Kazufox Interview #1

Story by Kazufox on SoFurry

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#1 of Kazufox Interviews!

Note: This is all pre 08 material, started out on a site www.starwing.co.uk with little skits like this. I swear they get better, not to mention the Star Zero series is consider a lot better than here. Posting due to lack of submissions because of college, work, or game...so now, enjoy the first of many Kazufox Interviews.

~Prologue #1~

*Kazufox*: Please, I know that this topic has been overused but theres a special reason for this interview.

*Jolteon*: Well, okay I guess.

*Kazufox*: Alright! Now for introductions, Im Kazufox and I think I smoked something I shouldnt have because Im doing a Starfox interview. Ive already been approved for insurance sohere I go!

_Kazufoxs interview with Starfox and Starwolf_

~Location: A friends apartment~

*Kazufox*: Hey, this is Kazufox and Ill be meeting up with team Starwolf and team Starfox, minus Slippy.

*Everyone*: Yay!

*Kazufox*: Well, then lets get started. Falco, what made you first attracted to Katt? Was it the pink fur, the white fluff of hair, or because shes a cat?

*Falco*: What are you talking about? I went out with her because of her boobs.

~Eyepiece on Kazufoxs left eye starts glowing~

*Kazufox thinking*: Well at least hes honest.

*Wolf*: Hey!

*Kazufox*: What?

*Wolf*: Youre trying to copy my cybernetic eye arent you?

*Kazufox*: No and this isnt an imitation of your eye thingy.

*Wolf*: Then what is it then?

*Kazufox*: None of your business!

~Eyepiece glows as Kazufox stares at Wolf~

*Kazufox*: Got it?

*Wolf*: Got what?

*Kazufox*: My question.

*Wolf*: Uh

*Kazufox*: Do you think of Fox as a friend since you saved him or did you really deep down actually wanted to be his friend?

*Wolf*: Of course not! Ive always hated the guy.

*Fox*: Gee Wolf. *sniff* That hurts.

*Wolf*: Shut up pup! And you, I should blast you for even asking! (pulls out blaster)

~Kazufox pulls out a six-pack of beer and tosses it to Wolf~

*Wolf*: For me? Gee, thanks. (starts chugging the beer)

*Kazufox*: Now then-

*Falco*: Hey!

*Kazufox*: What now!?

*Falco*: How come Wolf gets beer and I dont?

*Kazufox*: Because Im all out.

*Falco*: Well get me something!

*Kazufox*: Get it yourself- (thinks for a moment) Then again, Im a little hungry myself. (pulls out box labeled KFC) Spicy or barbeque?

*Falco*: AAAAAHH!! *faints*

*Kazufox*: Works every time. (puts away box)

*Fox*: Can I have some?

*Leon*: Yeah, me too.

*Kazufox*: Sorry, its empty. Already ate it before I started the inter- I mean group gathering. We can get some afterwards.

*Fox and Leon*: Okay.

*Kazufox thinking*: So far so good and not one of those you-know-whats in sight.

*Wolf*: (drunkenly) I hope there arent any plotholes.

*Everyone*: NO!!

*Kazufox thinking*: I knew this was too good to be true, crap!

~Fara jumps out of the plothole and Fox hides behind the couch~

*Kazufox*: Hi, you must be Fara.

*Fara*: Yeah, so?

*Kazufox*: The names Kazufox and- (eyepiece starts glowing) So, would you like to stay?

~All the other guys except Panther are signaling no~

*Fara*: Okay.

*Kazufox*: Why dont you sit by Panther? Well if he doesnt mind.

*Panther*: I dont mind at all. You can sit next to me anytime beautiful.

~Leon kicks Panthers leg~

*Panther*: Ow! What was that for?

*Leon*: If youre smart then youll keep your mouth shut about her.

*Kazufox thinking*: *phew* That was close.

