Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Six : End)

Oh, no... Here come da waterworks. Came out shorter than I expected it to be, probably because of the exchanged dialogue. I normally measure it by how big the scroll-down bar is in the editor.. Aaaanyways, That's the end of following him around, so......

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Mike's Pokemon Chapter 4

Guess what? Chapter 4 is now up for you all to read. It's not that good, at least the battle sequence isn't. Need practice writing those. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The First Battle...

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 10)

**Question To The Answer** "-an't believe Luyo made that look so easy. How did you know she would've won despite her type's weakness against Lucario's type?" I found myself in the centre depression of the main room at home. Almost immediately after...

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 3 Camp I

We were on the trail the Tyranitars, their tracks were not difficult to follow. Every tree that was beside the tracks, all knocked down. It seemed to go forever, and it was still midnight. I looked back at our burnt forest home, thick smoke rised up...

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Filthy: Chapter 4

A female espeon nuzzled him. "they'll be here soon love." she said, reaching into a bag, and pulling out a packet of weed. she inhaled it from a pipe like object, and then let the smoke escape from her lips. "gimmee some of that whore!"

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 9 - Two Friends

"man come on, i know its something with that espeon!!" blaze said. kyurex didn't stop, but walked slower. he looked at blaze, who was curiously waiting for an answer. "ehh..." kyurex thought. should he just say it?

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Insta-Fur 2 (Anthro TF/TG) [TRADE]

Perry's legs became shapely while her feet became paws and her legs took on a digitigrade posture, ending the transformation into an espeon anthro. both jack and perry looked down at their bodies in pure shock and awe.

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In the Shadow of Life-Prolouge, Part 2: Going Downhill

My brother, jolt, was a jolteon, my older sister, faith, an espeon, and my youngest sister, mist, a vaporeon. i still had no idea who i wanted to be. none of them seemed to grab my attention.

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The Most Boring Group of People (TF/TG) [TRADE]

Her ears became much longer and triangular as a red gem formed on her forehead, two protrusions forming on the side of her head, now an espeon anthro. chris' nose and mouth both fused together and turned yellow, pushing out in a beak.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 29 - Below Zero espeon??_ indeed it was. beautiful figure, perfect tail ears...everything. _huh??_ the light blue color that resided within the espeons eyes somehow, reminded kyurex of someone but, he wasn't sure. her face..

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Umbreon - Opal's Story - Chapter 9

You saw what that espeon did to my friends; you saw how your trainer's parents reacted to honckhrow. and you have to know how they'll treat you, now.

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Three)

I'm going to leave the Team Galactic stuff alone, mostly because there isn't anything I can do for a new perspective. Unless i put Georgia's dad in there.... I'll think about it,...

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