The House Panzer Built

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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one I wrote a few years ago. It goes back and forth in time between the life of Zo, a dragon half breed, and his journey to regain his home!

The dragonkin enters the inn threw the back entrance and goes past the storage room before going threw the wine cellar to a door in the back and places a sack on the ground before digging under his shirt for a key that hung lose from his neck. He opened the lock in the door before setting the sack just inside before closing the door once again and it's lock latching shut.

Every year for a long time the dragonkin, half man half dragon, had visited the inn. Long before there was an inn or a town around it he visited the spot every year he could sense it was built. It held value to him and all the locals born there know of him. This was his land by claim before any others. Yet he choose to hold so little personally. Just a single inn to his name he visits seldom but once a year.

One month a year the dragonkin visits the inn but seldom is he seen there but a week after his arrival and a week before his departure again. Always during the month of the red moon and always before and after the pinnacle during the red weeks. All know his curse but none but he know of his curse.

The dragonkin sits at a free table and sets a bag of stones on the table. These stones were the shape and size of coins and many believe it is a way to keep balance to his hoardings. Some believe he hides his gold in the form of the stones to discourage thievery. Only he knows the truth behind the stones and he only shows them once as he counts them before putting them away not to be seen again that year.

Most times the dragonkin is left alone with his thoughts but one year the inn commons room was filled and a party of four came in. A sorceress, an archer elven lass, a paladin and a cleric. Obviously adventures to any around. Yet inexperienced and foreigners to the town. They each take one of the empty seats and the inn goes quiet as the server dragonkin lady places a mug of ale in front of them each then the dragonkin.

The cleric grabbed the server gently. " Mam we did not order drinks." She grips his hand in a vice before removing him from her. " By the time you leave you shall be paying for them and more. Now sit and listen to the tale to be told as you shall never hear another like it." The dragonkin takes his mug and empties it in one go. " The first ones I give free pups. You better keep them coming or I will be going." The entire inn goes quiet except movement of seats being circled around the dragonkin.

" Before the hundred year war I was born in this valley. My mother and siblings died in the one day magic freeze that turned dragons cold. Not me, I lived on and called this valley my home long before man settled here and I call it my home still. On the eve of the first major battle of the war it was right here." The dragonkin pounded on the table before taking the fresh mug and again emptied it in one go. " I was half the height I am now back then when some humans disturbed my sleep. I never cared to meddle with others back then. I was a free spirited youth, but on that day everything changed."

Zo woke from his slumber to find several armored men around him. He knew of hunters that ventured into his home. The valley was wide and vast with game. They rarely go as deep as his area but these were not hunters of game. Zo did not move until he had his mother's fang in his hand before moving as a flash between two. He did not like to be snuck up on or surrounded. He made a hiss before the soldiers made a line. Zo noticed two were missing from the ranks. He considered that a weakness but thought they went to get more. He hissed again before using his voice. " This Zo home. Zo will not leave. Zo will die defending Zo home."

The dragonkin drunk from his mug again but this time a smaller drink that only took a fraction what he was before. " Damn near soiled themselves they did. I know not one had ever seen my kind before that day." The archer chuckled before saying, " What dragon?" The dragonkin shook his head. " A half breed. The soldiers were imperials on patrol from their army coming from the north. Oh sure I could go with dragon too sense we are rare now a days. They rather fight for the others hoards that breed I hear." The dragonkin drinks again. " Well most of them at least. I got me two full blooded wife dragons. They keep me in their clutches every time I visit one of them. None but she will see me for months on end. Those are good years. One is nesting our third clutch of young and the other no longer breaths. Rest her bones well about twenty years now. Killed by a lot like you four. After her gold they were. Found them, killed them and things are now right with her kin and me for it. I'm not greedy. Never have been. But what is mine I protect. Those imperial soldiers found that out the hard way. I ate well for a while. Slept uneasy however. Little did I know then that over the hill a battle was going on."

Zo sat and thought what he would do with what was left of the soldiers he killed. Their bodies were either bones or rotting by the trees and the food they had was well preserved. He decided to store those for a while longer. It was the weapons and armor and personal effects they had he was puzzling over. Nothing should go to waste was his thought. He knew some he could use to make tools to easier his life. Some already were such. He had already turned the fang of his mothers into a comfortable held knife. He was playing with a breast plate when he heard a rustling against the wind and turned cautious with an oversized shield and sword. What he saw was unlike anything he seen up close before. It walked on two and wore clothing despite having black fur. It seemed similar to the intruders from before but it's side was hurt. " Zo kill thieves. Does Zo kill again?" Slowly the creature took off it's belt with it's weapons and tosses it to the side. " Zo does not need to kill Panzer. Panzer is only passing threw." Zo tossed away the over sized weapons. " Zo does not harm travelers. Only thieves. Panzer hurt. Panzer meet more thieves?" Panzer put a hand to his side and felt blood. " Yes, there are many many thieves over the hill. Panzer and many of my friends were there to fight them."