~Fara takes her seat and glares at Krystal. Krystal glares back at Fara~

*Kazufox*: Okay thenKrystal, how does it feel to be the first woman to officially be on the Starfox team? (eyepiece glows)

*Krystal*: Before I answer I suggest that you turn that eye thing off.

*Kazufox*: What do you mean?

*Krystal*: Dont play dumb.

*Kazufox*: Huh?

*Krystal*: I just said dont play dumb!

*Kazufox*: Okay.

*Krystal*: I know about your eye trick, thanks to my telepathic abilities. I know that you can mess with peoples thoughts.

*Kazufox*: So?

*Krystal*: I know you can see through walls.

*Kazufox*: So?

*Krystal*: And clothes too. (reaches for her staff) Cant you?

~Eyepiece stops glowing~

*Krystal*: Good, now to answer your question its okay really-

*Fara*: Yeah, I bet.

*Krystal*: Whats that supposed to mean!?

*Fara*: Well, if I wore nothing but a bra and a loincloth, then Fox would be begging me to join.

~Fox pokes his head over the couch shaking his head~

*Krystal*: Youre just jealous because Fox dumped you.

*Wolf*: Ive got a bad feeling about this.

~Fox is too scared to say Hey, thats my line!~

*Kazufox*: Is it all that bad?

*Leon*: It gets worse.

*Fara*: You think that Id be jealous of a slut like you!?

~All the guys take cover. Wolf drags Falco, still unconscious, behind the couch~

*Krystal*: GrrBitch! (pulls out staff)

*Fara*: Whore! (pulls out blaster)

~Fara shoots at Krystal but she dodges and swings her staff knocking Faras blaster out of her paw~

*Fara*: Pig!

*Krystal*: Witch!

~Pigma drops from plothole~

*Pigma*: Did someone mention me?

~Kazufox throws the KFC box into the plothole and Pigma chases it. The plothole closes up after him. The girls continue fighting and breaking things in the apartment. Meanwhile behind the couch~

*Wolf*: Fox! Do something!

*Fox*: Why me?!

~Glass breaks~

*Wolf*: Because theyre your girlfriends!

~More glass breaks~

*Fox*: Its your fault Faras here in the first place!

~Meanwhile on the other side of the room as more stuff breaks~

*Leon*: What were you thinking letting Fara stay!?

*Kazufox*: She wouldve killed me if I didnt.

~TV explodes. Kazufox gets an idea~

*Kazufox*: Panther, go check on the girls.

*Panther*: Why me?

*Kazufox*: Because only your charm can stop them.

*Panther*: Ah, thats right. (stands up) Oh ladies-

~Just then a vase smashes into Panthers face knocking him out~

*Leon*: Nice work genius, got any other bright ideas?

*Kazufox*: Lets seeFara and Krystal are too busy fighting, Panther is knocked out, but theyre too busy killing each other to notice(eyepiece starts glowing)

*Leon*: What are you doing?

*Kazufox*: Wow(drools)

*Leon*: Hey! Wake up!

*Kazufox*: Huh? Wha?

*Leon*: Youre drooling.

*Kazufox*: Oh. (wipes drool)

*Leon*: Whats with that eyepiece anyways?

*Kazufox*: Well, its a long story.

~Something else breaks~

*Leon*: We arent going anywhere.

*Kazufox*: Fine, okay. The truth is that Im an alter user and this is part of my alter power. This is my Shurigun eye and it basically lets me mess with peoples brains, brainwash them, find their weak points, and see through walls.

*Leon*: And through clothes.

*Kazufox*: Yeah(drools)

*Panther*: *wakes up* Where can I get one of those?

*Leon*: Where did you come from? (thinks for a moment) Nevermind.

*Kazufox*: You cant, this is the only one in existence, unless I have an identical clone.

*Panther*: Damn.

*Leon*: So, if I bust out your eye you wouldnt be able to use it ever again?

~Fighting continues in kitchen~

*Kazufox*: Ha! You wish, if this gets broken or I lose alter control then I could just make another one!

*Panther*: I hate you.

