Mike's Pokemon Chapter 4

Story by Umbro/Quil on SoFurry

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#4 of Mike's Pokemon

Guess what? Chapter 4 is now up for you all to read. It's not that good, at least the battle sequence isn't. Need practice writing those.


The First Battle

I woke up to Espi purring. She was curled up and asleep on my stomach. I reached my hand down and began petting her. Her tail started to flicker back and forth slowly as I did so. Espi then yawned and stretched her body.

"Morning Mike," she greeted me.

"Morning Espi. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes I did. Shadow is still sleeping in case you wanted to know."

"Let him sleep in. You guys had some rough battles yesterday and I want you to refresh as much as possible. Let me get up so I can prepare your breakfast."

"Okay," she said as she hopped off me and onto the ground, landing gracefully. I got up and out of bed. Once out I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up a bit. After I was looking somewhat presentable I went into the kitchen where I found Espi by her dish, wagging her tail in anticipation for her meal. I grabbed the Oran Berry bag and filled her dish and Shadow's dish. Once finished I treated myself to a bowl of cereal. Shadow walked in not too long after I finished eating.

"Morning Shadow," I greeted him.

"Morning Mike and Espi," he greeted drowsily. I guess he was still a little tired.

"Alright you two. I got some exciting news," I said to them once they finished eating. Both of their tails were flickering as they sat close to each other, listening to me. "We're going to see Kimberly."

"Is that the girl you were talking to on the phone?" Shadow asked.

"Yes it was. She runs a Daycare Center near a city called Mauville. It's quite a bit away, but we'll get there. Only one thing though," I said that last part while pulling out the Pokeballs. I saw their smiles turn to frowns as soon as they saw them. "I know you don't like them but you need to be in them if we are to visit Kimberly. Please Espi and Shadow. I haven't seen Kimberly in a few years. She was the best mentor I ever had. Please," I pleaded with them. They both saw the sadness in my eyes as I begged them to go with me.

"Okay, I'll get inside the Pokeball," Espi said as she stepped closer to me. "Just please don't cry."

"I'll go too," Shadow said as he walked next to Espi.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. She was the best friend I ever had. She taught me everything I know about taking care of Pokemon."

"You have been very kind to us. You treat us well and with respect. I would do anything to make you happy," Espi said. Shadow nodded in agreement with her.

"Alright. I'm going to make a phone call. Once I'm done we'll head on out."

"Okay!" they both exclaimed. They then ran off and around the place. "I swear those two are more energetic than a Jolteon after drinking an energy drink," I said to myself with a chuckle. I then began packing for my trip to Kimberly's place. Once done I called her. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hi Mike."

"Hello Kimberly. How are things going?" I asked.

"Doing good, I guess," she said, a bit troubled. That got me a little worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"My poor Triky is sick. I don't know why or how but he is ill. I had to bring him to the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy said he should be fine but I still worry about him."

"I wish for him to have a safe and quick recovery."

"Thanks. So when are you coming over?"

"Soon. I just finished packing. All I need to do now is pack up my Pokemon and I'll be on my way."

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you."

"Alright. See ya."

"Bye." With that I hung up the phone and began searching for my Pokemon. It took me awhile to find them but nonetheless I did find them, in my bedroom.

"I can't wait to meet this Kimberly girl that our trainer keeps talking to," Espi said.

"She seems like a sweet person from what I've heard Mike say about her," Shadow replied.

"Well she works at a Pokemon Daycare. I would hope she would be sweet and kind."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Are we leaving now Mike?" Espi asked before I even walked into the room.

"Yes, we are," I said as I entered the room. I walked over to them, holding their Pokeballs in each hand. "Ready?" They both nodded. "Espi, return!" I called out. A red beam shot out and sucked Espi into her Pokeball. "Shadow, return!" I called out and watched the same thing happen to him. I then hopped onto my bike and began my ride to Kimberly's house in Mauville.

Biking was always a fun thing for me to do. I enjoyed the nice breeze against my body and today was a great day for it too. It took me a lot shorter of a time than I expected to get to Mauville. Guess my timing is horrible. When I arrived Kimberly was sitting outside her house with her Sandslash, Slasher. I skidded my bike to a stop and propped it against a tree near the house. I got off and walked up to Kimberly and she walked up to me until we stood a few feet apart. There we stood, in silence, for a couple minutes before running up to and embracing each other.

"It's so good to see you again Mike," she whispered to me as we hugged each other.

"It's good to see you again too," I whispered back. We were really close friends before I had to move away. It truly was great to see her again.

"So may I see your Pokemon Mike?" she asked when we parted from the hug. I nodded and released my two Eeveelutions. "Oh my god they are so adorable!" she exclaimed when the light faded away and revealed my Pokemon.

"Thank you," I said with a little pride. I could tell my Pokemon were really nervous around her. I walked over and knelt down next to them. "It's okay. She won't hurt you. She's very friendly and loves Pokemon. Go on up to her," I whispered to them. Espi made the first step and walked up to Kimberly.

