Drifting off to shell
#1 of Stories
This is the second tf story i've done; did this during some downtime.
thumbnail art © FA: nyomi
Norman © tofubread
It was any other day for Daniel: Work was quite stressful that day as it left him exhausted and not very motivated for things. He kept thinking to himself why he keeps working at his job, but so long as he didn't have a backup plan, he just let it be.
After a long day at work, Daniel kept thinking to himself as he drove home: Man, I could really use some time off; it's been a while and I just feel like everything tires me out. He wasn't sure if he had some time off to use, so it was merely a thought for now, but it lingered there and gave him some ideas should he ever decide what to do. The drive felt longer than normal this time around, but the scenery did make him feel good; the sight of Miami at night just felt right, what with the city lights and palm trees swaying in the wind.
It didn't take him long to reach his apartment complex. His current job allowed him to live alone and afford some minor things. Unlocking the front door, he flicked on the lights to see the same old apartment just there; small tv, xbox sitting next to it, the small kitchen attached to the living room with a counter, and the bathroom and bedroom behind it. It all felt so small and meager, but it was a stepping stone to bigger things, at least that's what he told himself before. He went off to shower from his long day and soon cooked up a quick dinner, which comprised of a sandwich and potato chips, while playing some xbox for a while. It didn't take long that after all this, it was time to sleep.
As he lay there in his bed, he just kept thinking; mostly about taking a vacation. It wasn't a bad idea, and he wanted to look into it. Considering tomorrow was a day off, it was something he decided to do once he wakes up tomorrow. Before heading to sleep though, he muttered something.
"Tomorrow just needs to be a better day; I really need to just unwind from all this."
It was then he slowly drifted to sleep. The words he spoke seemed to have brought some inner desire to light, as while he was sleeping, a soft glow started coming from him and something strange was occurring.
The first thing to occur were the twitching of his hands, as his nails began to grow out and thicken, becoming thick round claws as they grew out at least an inch or two; yellow scales covering the tips of his fingers as they spread downwards. His hands slightly grew in size as his knuckles popped and grew, arms thickening a little as the scales spread further up his arm and even strain his shirt as his mass in general was growing. Daniel turned over, laying on his stomach, unknowing allow something to push from his back as a blue shell pushed out from his back. Spikes tore from the shell as his shirt was torn to bits over his bed; the sheets suffered being damaged like swiss cheese as well, though not fully torn like his shirt.
His mind wandered, not realizing the changes taking place as his hair thickened and fluffed up, taking a fiery distinction as it turned a vibrant aquatic blue. His eyebrows even thickened up as well; face taking on yellow scales as horns pushed through the sides of his head, one of them penetrating the mattress as it sunk in, and tore out; making a hole in his bed. All the while, he felt...good. Even Daniel's thinking shifted, as his human thoughts were being rewritten by a Koopa's; the feeling of his shell, his horns, and hair...it made him sleep better. He couldn't even remember the human's name as Norman continued dreaming; dreaming about wanting a castle to forge of his own.
Norman felt a little discomfort as the human feet were shifting to fit his koopa body; toes fusing as they cracked and merged together to form 3 clawed feet; growing in size as they got larger with his body; legs losing their body hair as scales over took his lower half and muscles grew; the pajama pants tearing from sheer muscle growth. His discomfort grew more as the pajama pants he wore felt tight at the base of his spine. That didn't last long as a thick tail covered in scales tore them open, spikes donning their tip as it grew out in length, though not as long as other reptilian tails.
Norman's mind felt strained as the final changes approached; his face pushed and cracked into a koopa's muzzle; teeth reforming in his maw as his ears sunk into his head. His muscles became more defined as scutes covered his stomach, and another snap of his throat to give him fire breath caused him to suddenly wake up. A whisk of his flame escaped his mouth, narrowingly missing the wall in front of him.
"What was that?" He asked...to which he looked around in confusion. "Wh-where am I? Who am-no, I know who I am; Norman the koopa...but why do I know that?" He had so many questions, yet it was late at night and felt tired. "I must've had a nightmare of sorts; I really need to make that beach castle like I planned. Better than most of Bowser's plans, that's for sure, and it's perfect for a staycation."
He rested back in bed; he was tired of being mistaken for Bowser and wanted nothing to do with him or his problems. The Beach castle idea he had was to get away from that. If it turned out to be an attraction, maybe even he could change people's minds about Koopas, or at least him. For now though, he just needed the sleep. He was a koopa with a dream, and not about to stop here.