An Umbreon's Quest Chap 3 Camp I

Story by 502nickster on SoFurry

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We were on the trail the Tyranitars, their tracks were not difficult to follow. Every tree that was beside the tracks, all knocked down. It seemed to go forever, and it was still midnight. I looked back at our burnt forest home, thick smoke rised up into the sky.

"You shouldn't look back, you'll just hurt yourself." Amadea said to me. I nodded in agreement.

"Goodness! How much further?" Keltorie said in frustration. "C'mon. Just keep walking. We'll get there." Garomun tried to comfort her.

"Or maybe we should stop for a while." I suggested.

"What are you talking about? We have keep moving. We've lost a lot of ground already." Garomun said

"And then what? Confront them when we are dead tired huh, hotshot?" I responded. He was convinced.

We were all sitting down, taking a rest when Amadea suddenly stood up.

"Do you all hear that?" She said.

Starting to take notice, I heard the sound of leaves rustling. We all stood up and looked in the direction of where the sound was coming from.

"Over there. Oh my!" Keltorie said with a raised voice and pointed to our left.

There was Meowth laying on his back, fatally wounded. His mouth was bleeding, two large gashes, one on his shoulder, one on his chest and his ankled appeared to be burnt. He could barely move.

We all rushed to him. "Who did this to you? What happened?" Keltorie worriedly asked.

"Team Ater *cough*. Tyranitars and Houndooms abducted us." The Meowth replied with weak voice. "Us?" Garomun asked. "Yeah, all the the pokemons that live in the forest south of here. *cough* Grovyle, Cubone, Glaceon, Leafeon, Vaporeon, everybody *cough*. Those who resisted got killed during the raid. While a Tyranitar was carrying us to the city north of here, i tried to escape. Big mistake. " He told us.

"Their taking them to the city?" I asked

"Yeah, but why you want to know? Just get away from here." The Meowth began to cough blood.

"C'mon lets get him some help." Garomun said as all of us tried to get him on his feet. However, it wans't helping.

"No! Stop! Ungh! AHH! Put me down!" The Meowth said with a raised but raspy voice as we placed him back, "Forget about me! Just run away from here!"

I calmly said to him,"No, we're going after them."

"What are you, INSANE?!"

"No wait, hold on-"

"What are you trying to do?! Go right to your death? Wanna be heroes huh?!"

"Listen! They took our parents , ok? I don't want to be a hero. I just my life back. That's what they took away from us."I told the dying Meowth with a stern voice.

His gave a tiny smile and softly said,"Such love and determination. Be careful." He started to cough rapidly. And then he laid there motionless. Keltorie looked away. Amadea reached out with her right paw and closed his eyes.

"C'mon. We can't stay here." I said to everyone. Then Amadea came up in front me. "Hey, we can't just leave him." She said to me.

"There's nothing we can do." Garomun said. We all went on with sorrowful hearts.

"Hey, i can see the city. Its actually pretty neat. All the lights." Amadea said we climbed up a hill. Soon thunders rumbled in the sky and started to pour. "Hey the tracks!" Keltorie said with raised voice. I looked down and saw the Tyranitar footprints being erased away by the rain. "All right, we have to call it a night. We know where the city is. So we can get there in the morning." Garomun said. We all agreed.

We all searched around, looking for a place to sleep. Behind a bush, i saw a cave that has a very small entrance. We would all have to go in one by one. I went in, the space was nice for all of us. I went out and called for them,"Guys! Over Here!". Everyone came, saw the cave and we all went in. "I can't see anything, hey Garomun can you make a fire?" Keltorie asked. I could actually see rather well. Garomun refused and said,"No, it's too dangerous. The place is too small. I could cook you all up.". We all got down, and tried to get some sleep.

As i was trying to get some rest, i suddenly felt something smooth brushing against the fur on my right side. I turned my head and i saw a pink figure about the same size as i am, leaning on my side. I just went back to sleep.

Morning came, sunlight shone at my eyes and i woke up. "Hey guys c'mon, wake up." i said to everyone. Garomun's eyes opened immediately. Keltorie soon started to wake up as well. I tried to wake Amadea up, gingerly shaking her shoulder. Her eyes slowly opened and stood up. Keltorie said with yawn, "Ok, lets go. First i want to eat something."

I suddenly realized that i was very hungry. I didn't eat anything since i became an umbreon! "C'mon lets stick to the plan. We head for the city. We can find something to eat on the way." Garomun said as he stretched himself. I stepped out the cave, the ground was still soggy due to last night's rain.

As we were making our way to the city, I saw a leppa berry tree. Amadea also noticed the tree and said, "Look, a leppa berry tree. Lets grab a bite and carry on." We all encircled the tree, each of us grabbing a fruit with our mouths and started eating the berries. It was quite hard to bite through to fruit, but it was better than nothing. Soon, we all left the tree in a hurry and head for the city. I did not know what to expect in the city. All I knew was what i heard from a Xatu. She said that its bustling with humans and pokemons, and very few of them are legit. We'll need to blend in if we're gonna survive. "For my parents, for love." I kept thinking that when i asked myself why i'm doing all this.

It was afternoon, and at last, we've arrived at the city. Now we need to find Team Ater and get our family back.