" Needless to say I did not trust the word of a stranger and I went to see for myself despite his protests. I told him that I will see for myself. Needless to say I did not stick around looking either. Twenty thousand is a mighty number. Even full dragons are cautious of such numbers. Me I was puzzled how I was going to keep what was mine. Panzer on the other hand had other ideas."

Zo climbed down the hill and found the black furry one where he left him. He had his upper body exposed except a bloody cloth that covered his injury. Panzer had a sword in his hand when he noticed Zo but lowered it again when he discovered it was Zo. " Zo see many thieves. Zo see if thieves come many thieves will die but Zo can see Zo die too. Zo will die proud." Panzer let out a deep breath as he sat on a rock. " Panzer learned of the thieves many days ago so Panzer and my friends went to see them. Find their number and find their base. We found and watched but lingered too long and were found then all but Panzer killed." Zo growled angry. " Zo and Panzer same. We die proud and kill many thieves." Panzer raised up. " Panzer has many neighbors left. Some friends left. Panzer must go back to the village and warn them." Zo looked at the bloody bandage. He sighed as he moved to a stretcher he made to move the bodies of the dead out of where he sleeps. " Panzer die with task unfinished. Zo will go to pack with Panzer. Zo may lose home but will take back all Zo own one day."

" Panzer was a damn heavy felinor too. Often times I have seen the village. Came into it a few times to scavenge in the trash. Sometimes I listened threw the windows to the talk of the inhabitants. That is how I knew how to talk. But unfortunately they evacuated. I did not like being away from what was mine but I understood if I was ever going to keep it or get it back I would have to grow more. To get stronger and most importantly have help." The dragonkin picks up the mug in front of him and shakes it slightly. It only had enough to cover the bottom in it. He seemed disappointed until the paladin raised his hand. " We will have another one over here." Before he set out a copper coin on the table to be collected for the drink. The dragonkin continued after his drink arrived.

Ten years Zo stayed by Panzer's side. Panzer trained the young dragonkin the ways of the modern world and Panzer learned in hopes to returning to his wild home one day. Zo never did care for provided beds. The location made his sleep predictable. Many that walk on two legs see a bed filled by an enemy an easy target. Zo thinks this himself so he sleeps anywhere he can watch his bed. Under it, outside the window or even in the rafters. It is comforting to have the pillow and the blanket protects from the cold but he got extras of those that would not let him be spotted. The tenth winter sense Zo had been home he thought. Ten sense Panzer had been home and many of the village. Some were as small as he is when they left. Some old enough to parent now. Suddenly the door under Zo enters and a single fully armored soldier passes threw with a lantern. Zo quickly and silently slipped in behind the soldier and took out his bone dagger and put it to the others throat. " The last armored soldier to wake me up I killed. You better give a good reason for me not to you." The one in the armor laughed. " Still the light sleeper I see Zo. Kill me and how will I help you get back home?" The blade was instantly removed. " Panzer you know better than to sneak up on me." Panzer removed his helmet and smiled as Zo came around in front of him. " I would have checked to see if you were outside first if I was going to do that." Zo chuckled. " Been smarter of you to do that too."

" Good old Captain Panzer. He never did get home. Died in a raid on the training camp. He held thirty back to let others get away. Ten walked away I heard. Lucky skunks. Name of this place is to honor him. He gave me a request that day. He asked me to go with a convoy. I do not know their mission. Mine was to watch over some passengers. I was to be a new hired hand. To learn the ropes of the trade. I am smart and strong and I knew a few things about them already then." A fresh set of mugs arrive and the dragonkin empties his old before continuing. " Really was not hard. Make camp and eat, guard camp, break camp and eat, sleep on top of a wagon when on the move. Happened like that for a week before the attack."

Zo woke up to him being under a blanket of snow. Only his face left uncovered as it held in his body heat. He yawned soundlessly before looking around and saw the path blocked by a fallen tree. Three were already trying to remove it as he took wing and grabbed the end with branches before pushing the obstacle. It was a difficult task but with the three others it was made easier as the path was made open again. He was about to return to his sleep when he heard a word. " Ambush!" Instantly the lead car started moving again. Zo leaped up into the air and landed on the wagon he was sleeping on. It is his choice to do so as it has a flat top to it by the cargo boxes. He gathered his bag of belongings and put them on his back before taking out a steel sword. He was ready by the time a band of bandits reached him. He jumped off the wagon and beheaded one as he went and a second lost his arm as he took wing. The moment he touched ground he had his legs coiled to go back at them and took the dead one's lance as he passed. Zo put the lance in the rear one and the one armed one was as helpless to stop his attack as to originally keeping his arm. Zo was tempted to check the bodies for loot but only took a fresh lance and two horses as he rode one to catch up again.