*Kazufox*: I know. Heh, being friends with Mewtwo really does have its advantages.

*Leon*: Oh yeah? Then where are the girls now?

*Kazufox*: In thebedroom?

*Panther*: Really, well Ill go take a look.

~Leon breaks a vase on Panthers head knocking him out~

*Kazufox*: Hey!

*Leon*: What?

*Kazufox*: You know this isnt even my place.

*Leon*: Well at least you were smart enough to at least to not have the meeting at your place. You deserve a medal.

*Kazufox*: If you dont want me to kick your lizard butt right now then I suggest you shut it! (looks around) Okay everyone, theyre gone.


*Kazufox*: Alright, get out here!

*Wolf*: No way! Theyll kill us!

*Fox*: Yeah, what he said!

*Kazufox*: The sooner we finish the sooner everyone can leave-

~Before Kazufox finishes the other guys are sitting and waiting even with Falco and Panther still unconscious~

*Wolf*: Well, what are you waiting for?

*Kazufox*: Okaywell Panther

*Panther*: (still unconscious) Oh Krystalyoure so beautiful

*Kazufox*: RightWell, Leon

~Falco starts to wake up but Kazufox throws a vase at him knocking him out again~

*Kazufox*: Leon, why do you like to torture even though your mom told you otherwise?

*Leon*: Forceful habit. Ive gotten so used to torture, I cant stop.

*Kazufox*: YeahI know someone you can meet for that. Okay Fox, is it true that one of the reasons you let Krystal on the team was to sleep with her?

*Fox*: No! Thats not true!

*Falco*: *wakes up* Yes it is.

~Kazufox throws another vase at Falco putting him to sleep~

*Wolf*: How many of those do you have?

*Kazufox*: Dont know. They just happen to appear. Anyways, that wasnt your real question.

*Fox*: Okay.

~Eyepiece starts glowing~

*Fox thinking*: *phew* That was a close one. They almost found out.

*Kazufox*: I knew it!

*Fox*: Knew what?

*Kazufox*: Nothing. My question is when Krystal joined the team, did you destroy all the helium in the ship so Slippys voice wouldnt scare her away?

*Fox*: Nowhy would I do that?

*Kazufox*: Because in Assault, his voice sounds a lot lower for some reason and you know that Krystal isnt listening and-

*Fox*: Yes! I did it! I did destroy the helium tanks! I sent them straight for Solar too so Slippy can never get them! I just didnt want to risk losing Krystal because of Slippys annoying voice!

~Slippy walks in the front door~

*Slippy*: Hey, how come youve never said anything about my voice before?

*Fox*: I did but you were too busy sucking helium.

*Kazufox*: Get out of here Slippy.

*Slippy*: Thats not nice and are you doing an interview?

*Everyone*: What!?

*Kazufox*: No, its a group gathering and it doesnt include you so hop off!

*Slippy*: But I wanna be interviewed!

*Kazufox*: No, now go away.

*Fox*: When do we get our candy?

*Kazufox*: Nows not the time Fox.

*Fox*: But you said if we came here then wed get some candy.

*Kazufox*: When were done okay?

*Slippy*: How come theyre here anyways?

*Leon*: I want to know also.

*Wolf*: Me too. Not like I care though.

*Fox*: Yeah!

*Kazufox*: Theres a special reason that Ill tell you all at the end of the interview and it doesnt include Slippy!

*Slippy*: Well if it doesnt include me why not just tell me what it is then?

~Eyepiece starts glowing~

*Slippy*: Well, what do ya say?

*Kazufox thinking*: Go away Slippy, go away!

*Slippy*: Ooooh. Whats with the glowing eyepiece?

*Kazufox thinking harder*: Go away Slippy! Right NOW!!

*Slippy*: Are you okay?

*Kazufox*: Damn! Why doesnt my Shurigun work on him!?

*Slippy*: Thats a funny name.

*Leon*: You mentioned your power to mess with a persons mind right?

