Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 10)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#11 of Righting Your Wrongs

Question To The Answer

"-an't believe Luyo made that look so easy. How did you know she would've won despite her type's weakness against Lucario's type?" I found myself in the centre depression of the main room at home. Almost immediately after the battle Taine sent me into the pokéball that was supposedly meant for me. I was in the middle of protesting against that action but never got a chance to be heard, considering I only spoke aloud not telepathically.

"When I had challenged the Eterna city gym several weeks back the peo-"

You were right. You were much more powerful than him, yet you still made an entertaining battle. Syne's voice chimed into my head. I looked towards the windows to see him staring out into the distance. I must say that it was a dominating performance nonetheless.

I lay down immediately enjoying the rest. Although the battle was easier than what Syne had set it up to be I did have to use quite a bit of energy to take that Lucario down. I probably used a bit more than I should've, but I took it as a good workout. I aim to please, at this point in time, anyway. I padded over towards Syne and sat down on his left side, looking out into the world. "But if that Lucario is the most challenging pokémon I'll find in this city, that is probably the last I'll ever face."

"But you love to battle. Why would you give it up?"

"Because if I was to battle you, Zica, or even Rathe it wouldn't be fair to you or them. And it makes it harder on me because if I use too much power, I... Could end up, killing you."

"What about if Taine makes it to the championships? Would you go along then?"

"I don't know, that's not up to me. If I am needed, then I will probably go along, but I wouldn't have battled in so long I wouldn't know what I am capable of. And I don't want to be the cause of Taine losing. I haven't lost a battle yet, since most of the ones in the wild were to the death. But I know that if I stop now, I can't do any more harm to anyone else or their pokémon." I turned to face Syne who was looking almost worried. It was a hard look to describe. "In the wild, the loss of one pokémon meant nothing. But to a trainer or a fellow pokémon. It can cause the end of their normal world. And I don't want to be the cause of that again."

"Is that why you started the battle slowly against Lucario? To see how much power you could use without harming him too much." I nodded slowly, turning away to face the world out the window once more. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I guess I go back to what I always have done. But that was getting me no-where." I paused for a moment, wondering if Syne was going to say something on the matter. I glanced towards him, seeing his gaze looking straight back at me. "For the moment though, I think I might just try living here with no expectations."

Syne stared at me for a moment. "No expectations?"

"You heard me. I'll just take each day as it happens. I won't plan anything, I won't try to set anything up."

"You can't do that. Even in the short time we've lived together I know you can't even go the rest of today without trying to set something up, or expect an outcome." I looked back out the window breaking eye-contact with Syne. I don't think he'd looked away the whole time I had been here.

"Unless you have a better idea?"

"Well, if you're not planning on anything, how do we plan us?" I felt Syne's tail reach around to my left side. "If you still believe it is unavoidable?"

I glanced back towards Syne, who was still looking at me. "I never said it was unavoidable. I only said it was a possibility, just a fairly definite one."

"True. But it would be nigh-on impossible for us to ignore what has been happening." Wait. That's it! "I mean, after all, you were the one that kisse-"

"That's it!" I almost shouted, jumping to my feet, causing Syne to step away slightly. I also managed to gain the attention of Kein, Rathe, Kurath, Zica and our trainers. "That's it! That's the answer!"

"What are you talking about? The answer to what?" Again, he almost looked worried about what I was so excited about.

"The answer to the question. My question. What I have been struggling to figure out the entire time I've been here!"

I walked away from Syne towards the corridor to our room, but stopped after taking a few steps. "Syne, Kein, Luyo... What's going on?" Saria asked towards us.

"Neither of you tell them anything." I replied to both Syne and Kein. "Kein, tell her that it doesn't concern her." He nodded once as I turned around and moved back to Syne who hadn't moved from the window.

"You're my pokémon Luyo. Nothing can get you that excited and not concern me."

She did have a point. "Luyo, what are you on about?" Syne asked me. I heard Kein's voice chime in my mind asking much of the same thing, but I tuned it out with my own thoughts.

I looked back to face Kein, lowering my voice back to a normal level. "It's nothing, really. I got excited over nothing." I turned back towards Syne and walked to his side. I will tell you about it later Saria.

"Are you going to tell me what you're on about?"

I rubbed up against his side as I felt his tail wrap around me again. "I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner."

"Think of what?"

"Syne, you know what I had been wracking my mind over? The reason why I stopped trying to make fights here."

He nodded in understanding. "About the mistake you made before I found you."

"Exactly. And I just figured out what I am going to do to try and make amends for my mistake." I kissed him lightly on the cheek for the second time of what I assumed would be many. "And I couldn't have figured it out without you. You helped without even knowing it."

"Ok... Now do you mind telling me what solution I helped you come to?"

"You said it yourself. It is basically inevitable for us."

"But what does that have to do with what you have done?"

I looked back at Syne, it was obvious that I had his full attention by the way he looked at me. His eyes were the main reason I made such an assumption, they were bright and open. "It was my mistake to take a life that I shouldn't have. And because of that there is one less pokémon in the world. So-"

"Stop there." Syne stood up the stepped away. "Let me get this straight. You are going to use me just so you can feel better about yourself and lay an egg for the one you killed?" He turned away and lowered his head slightly. I glanced around the rest of the room seeing that I had their full attention again. "No. No, I won't do it."