" The attack was suppose to happen with the tree boxing us in. With it gone they improvised. Unfortunately the road was rough and the wagon in front of the last broke an axial. It was the one with my charge in it. The one I sleep on was after it. He killed the driver of the broken wagon and crashed his own. Bandits got him first. By the time I got there they just got the wagon open and I was not going to let anything happen to them so I attacked. They say few survive a dragon's attack even if they live threw it. The reason for that is we hunt them down. It could take months or years but we get the job done or die trying. Me it only took a few minutes that time. I was searching the dead when two came out of the wagon." The dragonkin pointed to the paladin and the sorceress. " Well they was not dressed as plain as you are but they were like you two." The dragonkin then takes another drink and sets his half empty cup down. " I think I like you lot. Been a while sense I got this far in the tale. First time in two decades I think. Order up something for you. On the house. I'll be back in a bit." The dragonkin got up and by the direction headed it was determined he had too much ale.

Zo looked up to the new faces as he was taking the purse of one of the raiders and tosses it in a pile of others. He then took the sword belt and anything else of value and put them in piles associated to them before moving to the next. The knight led a young woman put into the open to where Zo had several horses tied down. " Do not take those if you value your lives." The knight drew his sword. " And tell me why should we not." Zo sighed and looked up from the body. " They were paid in imperial coin. I found very few coins other than two gold thrines on each of them so far. Now if you want to run off and get yourself killed it will be no scales off my tail but my good friend Panzer asked me to watch over you two till you were delivered. Look down the road. About three miles." The knight looks and sees smoke in the distance. " I give them ten minutes before they start moving toward us and an hour till they pick up the trail. If we are lucky." Zo finishes searching the body and comes to the driver of his wagon. " Good fellow. Hummed as he drove. Said I reminded him of his son. Never learned his name."

The dragonkin stopped a minute in thought. " A poor fate for them all." The server moves forward with plates of food. Greens for the elf and bread and water for the cleric. The rest got fine steaks and rich vegetables. It was a hearty meal for each of them and the dragonkin belched pleased before taking out a gold imperial coin. " I got fifteen of these from the bodies. Would any care to guess why an odd number?" They remained quiet a moment to think. " The obvious is one bandit had three or one was lost." The dragonkin shook his head to the guess. " Three were on the escort's carriage driver." They all remained shocked to the news. " Our thoughts exactly. That is how they knew the route I would guess. But back to the story, and another mug. I got this one."

Zo handed a sword toward the female and dropped it to get something else. It hits the ground and he turns back. " I hope she is more than for show. I do not like extra burdens." She take out a slender rod and a magic ball of energy forms at the end of it. Zo tilted his head in thought. " Magic, you might just be useful. Have your pick of clothing. We will be going into the wilds and what you have on will be a burden. Not to mention will easily leave a trail of torn fabric." Zo turns to the boxes from the other wagon and takes one and tosses it against the road. It breaks open to reveal more travel ware for adventurers. He then takes another and just moves it out of the way. " My lady the beast has a point. We need to move swift and hastily." Zo finds another box and smirks as he opens it without the use of a bar. " Some of these will come in handy." He takes a bow and puts it on his back by the string before taking two more out as well as some extra strings and set them aside. He then finds the box of quivers and arrows for them and takes out a few and sets them aside as well. He then finds the box he was looking for, rations. He takes a pair of packs and fills them before taking a package and eating from it. Zo turns around and finds that the female had barely began to get undressed. He took out his bone dagger and cut the back out of her clothing. " We do not have all day." Zo felt a blade against his neck. " You do not touch her animal." Zo vanished by speed and was with the bodies. He picked one up and put it on a horse. " We do not have time for a fight between us. I gave my word I would help you survive not guarantee it. I will get the fake trails set. She has till I'm done to be ready because I am leaving if she is ready or not. And you should find something to dull your armors shine. The glare may give us away."

" Oh I tell you they were proud but not stupid. We had six horses there so there were three trails. One was real. It was a small number charged with our abduction. Small numbers I can handle but to kill them would set the rest on us. It was easier for them to lose our trail. Better for us. Would been easier if magic could not trace other magic. I followed as fast as I could carrying two dead bodies and after three hours we left the horses. Two days in the wood to be sure we lost them." The dragonkin took back the gold coin and noticed another fresh mug in front of him. Either they were richer than they let on or they are pulling reserves for this story. Purposely he yawned. " That is it folks for tonight. Any more ale in me and I get groggy." The entire inn gives a big AWWW!!! as they start moving away. This is more story than most of them had ever heard. The dragonkin stood. " Come by tomorrow and I'll tell more."