*Kazufox*: Yeah, so?

*Leon*: Toad boy doesnt have a brain.

*Kazufox*: Oh yeah.

*Slippy*: Hey! Thats not nice.

*Wolf*: Have any other ideas?

*Kazufox*: (grins) Actually, I do now Ill show you, but I need borrow something.

~Whatever was left of the TV and the couch Fox and Wolf were sitting on disintegrates and the two fall on the floor~

*Fox and Wolf*: Hey!

~Kazufoxs right arm disintegrates as it becomes replaced by a cool bulky orange arm with a red shoulder and fingers, two goldish spikes appear on the side of his paw and two orange spikes similar to Knuckles appear, a silver hatch on the back of his paw, a curved yellow propeller forms on his back and his brownish crimson hair stands DBZ style~

*Kazufox*: Ha! Allow me to introduce you to my alterShell Shurigun!

*Wolf*: Wh-what is that?

*Kazufox*: This is my alter form the Shell Shurigun. Cool isnt it?

*Fox*: Ooooh.

*Leon*: How is that going to get rid of Slippy?

*Kazufox*: Im glad you asked. (the arm splits open, silver hatch opens sucking in energy, propeller spins counterclockwise and fist stars shining gold) This is my power! The power of Shell Shurigun!

~Kazufox is propelled toward Slippy at an incredible speed~

*Slippy*: Ooooh, pretty light.

*Kazufox*: Thats right. Keep your eyes on the light. ShellShurigunBURST!!

~Slippy gets punched in the face and flies through the roof and disappears as a star~

*Kazufox*: I feel better. (propeller stops spinning, arm closes up and fist stops shining) Now, whos next? Lets see, Panther now that youre conscious theres something Ive been wondering.

~More glass breaks from below~

*Panther*: Yes, what would that be?

*Some guy downstairs*: My leg!

*Some girl downstairs*: EEEK!!

*Kazufox*: (takes a deep breath) Is it true that before you joined Starwolf you were a male stripper and you got your amazing flying abilities from escaping the father, husband, or boyfriend chasing you for sleeping with their wives, daughters, or girlfriends and that Wolf was so excessively drunk and also because Leon drugged him for breaking one of his knives that he accidentally walked into a male strip club and asked you to join the team and you realized this was the perfect chance to sleep with more girls? (gasps for air) *huff, huff, huff*

*Panther*: Umwhat?

*Kazufox*: Were you a male stripper before you joined Starwolf?

*Panther*: No, of course not. Why would you even ask!?

*Wolf*: Yeah, thats not how it happened, right Leon?

*Leon*: Yeah, sure.

*Kazufox thinking*: So much for my Panther is a male stripper theory.

*Leon thinking*: Note to self; never drug Wolf when he is drunk.

*Fox*: If were done can we go home?

*Kazufox*: Not yet there is still one more person, but hes late!

*Wolf*: Well where is he?

*Kazufox*: (eyepiece glows) I dont see himhey!

*Leon*: What?

*Kazufox*: I dont see the girls.

~Falco wakes up~

*Wolf*: What do you mean?

*Kazufox*: Krystal and Fara. I dont see them.

*Falco*: Thats not good.

*Kazufox*: (pulls out device) Quick, gather around me!

*Fox*: Why?

*Kazufox*: Because my friend likes to build weapons and this is a force-field generator.

*Panther*: Why would we need it?

*Kazufox*: Just in case(looks around) Hey, I see Krystal.

~Krystal is trapped under a radiator. Kazufox looks around and gasps in horror~

*Wolf*: What? What is it?

*Kazufox*: II dont see her.

*Falco*: See who?


*Falco*: Who!?

*Kazufox*: Fara

~The others gasp in shock~

*Leon*: The force field!

~The other guys huddle close to Kazufox as he activates the force field except Fox who trips and falls~

*Kazufox*: Fox, hurry up!

*Fox*: Hey, wait a minute. Why am I worried? Krystal wont let that crazy bitch get me.