"I won't do it. I won't help you. Because you are only doing it for him, you are only using me."

"Syne, I didn't mean for you to see it tha-"

"That way? How else am I supposed to see it? You basically said that exact thing straight to me a moment ago." He took several more steps away, shaking his head many times in the process. "I care for you a lot Luyo, I really do... But I will not be a part of this."

"Syne... I-"

"Forget it." He turned around and walked into the corridor towards our room.

I watched as he disappeared through the door-frame, fighting back any form of emotion that may've been shown on my face. That was it. It was over. I had driven him away, again, without even meaning to. I glanced around the rest of the room, all the pokémon were still glancing amongst each other, then towards me worriedly for a moment, only to look away again I knew that they knew what had happened, but the three humans were in question as to what was happening. I didn't care about them. I was the one responsible for the hostilities, again.

I had felt loss before, one that I made sure wouldn't be repeated, but I was wrong... This hurt worse than before. In trying to save myself from guilt, I drove away the one whom I live in most contact with. I didn't have a choice, I couldn't wait to see what would happen. This was my fault, I knew in my mind everything worked out fine, all I had to do was try to make Syne believe what I had told myself.

I immediately stood up and turned away from the window, heading towards our room. I knew every eye was following me, but I made sure I wasn't showing any emotion. I would be strong, and serious. What just happened isn't something I wanted to happen, it wasn't something I wanted to have to remember, but I didn't have a choice. Either way, I had to follow Syne, I had to. If I wasn't going to try and fix this, nothing would.

I peered around the corner, seeing Syne on his cushion facing the wall. He was dead still, I could almost feel what he was thinking. "Syne?" He flinched slightly at the sound of my voice. "It's not what you think. This isn't for him. I'm doing this for me. It's my fault I feel like this. If I had the choice I would solve this problem myself, but that just isn't possible. I've never accepted help from anyone my entire life because I never wanted it." I took several steps closer to Syne, stopping at the edge of the bed several feet from him. I waited a moment to see if he'd respond, but nothing was said. "When I first met you, I couldn't take a step without you offering assistance or advice. And I'm sure if I hadn't of said anything you still would be offering every-day."

"But this isn't an every-day situation Luyo. Even you're not so focused to ignore that. What you're asking me to do isn't a matter of yes and no, and I don't think you're ready for such a commitment anyway."

"But it doesn't matter if I'm ready or not, I-"

"Yes it does matter!" Syne stood up and turned to face me. His eyes that were bright out at the window were now red and half-closed. "Don't you see? If you lay an egg in the scenario you set out to me before, there won't be anything else for you to do but watch it and take care of it. Because even if I was to help you for the reasons you explained I wouldn't want any part of it. You would be on your own, because I don't see you the way I used to."

"What has changed?"

"It's not what has, it's what hasn't. When I first met you, you were so inwardly focused that you didn't care about anything or anyone around you. And I see now that you still haven't changed. I thought you would've been different by now and I thought that I had changed you. But you have proved me wrong. You haven't changed at all Luyo. If anything, after that battle with Lucario you've gotten worse." His breathing was erratic, and hard. It looked as if it hurt him to say everything more than it hurt me. "You don't always have to be the best, the most powerful, or the strongest. But everything for you is a competition."

"You think I'm taking this decision lightly?"

"Yes, I do! The first thing that gave you away is because you told me that you were doing it for him. And I proved that you only think about yourself when you said that you were making the decision for you." Syne turned around and lowered his head again, I followed his action staring that the ground at my feet.

"Syne, I'm not making this decision lightly because I don't know what will happen." I turned around, facing the door to the corridor out. "I've thought about this a lot Syne. Even before I told you outside. You told me that we have been getting closer and that it was going to happen eventually. And the whole time I have known you I was noting if I was making the right decision to let us drift closer together." I took padded to the doorframe, turning back only to see that Syne hadn't moved. "So this is it. This is what we've come down to. I may be a little self centered at times, but I do care Syne." I waited several moments before continuing. "I am not asking this of you because it's what I want. I am asking this because it's what I believe we want. I know the risks of what I'm asking Syne, but know that the choice will be yours. And if you can't believe me now, then I will end what we have, because that is who I am, and I can't change that."

I left the room and restored my composure, I lifted my gaze from the floor and walked into view of the others. Again, I knew I was the centre of their attention, and if they had learnt anything about me over the past several weeks they would know not to ask anything. Or at least that's what I hoped for. As I made my way over to the window again I had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring. Already the sun was setting beyond the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. What was to happen to me, I didn't know. It wasn't up to me. For the first time in my life, how I would act, was entirely up to them. If Syne decided that nothing would happen, I would live like nothing ever was going to happen, and force myself to forget everything that has happened between us. If he accepts my reasoning, then we would become closer than I had ever thought.

The choice wasn't up to me, yet I believed I knew what the outcome was going to be.