Zo took a map out of his bag. It was of the route the caravan was traveling. He puts a finger on it. " This is where we were attacked." He then moves it to an unmarked section. " We are about here." Zo then lifts his hand and puts two small stones on the map. " So where are we heading." The knight coughs and looks at the map. " In this outpost we were suppose to break off from the supply route and head north." Zo takes the map again and looks it over. " There should be no outpost there. I know that area well." The knight coughs. " But is your knowledge recent?" Zo lowers his head. " Not sense I left my home behind." The two looked sorry at each other. " We had no idea you lived in the village. It was razed and destroyed." Zo shook his head. " Zo did not live in the village. Zo lived." He then pointed where the outpost was.

The four see the dragonkin after a day in the town. This time they sat with the dragonkin though there were seats. He smiled as they paid for his current drink and the one that came after. He told them that he was going to wait for the other regulars and did then started where he left off.

It was a week of backwater travel to get to the outpost undetected. Zo was more familiar with the area as each day passed. Many of the secret routes he knew of were still there and their detection was not seen despite being within a poor archers range. Zo tensed up as he came back from scouting. The two were still silent where he told them to be. " This is where I leave you. I can not be any more use to you now." The knight took the sorceresses hand. " Let us go my lady. I can easily tell them that I led us to here." Zo was about to go but her hand caught his wrist. " You could come with us? See your home again Zo." Zo jerked away. " When I take my home back from the thieves it is to keep not to look." She grabbed him again. " What do you mean thieves. These lands have been imperial for decades." Zo growled annoyed. " I was born up that hill behind that outpost. My mother's bones and siblings eggs rest up there, I hope, still. The first imperial here to settle I ever saw here was ten years ago. Hunters or traveling ones I have seen but never in my seventy years had I seen one live here till now. I do not know the way of your home but in mine if you live in a land long enough it becomes yours. In that outpost is few women and they are not there for children. They guard it because they were told to. I intended when I come to age to live there with a family of my own. Maybe move out of the dirt and wear proper coverings. Make myself civilized and respected. Now let me go." The sorceress moved her hand away slowly. " I am sorry." Zo smirked. " Do not be. I will one day return home. I will find those that wronged me and my scorn will be swift. When I do not know but I am patient and can wait a long time." The sorceress decided to gamble something. " What if we help you get your home back? Will you forget vengeance?" Zo stopped in thought.

" Ha, probably the biggest mistake of my life. Dangle the right bait and you can catch about anything. But I gave my word and thou she did not live to see me get it she did keep her word. But that is for another mug of ale." The four adventurers leaned forward as fresh drinks were set down. Unlike every other time the dragonkin did not drink it right away. " She was right to still needing my help too. It was plain to her that someone was betraying her and it was plain to me she was an imperial. The fella too. Turned out she was Princess Isibel and the lad her husband General M something." Someone in the crowd then yells. " Markwell you forgetful lizard." The dragonkin laughed. " With enough ale you would forget too. So shut up and listen." Then the paladin leaned forward. " You got to be kidding. You knew two of the most famous voices to end the hundred year war." The dragonkin chuckled. " Her not so well. But the general, yea I knew him well. Anyone ever tell you where he got those scars on his face? They look an awful lot like these don't they?" The dragonkin then puts his hand on the table and wood came up as he pulled his hand toward himself. " Accidental however. I make a very poor drunk and am a sore loser when challenged to drinks." The then chuckled again. " Now I think about it so was he."

Zo left the extra bows and shafts for them in safe places as well as the extra sword. He has the food and water on pack. He knew he could get more outside the outpost. He did not know if he was going to or not get any inside. " Hail to the post." As soon as those words were said out loud several fires were started and a few torches thrown out of the fort. Zo sighed as it was not even dark. " Who goes there and why with one of them." Markwell did not hesitate in answering. " Escort he is to General Markwell with Lady Isibel." Zo backed away as several came threw the still open gate to inspect them. Markwell brought out an emblem and many of the men took a knee. The one that did not spoke. " General when we heard the caravan attacked and there were none there alive we feared the worst. Those beasts will pay for this." Markwell took Isibel's hand. " It is not beasts but men that did it. The half dragon slew many of them before we could break free. If our wagon did not break down and many went for the rest we may be dead as well. Must we linger further out here? I wish the Lady safe." The outpost officer coughed. " You must understand General I do not know any of you personally and any brigand can steal the emblem from a corpse and dawn their armor. The princess is a magician as well it is told." Isibel raised her hand and a spark happened between her fingertips then a ball of fire appeared. She tossed it against a wall and it exploded into a liquid fire rain below it. She then snapped her fingers and the fire stopped consuming the wood and ceased being. " My apologies my lordship ladyship. We shall immediately accommodate you."

