name now is officially...General Salt...Ned...Pepper.

*Kazufox*: (grins) General Salt N. Pepper?

*Pepper*: Yes...

*Kazufox*: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Hey, Now I know where you go for a family reunion, at the local McDonald's! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Man, these jokes never gets old, unlike you! Ha ha ha ha!

*Pepper*: Grr! That's it! I'm sick of everyone making fun of my name! (pulls out whistle)

*Kazufox*: Uh oh. (runs away)


~Kazufox runs out trying to escape and hides inside a dark empty hangar~

*Kazufox*: At least there aren't any guards.

~Spotlight turns on Kazufox~

*Kazufox*: Damn! Me and my big mouth!

~Another spotlight turns on Pepper who is waiting on the balcony~

*Pepper*: Now you will feel the wrath of my Koopa army!

*Kazufox*: I thought it was Cornerian?

*Pepper*: They went on vacation.

~The lights all turn on showing the hangar full of heavily armed Koopas~

*Kazufox*: I thought you said this was an empty hangar!?

~Seemed that way in the dark~

*Kazufox*: Crap!

*Pepper*: There's no place to run so give up quietly and the beating will not be so painful.

*Kazufox*: (smirks) Hm hm hm ah ha ha ha ha!

*Pepper*: What is so funny?

*Kazufox*: Ha ha ha! It's you, ye salty old dog you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! If you think I'd run then you're even crazier that I thought!

~Kazufox's left eye seals shut and his hair stands DBZ style. His right arm splits into three then six gold rings close up the arm and orange armor forms over the entire arm with red claws. Three red wing blades form on the right side of Kazufox's back~

*Kazufox*: I'd like to show you my alter Tri Bullet! It isn't as strong as Shell Shurigun, but it gets the job done. Come on!!

*Pepper*: Attack!

~The Koopa army charges at Kazufox, but he dodges their attacks and counters by jumping on their heads or punching them with his alter arm~

*Koopa #1*: Oh no!

*Koopa #2*: Ow! My shell!

*Kazufox*: Too bad!

*Pepper*: Send in the Ludicolos

*Kazufox*: Why Ludicolos?

*Pepper*: Because they dance so funny.

~20 Ludicolos surround Kazufox~

*Kazufox*: Hey Pepper, you feeling all right?

*Pepper*: (in star pajamas) Time to count Mareep. 1...2...3...

*Kazufox*: o.o

*???*: Still causing trouble I see.

~Kazufox looks toward the window to see Ryusen in his military uniform with his alter~

*Kazufox*: Yeah, so? If you think that I need your help then you're sadly mistaken my friend.

*Ryusen*: I'm not here to help you. I just want to test my new skills. (jumps down)

*Pepper*: (back in uniform) Hey, who are you?

*Ryusen*: I will answer, my name is Ichiro Ryusen and I will put a stop to your evil!

*Pepper*: Oh yeah? We'll see about that! Ludicolos, water gun!

~The Ludicolos use water gun but Suisun cuts straight through and Kazufox jumps into the air to prepare for his attack~

*Kazufox*: Shocking...(arm splits open and wings pop out) First...(bottom wing blade on back disintegrates) Bullet!!

~Sapphire colored energy shoots from Kazufox's back and he flies down and lands his attack on the ground~


~All the Ludicolos fainted. Kazufox and Ryusen earned 1539 exp. Points~

*Pepper*: No! Time to use my secret weapon! Send out the 'Mariachi Band 5'!

*Flying Koopa*: Yes sir!

*Ryusen*: Do you surrender?

*Pepper*: Of course not!

(~Mariachi music starts playing~)

*Kazufox*: Uh, what's that?

*Pepper*: Since you guys are alter users, I've decided to use fire against fire. So this is the 'Mariachi Band 5' my secret and most devastating weapon! Mwah ha ha ha haa!

*Kazufox*: He really is the leader of the secret, illegal, underground, smuggling group with a whole bunch of arsenal a.k.a. the Mexican mafia!

