Woes of a Sophmore Tiger
"nice solo ich, that was pretty good" he said as we ended the song," thanks nat, i still wonder why karl and jay chickened out."
Defending Iann (Chapter 1)
She slowly lifted her paw off my muzzle and i slowly stated, "my name is jay. i was on my way to jarren's outpost, when i saw a fight. an electomancer knocked me out and now i'm here." she stood up. "i'm trusting you.
Sirius: Book one - The Beginning: Chapter 4: Aggression
Everyone is dead jay..." axis babbled; hot, fresh tears soaking through jasyn's thick pelt. jasyn watched, his eyes clouded with his own tears as he saw the fox's gaze meet his.
Water Flowing Underground
"well, you know," the blue jay tried to sound casual, "if something happened where trackers had to have each other's back to take care of a lot of renegades at once, for example."
Alcatraz Ch. III ~ Siege
**Decided to start introducing new characters and new points of view. Something I did a while back and I found it made it not only less boring to write but read, as well.** **Stopped doing it to keep everything compact which I myself don't like that...
City Mouse: 1 of 7
Well, there's six of us in milan, jodi, jaye, jacqueline, jacoba, joey and joy, and about a dozen out in sydney. but most of us are here." "you've all got names starting with jay?" "jays, gees and is, mostly," she said.
Chapter 16: 20 Minutes in Math Class
He himself sat behind jay. the bell rang and the teacher entered the room. like shadow, sonic too was surprised at how young miss carmen looked.
Always Part 3
"same here, jay." just before he left i asked, "hey, still the same number, right?" "yeah. never changed it." with that he headed up to the bleachers and found his folks. in those last moments i forgot about the distraught i'd endured up until then.
Z-Hero Compilation 1
[b]brooklyn:[/b] \
The Tales of HTFC - Chris- Coming Home
"todays the day jay." "yeah, i know." it was our son chris' birthday, his 10th birthday, and it was time to make good on an old promise.
The Story of a found Myth
She also had a blue jay feather attached to her left ear. kimi had gotten herself into trouble again. but this time the alpha was really mad at her! she released a wolf from a rival pack that had been stealing kills in their territory.
Two-Step Revival
"did you see anyone there ... aside from jay t?" "no," the mouse admitted. "exactly." field frowned. wondering what that was supposed to mean. if anything. none of this made sense!