The beginning

Michael thinks to himself "typical john" john quickly rushes to turn off the music and looks at michael "wadda you want" michael looks at the angry propeller" i want you to find the origin of this name" michael hands over the paper and points at the foreign

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Highball (2021)

Having already disassembled the propeller boss, which controlled propeller pitch, felix heaved to try and break the prop free off the drive shaft. two of the three blades were anchored by leather straps and chains to the propeller hoist.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. II (2017)

Engine one had its propeller spinner knocked off, revealing the bullet shaped prop boss of its curtiss electric propeller.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. I (2015)

The propellers kicked up clouds of brown dust that was blown about by the propeller wash, the added drag on the tires slowing them down after a two thousand foot roll.

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Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. III (2021)

The propeller spinners and their streamlining plate aft of it were left bare metal. overhauled curtiss electric propellers sparkled from a good polishing, their flat tips left unpainted.

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Soar (2019)

It was a rather drab looking machine; olive drab over neutral gray, with a white propeller spinner.

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Dottie (2022)

Instead of a curtiss electric propeller with root cuffs, the martlet had a stubby hamilton propeller with medium chord blades that were rounded at the tips. the rounded prop boss was painted black with a red stripe on it.

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Kazufox Interview #1

(the arm splits open, silver hatch opens sucking in energy, propeller spins counterclockwise and fist stars shining gold) this is my power! the power of shell shurigun!

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S1 Ep 38 Solaris Moonstone

She laughed evilly as thunder storms appeared all over the planet as things are further propelled into despair and chaos across gaia. artemis helped up his brother solaris off the ground as he looked a bit ragged.

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The Fox, The Rat and The Metal Beast

propelled by instinct over his knowing better, he lunged forawrd hoping to catch the plump rodent before he could react.

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Jet-A (2019)

The boxy cargo plane was propelled by two r-3350 cyclone-18's, monster turbocompound radials that belched a steady stream of fire from the turbine hoods. they spun four-bladed hamilton propellers that clawed the air, giving off a loud, mean roar.

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