~Fara slowly rises from the ground behind Fox~

*Kazufox*: UhFox.

~Fara continues rising behind Fox~

*Fox*: I dont have anything to worry about.

*Kazufox*: Fox!

~Fara stops rising behind Fox but glows in her demonic aura and blazing red eyes~

*Fox*: With Krystal around I dont have to worry about Fara ever again.

*Fara*: (demonic voice) Wanna bet!?

~Fox turns white and slowly looks behind him to see Fara glaring at him~

*Fox*: (screams like a little girl) AAAAAAAAHHHH!!

*Kazufox*: Weve got to help him!

*Wolf*: Theres nothing we can do for him.

*Kazufox*: Wait, Ill use my Shurigun and- (eyepiece glows)

*Fara*: (demonic voice) Dont even think about it!

~Eyepiece stops glowing~

*Fox*: Fa-FaraI didnt mean anything I said, I swear!!

*Fara*: (demonic voice) Youre lying!

*Kazufox*: (gets idea) Panther, go ask out Fara.

*Panther*: No way! Shell kill me!

*Kazufox*: No, shes only pissed off at Fox not you.

*Panther*: Still, why should I?

*Kazufox*: Because shes beautiful, single, and I heard shes great in bed.

~Panther pulls out a rose and walks up to Fara~

*Panther*: Hello there.

*Fara*: (demonic voice) What do you want!?

*Panther*: My name is Panther Caroso, and why go out with someone like him, (points to Fox whimpering) when you could be with a sophisticated man like me? (gives rose)

*Fara*: Really?

*Wolf and Leon*: NO!!

*Panther*: But of course.

~Fara returns to her normal state~

*Wolf*: Do you know what have you done!?

*Kazufox*: What?

*Wolf*: You basically sent Panther to his doom!

*Kazufox*: Then whyd you ask me?

*Wolf*: Grr

*Leon*: I think hes tamed the beast.

~Panther continues flirting as Fox slowly crawls away~

*Falco*: Looks like youll have a fourth member on your team Wolf.

*Wolf*: What

*Leon*: What

*Kazufox*: Well, it is a strong possibility.

*Falco*: Yeah, and who knows! She might even take over as leader!

~Wolf and Leon look at each other and think about it for a moment~

*Wolf*: Kazufox! Do something!

*Kazufox*: Why me?

*Leon*: Because this is your fault!

*Kazufox*: Fine, but on one condition. I get a Wolfen.

*Wolf*: (voice from 64) No way!

*Kazufox*: HmmI wonder how StarFara would sound?

*Wolf*: Okay, fine!

*Kazufox*: Sweet. (walks over to Panther and taps his shoulder)

*Panther*: Not now, cant you see Im bus-

~Kazufox flashes a picture in Panthers face. Panther stares at the picture and drools~

*Kazufox*: Here boy, go fetch the picture you horny cat. (tosses picture out of window by accident)

~Panther jumps out the window after the picture~

*Kazufox*: Oops

*Falco*: What was that picture anyways?

*Kazufox*: It was a picture of Krystal.

*Wolf*: Where did you get it from?

*Kazufox*: Foxs jacket.

*Fox*: (checks jacket) Hey! How did you-

*Kazufox*: I put you to sleep. I had to get you here somehow.

*Fox*: But why dont I remember it?

*Leon*: Shurigun right?

*Kazufox*: No, tranquilizer then Shurigun.

*Falco*: Now we know what he keeps in that jacket.

*Wolf*: Yeah.

*Fox*: By the way, which picture was it?

*Kazufox*: A close-up view of her trapped in the crystal.

*Fox*: What!? NO!! (jumps out window)

*Kazufox*: That was fun.

*Wolf*: Uhyou do know that Fox and Panther are gone.

*Kazufox*: So?

*Wolf*: Were alone against Fara!

*Kazufox*: So?

*Leon*: Shes pissed off at you.

