Mike's Pokemon Chapter 4
Guess what? Chapter 4 is now up for you all to read. It's not that good, at least the battle sequence isn't. Need practice writing those. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The First Battle...
Family Love Chapter 10 The Final Battle
Alright!!! Finally uploaded the final chapter to my story! Sorry for the wait. Hit a huge snag in my life. Anyway, here it is. Chapter 10, the last...
Family Love Chapter 3 Raising the Children
Okay, because I don't feel like changing it, I'll post the chapters in reverse order (or at least that's how they'll appear). Chapter 3 of my story. ============================================================================================= Chapter...
Mike's Pokemon Chapter 3
Alright so here's chapter 3. It's more of a journal entry than a chapter though. This is how the two Eeveelutions view their situation. Enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ View of the...
Umbro the Legendary Umbreon Chapter 1
Here is the story based off my Pokesona/OC, Umbro. Please critique me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Tragic Loss So many Pokemon live throughout the vast world. Only a small...