*Ryusen*: 0.o

*Kazufox*: Hmm...1...2...3...4...6? Hey, you lose your reading glasses too, there're 6.

*Pepper*: No, there's 1...2...6!? But you guys are supposed to be the 'Mariachi Band 5'!!

*Kazufox*: Man, stuff like that happens often.

*Ryusen*: How embarrassing.

*Pepper*: I'll show you! Go and destroy them!

~The band forms their alter which is oddly similar to Darkside Armor from Kingdom Hearts except the head is a sombrero, the hands have maracas, and the body is a vest with a guitar on the back~

*Ryusen*: Looks tough. Think you can handle it?

*Kazufox*: Yeah, no problem!

*Pepper*: We'll see about that! (snaps fingers)

~200 armored Koopas with spiked shells, 150 para Goombas, 80 flying Koopas, and 60 GUN robots surround the two~

*Ryusen*: You know, as bad as the odds are...I like it.

*Kazufox*: Same here.

*Shadow*: Then let me have some fun.

~Kazufox and Ryusen look to see Shadow in the window all mysterious and stuff~

*Kazufox*: Why not?

~Sephiroth appears from a magical portal all cool like~

*Sephiroth*: I hope you don't mind if I crash the party.

*Ryusen*: Hmph, not at all.

*Kazufox*: Then let's go!!

(~Sephiroth's theme starts playing~)

~Sephiroth draws his sword and Shadow pulls out his guns and the battle begins~

*Shadow*: Don't worry about these things, go defeat that creature.

*Kazufox*: Already on my way. Terminating...(arm splits open and wings pop out) Second...(middle wing blade disintegrates) Bullet!!

~Kazufox shoots through the armada of Koopas~


~Ryusen uses his alter's sword attacks to cut a path while cutting off the wings off the flying Koopas and Goombas~

*Goomba*: Ow! Hey, that hurt ya jerk!

*Ryusen*: Alright, here we are. It's been a while since we've fought on the same side.

*Kazufox*: You know, you're right.

*Ryusen*: Don't let your guard down.

*Kazufox*: Have you forgotten who you're talking to? Obliterating...(arm splits open and wings pop out) Last...(final wing blade disintegrates) Bullet!!

~Kazufox shoots toward the giant alter~


*Kazufox*: What!? I didn't even phase it.

*Ryusen*: I guess we better take it up a level.

~Kazufox opens his left eye and transforms into his Shell Shurigun form. Suisun morphs into a dragon with large shoulder blade armor with two drill-like missiles with blades on the ends hanging on the sides~

*Ryusen*: This is Suisun's true form. Its power is equivalent to Kazufox's Shell Shurigun, if not stronger.

*Kazufox*: Yeah, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better from when I beat you in our last fight.

*Ryusen*: Things will be different next time, now watch and learn. Sonic Blades!!

~The two drill arms fire and slice up one of the maracas causing a member of the band to pass out from the strain of his alter being destroyed~

*Kazufox*: Not bad, now it's my turn! Shell Shurigun Burst!!

~Kazufox flies off and strikes the other maraca causing it to blow up making another member pass out. Meanwhile Shadow and Sephiroth are taking care of the others until 10 Bellossoms appear and all shoot a massive solar beam at Sephiroth at the same time~

*Shadow*: Sephiroth! Are you okay? (shoots down more flying Koopas)

*Sephiroth*: Stupid...flower...freaks. *faint*

(~Sephiroth's theme ends~)

*Shadow*: Sephiroth! That does it, Chaos Blast!

~Shadow creates a massive explosion destroying all the robots and taking out a lot of Koopas and Goombas. A metal Koopa shell gets shoot through a cannon and hits Shadow knocking him to the wall~

*Shadow*: Guh...My power isn't fully restored...Maria...*faint*

~Shadow wakes up to hear a creepy voice~

*Faust*: Boneyard Crush!

*Shadow*: Faust?