*Kazufox*: (looks at Fara then looks back) Well why didnt you say so?

*Falco*: Here she comes!

~Kazufox starts walking toward Fara as the others cower in the force-field~

*Falco*: What are you doing!? Crazy fool!

*Kazufox*: Im gonna take on Fara.

*Wolf*: How stupid are you!?

*Kazufox*: I probably took something I shouldnt have, but thats not the point!

*Leon*: What is the point?

*Kazufox*: Ive heard stories about Fara and I dont know if they are true. But one thing is for sure, Im not afraid! Come on! Show me what youve got!

*Fara*: Gladly! (pulls out gigantic laser gun)

*Kazufox*: Is that thing supposed to scare me!? (the arm splits open, silver hatch opens absorbing in energy, propeller spins counterclockwise and fist stars shining gold) Bring it on!!

~Faras cannon charges and is ready to fire. The others only watch as Kazufox flies toward Fara with his shining fist~

*Kazufox*: Shell(fist continues glowing)

~The cannon is fully charged~

*Kazufox*: Shurigun(eyepiece locks on target)

*Fara*: Time to DIE!!

*Kazufox*: BURST!!

~Fara fires the gun and Kazufox fires a beam in the shape of his fist. The three watch in amazement as the two beams collide~

*Falco*: The suspense is killing me.

*Leon*: Thats my job!

*Wolf*: What the heck?

~Fara gets knocked down and drops her cannon~

*Kazufox*: Is that all? Ha! Im not even warmed up.

*Falco*: He did it! He beat Fara!

*Wolf and Leon*: Yay!

~Fara notices something wrong with her cannon~

*Fara*: No wonder! I had this set on singe, the lowest setting. Silly me.

*Everyone*: What!?

~Fara turns the dial on it to fry, and then burn, then torch, then incinerate, then annihilate, and finally total obliteration~

*Fara*: Now you die! (charges cannon)

*Kazufox*: (uses eyepiece to check energy level of cannon) N-no!! That thing has more power than the Great Fox! I cant stop that!

*Falco*: At least we have the force field.

~Force-field disappears~

*Wolf*: What the heck?

*Leon*: Way to go birdbrain.

*Wolf*: The batteries are dead!

*Kazufox*: Hey, I never said my friend was responsible. Man, I never thought that Id die after my first interview, oh well. My only regret is not using this helium tank on my friend. (pulls out helium tank)

~Slippy crashes through whatever is left off the ceiling~

*Wolf*: What the he-

~Falco throws a vase at Wolfs head knocking him out~

*Falco*: Now its my turn to kick some-

~Leon throws a vase at Falcos head knocking him out~

*Leon*: Annoying bird, I am the Great Le-

~A vase falls on Leons head knocking him out~

*Kazufox*: Slippy, where were you?

*Slippy*: I just came from orbit and-

*Kazufox*: Shut up and start sucking! (puts helium tank in Slippys mouth and turns it on)

*Slippy*: (voice from 64) Woah! Thanks a lot.

*Kazufox*: Look at the light. (points toward cannon)

*Slippy*: Pretty light

*Kazufox*: Thats right, keep looking. (charges attack)

*Fara*: Lets try this again, time to DIE!! (fires cannon)

*Slippy*: Oooooh pretty- (gets hit) AAAAAAHH!!

*Kazufox*: (eyepiece glows) Nows my chance! (hits back of Slippys throat with attack)

~The force between the attacks were so strong that a beam of light came up from the ground~

*Slippy*: AAAAAAAHHH!! (disappears into the light)

~As the light fades and the smoke clears, both Kazufox and Fara remain standing~

*Kazufox*: (propeller stops spinning, arm closes up and fist stops shining) Man, *huff* Im all used up. *huff* But, it was smart using Slippys voice as *huff* an extra boost of power. *huff*

*Fara*: No one can save you now. (charges cannon)

*???*: Wanna bet?

*Kazufox*: Huh?

