Mike's Pokemon Chapter 3

Story by Umbro/Quil on SoFurry

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#3 of Mike's Pokemon

Alright so here's chapter 3. It's more of a journal entry than a chapter though. This is how the two Eeveelutions view their situation. Enjoy.


View of the Pokemon

Espi's View

I was happy the day Mike walked into that store. That mean man kept yelling at me for no reason. I was scared to leave the cage for fear he would hit me. Then my savior came over and freed me from my hellish nightmare. Although free I was still upset. There was an Umbreon there that I, for some odd reason, had a strong bond with. He would be stuck there with the horrible man known as a Rocket Grunt while I roamed free. When Mike gained control of Shadow I was so glad and free of worry and guilt. Once he walked over I went up beside him as we walked to our new home.

Over the couple days we've been at our home I began to notice things about Shadow. He seems to have a thing for me. I remember when Mike was trying to wake Shadow up he was struggling. Once Shadow's eyes were open I decided to show him some affection and lick his nose. His eyes shot wide open and he jumped up out of his bed, tail wagging happily.

I also noticed that when I was scared to go into my Pokeball he whispered something sweet into my ear and nuzzled my neck. "I'll protect you if you feel unsafe" is what he told me. That gave me the courage to go into the Pokeball. Once free I resumed my spot next him, that feeling I felt in the store growing stronger.

Being the Pokemon of a trainer was, in my honest opinion, a lot better than being a Pokemon of the wild. If I was hungry all I had to do was ask Mike and I got some food. Very good food too! If I was cold I could just crawl into my warm and cozy bed that Mike gave me on the day Shadow and I were...what did he call it...purchased! That was it. Humans have such a strange way of life. If I get hurt I know Mike will take care of me and help me, as well as Shadow. If I want company I can go to Mike and he'll scratch right behind my ear, right where I like it. No one in the wild can do the things Mike does for me. In a way, I'm kind of grateful the Rockets captured me. Now I have someone to take care of me instead of me having to take care of myself.

My thoughts on Shadow? He's a sweet and handsome Umbreon. Very caring, especially towards me. I think I saw him in the wild, but it could've been another Umbreon. Umbreons and Espeons flourished where I lived in the wild. He is sweet and all, and I like him, but I don't think I love him yet.


Shadow's View

Life in the wild was going great for me. I had so many cool friends and everyone cared for me. Then those stupid Rockets took me away from my home! I was only glad that the Espeon I loved came along with me. I had loved that Espeon since the day I first saw her. However I was really shy about telling her.

In the store the Rocket Grunt had put my cage next to hers. I was so close to her yet so far away. I wanted to talk to her but for some reason couldn't speak. One day I began to cry. In doing so the Grunt yelled at me to stop. I couldn't however. He then took out this black Vine Whip and snapped me with it multiple times until I finally stopped crying. On that faithful day, though, Mike walked into the store and obtained Espi. At first I thought I'd never see her again and began to whine and paw at my cage. When the Grunt was about to use that black Vine Whip again Mike grabbed it and used it on him. I was freed that day, to an extent.

Although I love my new home, I still long for the wild. My friends and family must be really worried about me. Also, I could do what I wanted freely and not have to ask or wait for a command. The silver lining is that it could be worse. We could belong to a person who is just as bad if not worse than the Rockets.

Espi is the most beautiful, graceful Espeon I've ever seen! I absolutely love her. I don't think my life would have any meaning if I wasn't around her. I just hope she feels the same way about me.