*Faust*: Don't worry Shadow, help is here. Good thing I put a tracking device in Kazi's ear the last time he was at the hospital. Oh, and I brought some friends.

*Falco*: Falco to the rescue!

~Roy Mustang, Alex Louis Armstrong, Falco, and Yoshi are also fighting. The battle with the giant alter continues using the sound waves from the guitar to attack~

*Ryusen*: Hey, *huff* how many attacks have you fired? *huff*

*Kazufox*: All together, *huff* about ten.

*Ryusen*: Impressive, but I've been training and learning new techniques, this one Pikkon taught me.

*Kazufox*: Pikkon? Isn't he dead?

*Ryusen*: He had a free day pass to Cedar Point. Now then, Hyper Tornado Attack!

~The two drill arms fire again creating a cyclone but gets caught in the sombrero~

*Ryusen*: What!?

*Kazufox*: Shell Shurigun Bur-AAAHH!!

~Kazufox gets caught in the cyclone getting cut up just like Goku did~

*Ryusen*: Suisun, attack!

The giant alter uses another sound blast sending Ryusen and his dragon alter crashing into the wall

*Kazufox thinking*: I'm not giving up, I won't give up! (eyepiece glows) What's this? Perfect...

~Kazufox stops spinning in the cyclone~

*Kazufox*: Well, you've been able to handle eleven attacks from me, but try number twelve! (starts glowing gold) Shell...(arm splits open, fist shines and hatch opens sucking in energy) Shotgun...(eyepiece locks on) BURST!!

~A powerful energy blast is fired from Kazufox and then it splits into twelve separate blasts destroying the alter causing the rest of the band to fall flat~

*Ryusen*: So, *huff* you learned a new move, about time. *huff*

*Kazufox*: Shut up. *huff* Some help you were.

The battle has ended with our heroes victorious

*Yoshi*: Hey Kazufox, Ryusen! Are you guys okay?

*Ryusen*: (Suisun disappears) Don't worry about us.

*Shadow*: Aren't we forgetting something?

*Pepper*: Too late! Mwah ha ha haa! I'll just have to finish you myself!

~Pepper hits a switch and a missile appears aimed at the others below~

*Armstrong*: Go ahead and fire, (takes off shirt) but you will not hurt these muscles! (flexes and sparkles)

*Pepper*: Oh...not you. (aims missile at Kazufox) HIM!! (pulls out remote)

~Before Pepper fires the missile, a boomerang hits the remote out of the crazed general's paw~

*Falco*: What the heck?

~Wolf walks in~

*Wolf*: Hey! That's my line!

~Everyone watches a mysterious figure uses his grappling hook to swing across to where the general is~

*Link*: It's over Pepper, give up!

*Mustang*: About time you showed up.

*Kazufox*: Why do you always show up at the last minute to help!?

*Armstrong*: Don't you see? It adds wonderful drama. Oh the suspense!

*Falco*: Yeah right...

*Armstrong*: You don't believe me? Then believe my muscles! (flexes on Falco)

*Falco*: Get away from me you psycho!!

~Psycho appears from plothole~

*Psycho*: Did someone mention me?

*Wolf*: Forget it, I'm going to go get a beer. (leaves)

*Psycho*: Okay, I guess I'll do this...(pulls out psycho pills) Mwah ha ha ha! (leaves)

*Armstrong*: Believe. (flexes and sparkles more) Believe!

*Falco*: AAAAHH!! (runs away)

*Armstrong*: Wait, come back. I haven't finished letting my muscles speak! (chases)

*Kazufox*: That was fun. (returns to normal state)

*Link*: Give up?

*Pepper*: You'll never take me alive coppers! Ah ha ha ha ha ha haa!! (runs away)

~Link pulls out a tranquilizer arrow and shoots Pepper slowing him down then two men in white take Pepper away~

*Man #1*: Its okay now, we're going on the plane.

*Pepper*: (still drowsy) But I wanna take the choo-choo!

*Man #2*: We can do that.

*Pepper*: Woo! Woo!