"H-Hi there," she greeted nervously. Kimberly slowly knelt down.

"Hello there. Your name is Espi if I remember correctly."

"Yes, it is." Espi responded. Kimberly smiled and slowly reached out her hand to pet Espi. She didn't flinch or retreat. She let Kimberly pet her. That was a good sign. It showed she trusted her. Shadow remained in his spot.

"Go on Shadow," I urged him. I then gave him a little push towards Kimberly. At first he gave a little growl before realizing that Espi was looking at him with pleading eyes, as if telling him Kimberly was trustworthy. Shadow then started to go over on his own, sitting next to Espi.

"Hi Shadow. I'm Kimberly," she greeted with a smile.

"Hi Kimberly," Shadow greeted, trying to be brave but we could all tell he was a bit scared.

"There's no need to fear me Shadow. I will never hurt you. I care for Pokemon too much to hurt one. Is it okay if I pet you?" she asked. At first Shadow looked like he was going to say no, but then he nodded. Kimberly smiled and began petting him. I saw Slasher hiding behind Kimberly.

"I see Slasher evolved."

"You remember him?" Kimberly asked with surprise.

"Yeah. He was just a little Sandshrew when I last saw him." I slowly approached Slasher. "Hi Slasher. Remember me?" I asked him. He came out from behind his trainer and cautiously walked up to me. He took a couple sniffs and then hugged my leg.

"I thought you would never come back," he said.

"Hey Mike. Now that you have Pokemon, want to have a little battle?" Kimberly asked me with a smile.

"Are you two up for a battle against Kimberly?" I asked my Pokemon. They both yipped in agreement as they ran to my side. "Who shall you send out first Kimberly?"

"I'll send out my trusty Slasher," she said as Slasher took his spot in front of his trainer."

"Nice. Alright Shadow, lets show them what you're made of!" Shadow jumped forward, eager for his first trainer battle.

"Slasher use Defense Curl!" Kimberly commanded. Slasher rolled up into a ball and his body began to glow, increasing his defense.

"Alright Shadow. Use Sand-Attack!" I yelled. Shadow used his hind legs to shove sand at his opponent, lowering the accuracy of Slasher.

"Nice approach Mike, but not good enough. Slasher, use Swift!" Slasher unleashed a blast of star shaped rays at Shadow, hitting him dead on. I gave a small growl. Swift was a great move to have, for it always it the opponent.

"Shadow use Payback!" Shadow returned the attack, dealing twice the damage he received, surprising Kimberly greatly.

"I see you put those TM's to good use," she said with a small smile. "Use Poison Sting!" Slasher attempted to hit Shadow with the move, but Shadow was able to dodge it in time.

"Great job Shadow, now use Tackle!" My Umbreon then ran full force into Kimberly's Sandslash, knocking him back quite a ways away from where he was standing. Kimberly gasped as she saw her fallen Pokemon.

"Slasher return!" she yelled as she returned him to his Pokeball. "You have raised your Umbreon well Mike. Unfortunately I have been doing some training of my own while you were gone. Go Blazer!" she yelled as she threw her next Pokemon. A Combusken came out of the Pokeball.

"So he evolved." This kind of concerned me. Kimberly's Torchic was powerful when I last saw him. Now that he evolved he could only be much more stronger.

"Blazer use Double Kick!" The Combusken slammed his right foot into Shadow, his left foot closely behind it, dealing major damage to Shadow. He flew backwards and landed next to me.

"Shadow!" Espi yelled with worry and ran over to his side. I sighed and returned Shadow to his Pokeball.

"He'll be fine Espi. It's your turn now." Espi nodded and ran onto the battlefield. "Alright Espi, use Sand-Attack!" I yelled to her. She quickly kicked up a dust of sand at Blazer. Kimberly gave a small growl.

"Blazer use Focus Energy!" He stood tall and took a deep breath and began to focus all his energy into his attacks.

"Okay Espi use Cheer Up!" She began to think of happy, cheerful thoughts, raising her attack and special attack by one stage.

"Use Ember!" Blazer let out a blast of fire, hitting Espi. She gave a small cry as the flames engulfed her body, but came out okay.

"Alright Espi, lets finish this. Use Confusion!" She shot a small beam of Psychic energy out of her gem and blasted the Combusken with it, knocking him out right away. "Looks like I win." Kimberly just stood there, shocked by the loss.

"No one's beaten me in so long. I guess I need to train a little harder. Good job Mike. You've trained your Pokemon well. Lets get them to a Pokemon Center and get them healed." I nodded in agreement, returning Espi to her Pokeball. We then headed to the Pokemon Center, thank god it wasn't too far away. Once our Pokemon were healed and we were back at her house we released them from the Pokeballs so they could converse and get to know each other. Kimberly and I sat down so we could catch up on things.