" Oh, even after that they did not want me in there. Personally I do not blame them. They were told to give their lives to protect that spot from my kind. I would have been happy to kill them all too. But I thought what good is getting my home back if I can not keep it. If she kept her word then I would keep mine. One of the few imperials I ever liked in fact. Honestly nothing happened there. I was reminiscent a bit thinking of how things were and how they will be again. Slept in a corner and ate the rations I had. After a few days of rest and gotten fresh horses we left north. The farther north we went the more they were recognized and so was I. Well the fact that I had imperial gold on my person made it easy to believe I was paid mercenary. I do not mind how I was treated. Their homes their rules. But then we got to our destination."

Zo had never seen a populous area like the Imperial Capital. The wall around seemed to stretch to the horizons as he and the other two were at the main gates. As soon as Zo was spotted by the royal guard they had their lances circling them. " You better tell them to stop. Last time I was circled like this I killed them all." Isibel looked behind her. " Let him pass. He is to come with me." The captain of the guard steps forward. " But your fathers orders is to not let them in the city." Isibel took out her rod and put it to the mans neck. " He is an emissary. Do you want to show him we are the barbarians? We were respected on our visit. Show him the same." They lowered their weapons.

" The Capital? Really? You can not expect us to believe you ever went to the Capital." The dragonkin smirked at the remark and got up and soon came back with a small chest. He opens it up and there were three items in it. An imperial knight mark, a knight's blade and a dragon's scale. " Never did meet the King but yes I was up there. Received these as tokens of appreciation. She was real pleased in meeting another of dragon blood again. I was an excited pup who never wanted to leave but that came to an end after a few weeks." The dragonkin lifts the mark up and offers it to the cleric. " Read the inscription on the back." The cleric flips the mark and reads what was there " To my friend Zo. It is a small penance to what my father took from you but I swear I will hold your tale in my heart always. Princess Isibel Godword of the Imperial Empire." The dragonkin then took the sword and offered it to the paladin for examination. To the touch he knew it was a true knights blade. After receiving the items back he took out the scale and after a little dragon magic a dragon's head image appeared. " Hello Zo. Odd you call me. Something wrong? Should I alert the royal family?" The dragonkin shook his head. " It is the month of the red moon. About that time. As always I am telling my tale and well. I can finally say I told it till we met." The dragon lowered it's ears, seemingly shocked. " Really, I did not know you told that story. Is this why every time you come by you never go past the outpost?" The dragonkin scratched his chin. " Actually they have their own versions. But if you ever want to hear the full tale I will tell it to you." The dragon's expression changed. " Oh, you do not have to make a trip up here to do that. It seems every time you come by every blue moon everyone starts getting it in their head to start another war. Wait, hold on a moment." The dragon's head turns away from the dragonkin and seems to look at one of the crowd. " Tula stop biting on your brothers tail. Tradament stop that crying. You are a dragon. Start acting like it." The floating head turns back to the dragonkin. " If I do not get our young in line soon I have no idea how I'm going to meet my ancestor guardians of the Imperial bloodline with any pride at all." The dragon has a thought. " Tula, Tradament get over here right now and see your father." Suddenly the dragons head expanded to her whole body and two near adult dragons her size move on each side of her. The imperial dragon's flag hung behind them. " Well if you care to listen like you are I will not mind continuing the story after I left the empire." The two younger dragons looked up to their mother as she nodded.

Zo reached the training camp Panzer raised him in and looked at the grave with a known name on it. He had never felt as sad as he did then. Zo took a deep breath and released it slowly before turning. " I'm ready." Zo walked behind the lieutenant and he led him to an office. " In here sir." Zo shrilled to the sir. He did not like it. As soon as he stepped in Zo noticed one in the seat. " You must be congratulated in doing what you have. You went far beyond the duty asked of you." Zo thought on that. " I was asked to watch over them till they get to where they were going. That is all I did." The one in the chair raised up. " You know we can use a few like you in the regular army. How would you like to join?" Zo became cautious. " You need more dragonkin?" The one turned to look out onto the training field. " Yes, but more importantly strong and loyal soldiers and a commander that gets the job done." Zo squinted his eyes. " If I give my word to the army I give my life and will away. Those are mine and no one is going to have them but me. Panzer I help because he was my friend and neighbor." The one turns again. " And he was my older brother." Zo backed away remembering Panzer talk about his brother he had not seen in near twenty years. " All he wanted was to go back home and rebuild. The same as I. I do not know what was said in the message but I know a few wish what was taken to be returned and I for one will agree to the code of forgiveness." Panzer's brother slams his hands on the desk. " There will never be peace between us now if you think it will be that simple." Zo backed away. " But why is it not that simple? One side wants peace and the other wants peace."