*Everyone*: ...-.-

*Mustang*: Right...

*Faust*: And you guys thought that I was crazy.

*Yoshi*: That was weird.

*Sephiroth*: This whole thing was weird.

*Ryusen*: Good work everyone and thank you all for your help. And so, all of you are honorary members of the cool club.

*Everyone*: Yeah! (poses)

*Ryusen*: That means you too Kazufox.

*Kazufox*: Thanks but no thanks. Its not that I don't want to be in the club, it's just that it isn't my style.

*Ryusen*: I understand, I realize now that there are those who would lose their coolness by joining the club. And so, I will end the club because we don't need to have a club to be cool. We all have a little bit of coolness in us no matter how annoying we are, except Slippy and Tricky.


*Mustang*: One thing I don't get though is why Pepper went crazy in the first place.

*Sephiroth*: Who knows.

*Kazufox*: Man, why do things get weirder and weirder?

*Link*: Well that's the life of an interviewer.

*Ryusen*: Interviewer? You mean a Starwing interviewer!? (glares at Kazufox) This whole thing was your fault! You are as bad as when I first met you! (punches Kazufox)

*Kazufox*: Hey, I didn't ask for your help! (punches Ryusen)

*Ryusen*: You are a stupid moron! (punches Kazufox)

*Kazufox*: I can say the same about you! (punches Ryusen)

*Ryusen*: You interviewers are disrupting the natural order! (punches Kazufox)

*Kazufox*: Oh, like you can fix it! (punches Ryusen)

*Ryusen*: I can't believe I asked you to join my club! (punch gets caught)

*Kazufox*: You're still as stuck up as always!

*Shadow*: Hey, where's the bomb remote?

~The remote falls off edge of the balcony~

*Link*: Oops...

*Mustang*: Idiot.


~Next morning at hospital~

*Kazufox*: Huh? Again?

*Tina*: You must like to swim, since your body was found in the same lake.

*Kazufox thinking*: Note to self. That lake will forever be known as 'Death Lake'. Hmm...this is strange though, usually I would be at Fred's.

~Location: Hippie Van Pad~

*Fred*: What's up little furry dude?

*Kazufox*: I was only kidding!

*Ryusen*: You're late.

*Kazufox*: Shut up!

*Fred*: That's why you two are here since you can't get along.

*Kazufox*: Hey, he's the smart one that started this at the beginning with his stupid club!

*Ryusen*: You're the smart-ass interviewer that sent Pepper into the insane asylum!

*Fred*: Isn't there anything that can get you two to stop and get along?

*Both*: NO!!

~Slippy appears~

*Slippy*: Hi guys!

*Ryusen*: YOU!!

*Slippy*: Oh, you're the guy that wouldn't give me a straw.

*Ryusen*: I did and I told you where the other straws were! Because of you...I almost got fired! More than once too! You...

*Kazufox*: You stupid Toad! Did you fix my ship yet?

*Slippy*: No...

*Both*: RAAAAGH!! (both jump Slippy)

~After five minutes of beating up Slippy until his ghost disappears, both cool down~

*Kazufox*: Wow, I feel a whole lot better! Hey Ryusen, sorry about laughing at you.

*Ryusen*: That's okay, I shouldn't have tried to show off in the first place.

*Kazufox*: Got that right.

*Both*: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*Ryusen*: I'll be heading back. (disappears)

*Fred*: What about you?

*Kazufox*: Have to end the interview. This is Kazufox and I'm ending yet another interview. See ya!