~A flame blast hits the cannon causing it to explode~

*Fara*: AAAAARGH!!

~Krystal jumps up from the floor~

*Krystal*: You got lucky last time but now Im really mad!

~Kazufox looks down at the radiator while Wolf, Leon and Falco wake up~

*Kazufox*: About time you guys woke up.

~Krystal and Fara start fighting again~

*Wolf*: What the he-

*Kazufox*: Sorry to interrupt, but this place is gonna blow!

*Falco*: What?

*Kazufox*: Yeah, I found my friends weapons and explosives stash, right next to the radiator.

*Leon*: What kind of idiot puts explosives next to a radiator?

*Kazufox*: Didnt say my friend was smart.

*Falco*: Then what are we standing around for? Lets go!

~The four guys jump out the window and start running as the girls continue fighting. Suddenly an old Arwing flies by and keeps a steady pace with the runners~

*James*: Sorry Im late.

*Kazufox*: (still running) Better late than never I guess. *huff*

*Wolf*: Hes the last guy?

*Kazufox*: Yeah.

*Falco*: Finally!

*Leon*: About time!

*Kazufox*: So Jameshow do you feel about becoming a playable character in Smash Brothers 3?

*James*: If you ask me, its about time I show off my skills.

*Kazufox*: Thanks, now this concludes the interview.

*Wolf*: Interview!? I thought you said it was an anti-Slippy meeting!

*Kazufox*: I lied okay? *huff* Hey James, could we get a lift?

*James*: Sorry, only room for one. (flies away)

*Falco*: Well this is just great. *huff*

*Wolf*: Shut your beak and keep running. *huff*

*Leon*: End this interview now! *huff*

*Kazufox*: Right. *huff* This is Kazufox ending my first interview. *huff*

~The apartment building explodes sending the four runners flying~

*Kazufox*: AAAAAHH!!


~Well, it turned out better than I expected. When we landed in a pile, I landed gently on top thanks to my alters propeller, but I cant say the same for the others who are in the hospital from head trauma mainly caused by the vases. When Wolf regained consciousness, he gave me a Wolfen. Too bad it was Panthers, now Im gonna need to get that thing a paint job. Fox found his picture before Panther did and still hides it in his jacket. The next day I called Peppy and he told me that Krystal made it back okay, but Slippy was still missing, not like we care. Fara? I dont know what happened to her. She seemed to have just disappeared sort of like James.~

*Kazufox*: Well, what do you think?

*Jolteon*: Hmmnot bad, but you never told the reason why you interviewed them.

*Kazufox*: Oh, I thought I made that clear. They are supposed to be in Super Smash Brothers 3, well according to my sources, however Katt is only a rumor so I didnt interview her. But still, I actually wonder where Slippy ended up.

~Location: The Other Side~

*Slippy*: Im starting to get hungry. (voice in Assault) My voice is gone, darn it! But, this place is like the longest tunnel Ive ever been in. The walls look like a rainbow of scattered Yoshis. I like Yoshis.

~A gray figure with a black right arm and white left arm materializes in front of Slippy~

*Slippy*: Hey, do you like Yoshis?

*Figure*: !

*The End*

~Jolteon is copyright to himself.~

~Nintendo characters are copyright to Nintendo.~

~The Other Side and Figure are copyright to Sunrise.~

~Kazufox and many vases are copyright to Kazufox.~

Kazufox Interview #2

Note: I feel ill...I really do...For one let me explain a few things... Back when in late middle school/early high school, used to be friends with a guy named Paul Wizzle and well, we had a bit of a gag going on between us. Blah blah...no...

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Rise of the Alters: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A Reawakened Power Kazufox had found an old building and goes over in hopes of finding Fox. He remained hidden in the bushes as an armored pirate guard walks nearby. Kazufox tried to reach for his blaster but...

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Rise of the Alters: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Wolf's New Army The Starwolf team regrouped with the thugs waiting outside the base after landing the Wolfens in an area concealed by the trees along with...

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