" Peace, it is made by fat old men while young fit men fight and die. I never did technically ever join the army but I was an asset. Originally a mercenary adviser Captain but that turned general after that battle." Suddenly the dragonkin's gut grumbled. The ale was demanding a partner in the digestion. It was silent till the mother dragon spoke. " Don't just sit here. Order some food. And Zo you better not disappoint or you will not lay with me again." The dragonkin snorted. " You're not my wife. Besides you will miss out on the visit more than me. Do not idle threat me."

" Do not idle threaten me Zo. I will drink you under the table." Zo smirked as he looked at Markwell across the table. The bar was the choice negation grounds for the two. They each take a mug and pick it up at the same time and lowered it again up side down to show they were empty. " What is it this time Zo. The bridge or the field?" Zo picks up the the next mug and quickly slams it on the table. " The field gets more killed. The bridge we fight longer period of time. I'd rather die tomorrow than today." Markwell finishes off his third mug. " The bridge it is. How long dawn till dusk or more sensible hours?" Zo smirked as they each took a fifth mug. " The rate we are drinking!" Then they both raised up their mugs. " Sensible hours." It took a moment for the two to notice there were no more fresh drinks in front of them. " That it? I thought we had more." Markwell lowered disappointed. " You know the real contest does not start till later." Zo shoulders fell as well. He had grown large in twenty years sense they first met. " Later later later. It never comes Markwell. Twenty years we been doing this. Twenty years and you have never seen your son's face and he could already have a boy of his own now. I want to go home, you want to go home, hell we all do. Whatever happen to the agreement we made all those years ago?" Markwell turned his head. " Politics. Nothing to be done. Greed runs both sides top to bottom." Zo has an idea.

" Oh boy everyone gets a laugh at the game of cards on the bridge now but back then it was a cut throat game. The terms were strict and it was anybody's game for a long time. For three days we played with the stakes higher than any other. If we knew now what would have happened to the loser we would have never played. Isibel understood but never forgave me for getting her husband killed. All we wanted was peace." The imperial dragons bowed their heads. " Zo, General Markwell was one of the best imperials I have ever had the privilege of knowing." The dragonkin smirked before grabbing a mug. " Old bastard chose to lose the last hand too. I looked at the card he tossed for a new one. He drew a strait to my three threes into a dead draw. My biggest mistake was knowing my enemy. My best friend till the end."

Zo enters the cell with Markwell in it and see him beaten bloody. He immediately removes the bindings on his wrists. " Do they not know shame?" Markwell went strait for the canteen on Zo's belt and Zo backed away to see him better. " Are you breaking me out Zo?" He let the man enjoy the water before shaking his head. " I want to but what will happen? If I did that none of us would ever go home." Markwell drops the empty canteen and returns to his knees. " Whatever happened Zo? How did it come to us fighting each other over a stretch of twenty miles of land." Zo took to a knee. " The first battle was in imperial land you know. More like a slaughter. My friend Panzer and ten others was a scout party. Perhaps to talk peace. I met Panzer that day in my home. If it was not for him your kind would have butchered me and like always I would have went down fighting. Instead I chose to save his life and those of the village by giving warning before you thieves attacked. He raised me good. Took me in and raised me right when anyone else would have made me a soldier. Markwell all I want to do is go home." Tears started pouring from Markwell. " So do I. I am going to be executed tomorrow." Zo turned away toward the cell's door. " I'm now in charge of dragon line bridge. They made me a general."

" I helped dress Markwell in his full military honors, walked him right to the block and his blood sprayed on me as the ax came down. I swore on that day to never let that happen to one of my friends again. I could have broke him out. He knew it and I knew it but he told me to not do it. The cost was too high." The dragonkin finally takes his ale and drinks the whole thing in one go before slamming it upside down on the table. " I never did have an opponent again that I respected as much as that man. I had many battles at the triple bridge fortress even when there was nothing more than a picket wall between me and my enemies. Fifty years I built that place up defensively as I protected it. I never complained, I never demanded for luxury when it could not be spared and I never let a thief get by me. Then when I take some much needed leave to get some blood and vinegar out of my system up on the dragon peaks they threaten to take my post away. Hell it's their fault sending me up there to keep good relations with the dragons. Their fault I got married to two of them and as I am sure of this they never minded when Lulu came down to visit me. We would kill some imperials together, have a feast then give the other a fire bath." Suddenly the dragonkin's daughter spoke up. " How romantic dad. I hope to have a husband to do that with some day." The dragonkin smiled. " One day I will take you up to the peak. Your brother I can easily get a wife or three for. Perhaps it will let him grow up a little bit. He is the right age to learn. But for you it is more complicated. There would be over twenty that would be of age to court you. That is where politics will come in. That is where your mother will have to come in. One of you two will have to take over for your mother when she eventually passes. Sense it will be expected you would be taking over as such things pass with gender up there. Which will mean you can not move to the peak. I'll come up there in the coming years and explain it better to you. I'll bring down Reinia if I can get her to go." The young dragon's ears fold back and she lowered her head. " I'll wait I suppose." The dragonkin smiled looking at his daughter.

