The House Panzer Built

Zo sat at the peace summit with the other generals and the senate of the free peoples republic and the king of the empire. three weeks he sat there looking nice beside the other generals on both sides.

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I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony

The store didn't have rooms for travelers, and although it served wine and beer, that was just part of its real business - selling meals, like a great feast hosted by a senator, with less variety.

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Revolution | Chapter XVIII: Reunion of Ghosts

It can be won on the battlefield, inside the senates of the countries worldwide, and among the people themselves. we are not the only fighters, my friends.

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Book 1, Chapter 1 (Welcome to The Under)

Until, ten years ago, the senate proposed a solution: to collect everybody who carried the new hiv/aids virus and put them all underground, separate from those who are clean, to hopefully find a cure."

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 7

Corporation with their own nuclear stockpile would have, i dunno, board meetings and crazy shit like that before they did anything that could be seen as either heroic or downright stupid by their country and the sycophants that run around like jackasses in the senate

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. III (2021)

It's really making me and dad more and more nervous about one of our rifles ending up shooting a senator or something." "understandable." kurt replied.

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