Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. III (2021)

Everyone masked up and exited the propliner, climbing down the airstair to be greeted by other masked up workmen. they would unload the propliner and get the next day's cargo ready for flight.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. I (2015)

The old propliner looked like an immaculate time capsule, frozen in time as dust lightly coated all the gauges and seats.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. II (2017)

Just like the island itself, the propliner was a time capsule, an anachronistic relic of the modern world.

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Highball (2021)

The old propliner rolled off the santa monica assembly line in 1953, and was a pan american bird for many years.

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Dottie (2022)

Making a slow, wide turn, the propliner arrived in front of the hangar of "collingwood aviation".

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Soar (2019)

The curvaceous propliner droned towards cleveland, flying in lead formation with four thunderbolts and corsairs.

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Jet-A (2019)

In front of the small building were a couple of freightmaster's other propliners; a c-47a, and a four-engine c-54g. joey shut the big radial down and jumped down just as the propeller stopped turning.

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