Zo arrived at the peaks and was a bit surprised at what he saw. He had never seen anything like the community of dragons before and nothing could have prepared him for it. Suddenly one notices him and moves to him. " You the seed offering we were told about?" Zo remained unmoved as she took in his scent. He smelled deeply of others blood. " What they said I am for and why I am here may not align. My body is mine and my soul is mine. I was asked to come up here because they say you have a grievance about something and I am the only one of dragon blood in easy distance." She backed up slightly surprised as Zo kept his hand on the end of his sword. " You are as bold as they say you are, but I am afraid we can no longer linger here. I have got to send you to the house heads or risk punishment for influencing you beyond greetings."

" First impressions are a powerful thing. Lulu was impressive more than the others of the collective. She was adventurous and not very afraid of showing it either. We had two clutches of children. One during the war and one after. I do go visit the little ones often enough. Ten out of every fifteen years in fact. Reinia raises them and our own as well. It is a little hard on her but being head of a house never is." Suddenly the cleric raised his hand slightly. " You saying there is order to the dragons?" The dragonkin nodded. " There are three collectives of dragons I know of in the world. Each is of one family but the ones on the peak south of here. Up there there are four family houses. The torchlimbs, the cinderrocks, and the fieldblazers. Then there is my bloodline which is called the candlehouse. It is called that because I live in a house with candles as light." The dragonkin the points his thumb downward. " I live down below the inn. Keep my personal effects down there. Not my hoard thou. That is up on the peak. I keep trinkets down here like my gifts from my friends Isibel and Markwell. Well Lulu was an easy choice for me to make as a wife. She was smart, attractive and spunky enough to leave the peaks. Reinia was more political."

Zo arrived in the center of the central chambers where all the meetings were held. In almost every direction there were caverns leading in different directions. Many of them had dragons laying in their entrances looking at him. Suddenly he noticed his escort had moved into a vacant one and three had moved forward. " Welcome new blood to the peaks. You are well known to us in recent years." Zo looked from the middle one to the one on the left. " We the heads of the houses are charged with the well being of the collective and the politics around it. We asked you here to help us with a matter needing attended to." Zo looks to the one on the right. " You will be greatly rewarded with your help and we will continue to keep the canyon pass free of imperials." The three then looked at each other before the middle one spoke again. " From each of our houses we ask you to take a mate. Any female you request will be given as long as they are of young age." Zo stood dumbstruck and he was beginning to feel a craving for females more than any other red moon month before. They asked for a mighty toll from him he realized. " So you are asking me to father a forth house?" They look at each other again before nodding and the right one speaking. " Our lines are not strong enough to keep our people going on our own we realize but a fresh house with fresh blood may save us long enough to find others of fresh blood. We know of other communities and individuals but they are not heeding our requests and we can not send any out to them with this war so close to our home." Zo raised his head to a new understanding with the dragons. " I'll do it on two conditions other than I must pick one one from each house and I must continue my fighting. The first is they must be willing free of choice to do this." They each nod and the left spoke. " I would even offer you myself if I was younger but that has already been agreed on before our request for you." Zo felt relieved to that. " The second is they must not have a husband before me."

" Oh, I tell you they did not like that one. I did not know then that unwed dragons were virgins. Well in that collective and I was not part of it then. I had a very good reason why I picked that too. I would be away from the peak most of the time I knew. Even after the war. So the husbands would think I was better than them and well take it out on our wives but if I was the first husband my behavior could be excused as normal and I would not care if they found other husbands to pass their time with. Reinia did just that but my third to be wife Geniel was more content having my house title than having me. As I said an unwed dragon is a virgin up there. She had a clutch of young before I even was with her. Which was a grave crime to break an oath like that. Her punishment fits her crime. Not much change between getting my wives and when the peace talks finally started." The dragonkin looked around him and notices despite how interesting his story is many around him were half asleep. " And that I will tell tomorrow. It is late and I am going to watch the competitions tomorrow." Many of the inn start to part but the four stayed at the table. " One such as yourself must be well with the blade. We are in the contest and would be glad to have you as a fifth." The dragonkin raised to his feet weary. " Fighting for sport has no appeal to me. It is a young or desperate mans game. I have nothing to prove and nothing to gain from them. The purse I care not for either. I make more on inn sales in a night because of the contests than that." The dragonkin takes the case with his knightly belongings under his arm before taking the dragon's scale and lifting it. " I'll call tomorrow."

