TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 20 aftermath

Within the short flash of light georga could spot a dragon like figure that was about the same size as she was and because the counter attack was fire she deduced that it was a 13 aged fire dragon.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 14 Kick-off

Cynder couldn't see through the fog of the melted ice but she knew that spyro was still there and flew through it while preparing her attack hoping that the fog and surprise would prevent spyro from counter-attacking.

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Chapter the Tenth: History

Barely a dozen loyalists were to be found inside the walls, and all of them followed the king as he fled towards an exit to reconvene with his loyal warriors, and plan a counter attack.

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Part 3.

Daigo counter-attacked "first, i don't like you either, kid. second, you clearly can't master a kenjutsu on your own. third..." he nodded, solemnly closing his eyes, "i'm travelling with you two from now on." "huh?"

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Fourteen

There was also the chance that the allied forces in southern afghanistan and elsewhere would strike back as well, but so far they too reeled in confusion, and had showed no signs of counter-attack.

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Chaos Chapter 6: Holgan

The slaking lunged, and volcan banked away, wary of another counter attack and resorting to flamethrower instead.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 18

She kept throwing quick slashes and jabs with her paws and tail to find a perfect opening for a counter attack in iris' vicious aggression.

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Aaru - Chapter 28 (A New Prophecy)

Eventually we began our counter attack. we left a small unit of rukan'dokra back to assist the town guard defend the town, but the rest of us followed the scout units report to the beasts lair. it took us less than an hour to make the journey.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained

Then there was murata, whose expertise was in counter-attacks, particularly with the fast forehand where he served the ball semi-long and bounce it just close to the table's edge to trick his opponents.

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Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 6

I did this for 20 minutes or so while dodging the shadow's counter attacks before one of his tentacles slipped behind me and held me inside it rib shattering grip. "fuck..can't...breathe" i said while trying to get air into my lungs.

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Chaos Chapter 9: Final Hunt

The sand croc let out a yelp before taking the full brunt of the attack, launching him several feet backward and momentarily distracting his comrades - a distraction that cost them any chance they had for a counter-attack.

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