
Social structures, they're changing al the time. One day you're top dog, the next you're in the dog house. Your best friend becomes your enemy, your enemy becomes your friend. Someone you thought you could trust shows his or her true colors and the...

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Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

Even in his half awake fog of thought, the dragon didn't take long to remember that he shared an apartment with a gryphon, and that garden hoses were for people with gardens and lawns and children that needed unsanitary things to drink from or people with

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The Diary of Balto Mercer Ch 1 Part 3

I walked into the dark, and rather unsanitary, hallway. both ends of the hallway were blocked off, and water began to rise from grates on the floor. "subject 666, you must escape this-" i didn't give her a chance to answer.

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mercenaries short 1 - Cat from the Dead

She scanned the unsanitary surroundings of the medical room before a series of frantic banging began disturbing the silence.

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Captivity Ch. 2

The chain busted with metal shards of it falling to the unsanitary cement floor. i attempted to jump off the modified cot to grab her but i was no longer familiar with these new muscles.

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More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

As the thugs walked away at least oklain could realize he was lucky for only one thing, at least they didn't know he actually worked for the other oklain, whatever they would do then would be 2 times more unsanitary and inhumane.

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Extreme Hoarding!: The Dragon

All those's unsanitary. again, osolodo is sitting in the plain room. osolodo i went by there once, a couple centuries back. you could smell the stench about a mile away.

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1. A Cold Morning

"this is probably a bad, unsanitary idea," he muttered, "but too bad. getting what you deserve, hrvalye, you poop. poop poop poop." he softly blew out his lips with the trail of p's strung together. relaxing, if childish. _"um...

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Maycor and Demaeter 3

That seems unsanitary." "it's how dragons used to feed hatchlings, back before we had... advanced culinary techniques and technology and modern civilization.

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Meanwhile: Chapter 2

Stories leaked through the vine of rations which were barely enough to sustain a pup, frequent beatings from the guards, and cramped, unsanitary dens which held so many wolves that there was no room on the floor to sit or lie down.

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A Tail for Two - Chapter 3

I could pick up the faint scent of grilled cheese cooking in the hospital cafeteria, although it was mixed with odor of the unsanitary hospital and sickly patients.

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