~Kazufox here and when I woke up in the hospital, I managed to avoid getting CPR from Olga the fat nurse. Thank you God! For some reason, only Ryusen and I were hit by the explosion. It turned out that Pepper's insanity was actually caused by me and the fact that so many others made fun of his name. The 'Mariachi Band 5' left to be in the music business and are were successful until the guitarist left to go solo, a classic case like N' Sync, but we all await for the reunion. The Pokémon that were there decided to head back to the wild, only to be captured days later. Falco ended up in the hospital because Armstrong accidentally flexed himself a little too much and broke Falco's bones. The Koopas that were with Pepper decide that they would rather be stomped by Mario than fight against people like me, so they went back to Bowser who had no idea that they were gone and they'll be starting work...as soon as they get out of the hospital. Something good that happened to me was that, besides sending Slippy to the hospital, was that I learned a new move the Shell Shotgun Burst, but after I use it the pain is like a Fara attack. All and all things went pretty well. Hey, I never got, my milkshake...L~

~Location: Hospital~

*Faust*: The doctor is in.

*Kazufox*: (covered in bandages) Oh crap.

*Faust*: Don't worry, I'm not here to operate...today, just here to let you know that you have visitors. Okay everyone come in.

*Kazufox*: Everyone?

~Mustang, Armstrong with his shirt on, Yoshi, Link, Shadow, and Sephiroth enter the room~

*Kazufox*: Wow, everybody's here. (looks at bed next to him) Even Falco.

*Falco*: *groan* Spine...pain...ow...

*Kazufox*: Heheh. Hey Link, I know I never said this but, sorry if you thought that I meant you were gay.

*Link*: Hey that's okay. I know that you didn't start the rumor and besides, if I never forgave you I would've just let you get blown up.

*Mustang*: He got blown up anyways.

*Link*: I said it was an accident!

*Mustang*: Sure...¬­¬

*Kazufox*: Thanks for coming everyone. *sniff* It means so much that my friends would come see me in the hospital and not abandon me.

*Armstrong*: I can understand how you feel. (sparkles)

*Link*: Oh, but there's more.

~Yoshi removes the curtains between Kazufox's bed and the next bed showing Ryusen who is also covered in bandages~

*Yoshi*: Ta-da!


*Ryusen*: You look pretty banged up.

*Kazufox*: Well you look like hell.


*Kazufox*: Well there's one thing we can agree on.

*Ryusen*: Yeah, you're right.

*Both*: We both hate Slippy! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Everyone in the room laughs even Slippy who is down the hall

*Slippy*: Ha ha ha ha ha! Hey! That's not nice!

~Who cares Slippy~

~Back at the hangar~

*???*: Alter, Jenova, alchemist, shaman, and ultimate life forms data...copied.

*The End*

*Greg*: See what happens next time in Kazufox's next interview when he gets home from this incident and...well if I told you then you wouldn't-*coughFaracough* Stay tuned...

~Doesn't this just grab your attention wanting to know who the little stalker is? Keep reading and you will find out, those who know DON'T SPOIL IT!! Or else...~

~Nintendo characters are copyright to Nintendo.~

~Shadow and GUN robots are copyright to Sonic Team.~

~Sephiroth is copyright to Square Enix.~

~Mermaid Man is copyright to Nickelodeon.~

~Mustang and Armstrong are copyright to Funimation Productions.~

~Faust is copyright to himself.~

~Psycho is copyright to himself.~

~Jolteon is copyright to himself.~

~Paul Wizzle is copyright to himself.~

~Tina, Fred the hippie, 'Mariachi Band 5', Greg, Ichiro Ryusen, and Kazufox are copyright to Kazufox.~

Kazufox Interview #6

Note: Dear everyone, I am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...sorry. I will do better in the future leaving behind my old pre-2007 'humor' behind and learned from my horrible mistakes. It's interview #6 ===== # ~Prologue #6~ **----** # ~Location:...

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Kazufox Interview #4

Note: Hard to believe it's already been another week...well, here's another old pre-08 writing of mine, intervew #4. This one in partcular, you do see a little of what goes on in my head...I can assure you, it is not for the faint of heart. ...

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Kazufox Interview #3

Note: ... Short intro at end of my first video game crush... Aside from that...I've got nothing else to say. Excuse me...\*goes to vomit\* ~Prologue #3~ ---- ~Inside what Kazufox calls the Hippie Van Pad, for obvious...

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