Zo looks at the four newly born eggs Lulu gave to him and she was resting. It took him a week to get leave for a day to go up to the peeks and he put his hand gently on one of them. For the first time in his life he was tired of the fighting. He just wanted it to stop. He did not care about going home anymore.

The inn quickly filled with the locals again as well as other patrons. The dragonkin exploited the fact that he had wings and arrived before any other and helped get the place ready for immediate service. It was well after an hour before the party of four arrived again. This time they were there to celebrate some first for winning three fights with good odds and purses for them. The dragonkin waited patiently because he knew they will sit with him again to hear more and they did. On cue most of the patrons circled him again. The dragonkin finished his early meal before getting out the dragon's scale again and worked his magic on it. She quickly stopped her self bathing and gathered her children to sit and listen as well. " And we are nearing the end now. I am not sure how much left I will tell. Visiting the elven Northwoods or visiting one of the other dragon collectives. Me and boats do not go well together I found out when I was hunting pirates in the west. But this tale is not about those adventures. This tale is about the hundred year war. And we are at the peace summit."

Zo sat at the peace summit with the other generals and the Senate of the Free Peoples Republic and the King of the Empire. Three weeks he sat there looking nice beside the other generals on both sides. He knew the names and faces of those around him better than those in the other room. All these great military leaders and none of them had spoken a word about what was going on. Zo stands and all look to him. " I'm tired of this. I'm leaving." The one to his side grabs his arm. " General Zo, to leave now would restart the war." Zo turns to the commander. " I'll resign, I'm not part of the army. I'm a hired sword and I have not been paid in decades. Damn it I am the only one left alive that was born north of the river and I do not care anymore. I'm not fighting anymore. I'm going to go to my wives and live with them. I deserve my peace after a hundred years." Zo felt the arm fall away as another spoke. " So you go home to keep us from ours?" Zo turned around and recognizes the face to the voice. " My home was took from me and you all built Fort South Guard right on it. If I take it back I would be the thief then. This war has no meaning for me now. You know a half mile away from my post I see an imperial potato farmer plant his crops every year in a field that me and Old General Markwell use to fight over countless times. I seen his father build the house and die in it before the farmer took a wife and have kids of their own. Every year I think to myself who's home am I going to take away to get mine back. How long am I going to be hated for it. If there is anyone left with a grievance over this war it is me. Well I say have my home. I have the chance to find a new one now."

" When they took three weeks to settle on what the land should be called we generals got the whole peace thing settled in an hour. And you know when a politician has no general to fight for them he can not fight. We were not going to make offers of money or trades of resources and not settle on what was really important. We wrote it up and we agreed to it. Every one of us signed it and presented it to them all at once. We all had enough and we knew those that fought under us did too. In the end they had no choice. It was going to happen with them or without. We did not care about the credit. We were finally going home." The dragonkin smiled as he looks in his drink. " Even me. The commander of the fort knew of an empty plot and I built this place with help of friends. For years they would come here but one by one they moved on. Married and never could come back. Moved from one war to another and was killed. Hell my good friend Captain Pura was killed right out front a year after the war because he was a felinor. The young troopers thought they would get away with it until their commanding officer superior superior got involved when I woke him up from a bed upstairs. So many friends I have left behind and every year during the red moon month I come here as we agreed to. It has been so long sense I seen any of them. But as years pass old friends leave me behind and I get to make new ones. Felix over there behind the bar is a descendent of Panzer. He was six when I found him on the street homeless one day by chance. The cook Tom in the back is Isibel and Markwell's some number of greats grandson. His grandfather came by looking for work and know his grandfather was a General during the war and often came by here after it. He brought his family once and I recognized him. Dauty the server is my oldest daughter with Lulu. She took after my side of the family and chose to live down here with me. Runs the inn all the time now. She is looking for prospects now too. Wants to make me a grandfather. Any dragon on the peak will take her if she asks for one but she been courting humans I hear." The dragonkin takes his mug and shakes it to find a little left in it. " I never realized how old I feel till now. A lot has happened in my life and you know what. I am fine with that. When I was born I was alone and now I have all these neighbors and friends and it is thanks to a bunch of thieves from the north." The dragonkin finishes his drink. " It felt good to get that out in the open finally. Next year I think I will tell about the elves. Most I ever met are uptight snobs. No offense to the lass. Seems to me they need to discover some of the breeding magics us dragons have. I bet they would loosen up then." At least a dozen nearly choked on their drinks the dragonkin moves from the table to go downstairs.

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