Jungle Queen
Just a little writing I did. # Jungle Queen The sun was burning bright and blazing hot, yet the gentle winds made things a nice day. The beautiful white veil flows through the breeze entering the room of the Egyptian palace. At this balcony was a...
Rise of the Alters: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Fortuna Massacre It was a starry night on planet Fortuna near an abandoned military base. Insects making their chirping noises all through the night, but was soon clouded out from rustling in the dense jungle. A Cornerian soldier...
Kazufox Interview #1
Note: This is all pre 08 material, started out on a site www.starwing.co.uk with little skits like this. I swear they get better, not to mention the Star Zero series is consider a lot better than here. Posting due to lack of submissions...
Kazufox Interview #2
Note: I feel ill...I really do...For one let me explain a few things... Back when in late middle school/early high school, used to be friends with a guy named Paul Wizzle and well, we had a bit of a gag going on between us. Blah blah...no...
Kazufox Interview #4
Note: Hard to believe it's already been another week...well, here's another old pre-08 writing of mine, intervew #4. This one in partcular, you do see a little of what goes on in my head...I can assure you, it is not for the faint of heart. ...
Kazufox Interview #5
Note: I hate my life... another pre 2007 interview thing. ==== # ~Prologue #5~ ---- # ~Location: Outside Thorntail Hollow~ ---- \*Kazufox\*: Wow, sure is beautiful here, I should come here on vacation someday. ~Kazufox notices an artic wolf...
Kazufox Interview #6
Note: Dear everyone, I am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...sorry. I will do better in the future leaving behind my old pre-2007 'humor' behind and learned from my horrible mistakes. It's interview #6 ===== # ~Prologue #6~ **----** # ~Location:...
Grandpa's Stories 1
Note: Eh, I know it's been a while since I've posted something NEW. So, I decided to post something a bit more recent. I would like for this to be a story series called "Grandpa's Stories" which is kinda simple, but interesting to say the least. I'd...
A Nightly Stroll
A Nightly Stroll By Kazufox Time after time, Day by day, Sitting at the window looking out in wonder, Only to just gaze upon the outside world, While locked up in a fortress of a shelter. Then one night, My brother said to me, As...
What Love Is
What Love Is By Kazufox Love burns greatly in this gloomy world, Expressed rarely to its full potential, Still glowing warmly in the hearts that have feeling. Love always forgiving and caring, As if a long lost friend, Wraps those...
Visiting an old Friend
Visiting an old Friend [This was a story I made a while back, I'm posting all my stories all over if I can. Read and enjoy.] It had been three days after the Aparoids had been wiped out from existence and the Lylat System had once again returned...
Rise of the Alters: Chapter 4
Chapter 4: A Reawakened Power Kazufox had found an old building and goes over in hopes of finding Fox. He remained hidden in the bushes as an armored pirate guard walks nearby. Kazufox tried to reach for his blaster but...