More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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Notes- Homophobics don't read, or you can stare at the computer screen and rip your eyes out, whatever works.

The plot finally shall begin to pick up, faithful readers that read sense the first book you pwn!!! ^_^, readers that never started from the start ...well you still do if you like this!!! :D

As usual I greatly appreciate comments, my tribute today shall today go to the many numerous great authors, who's books I have enjoyed, whether online or in reality.

Let this chapter now begin


lLexiharins housel

Lexiharin woke up and what would seem a reflex, he instantly gazed at the clock.

10:00 am

He'd follow his standard routine as always, and then disappear from the house to once more, avoid chores.

Lexiharin finally became to notice that he was supposed to see Sekhai by 10:00, not follow his ordinary routine...crap.

He called Sekhai on his newly acquired cellphone, *at least he didn't have to waste fuel on getting to the pay phone*.

''Hey Sekhai'' Lexiharin answered at once Sekhai picked up the phone.

''Hello Lexi''

''Any idea what to do today?''

''Well definitely not going to my house, Desiral is sick''

''Her names Desiral?''

''Um...yeah I guess I never told you my step mothers name before have I...''

''Not really''

''Aw well you know now at least''

''Any ideas what we should do?''

''You sure like asking that question, um...perhaps we hell lets just goto the normal place until we think of something better''

''Ok'' Lexiharin answered

Finally did Lexiharin remember that Sekhai told him that he was was almost like last night never happened, nothing ever changed other then this slight feeble memory of a few words, that to Lexiharin seemed trivial. So why did it continue to be implanted in his mind?


lApartment 648l

Oklain finally woke up, a massive hangover ensued and this was perhaps the only part of being an alcoholic Oklain hated. Waking up into the harsh reality within all of its shady glory with a pounding migraine, it was amazing Oklain wasn't a pain relief junkee.

Almost instantly another burden, a phone call arrived. He was more irritated then happy to have an unexpected phone call, he wanted

sometime for the hangover to go away, regardless he picked up the phone which continued to ring mockingly.

''Hello there I have a few more requests, hopefully you can get these few errands out of the way?'' The voice was cold.

''Oklain?'' The wolf grumbled.

''No, You address me differently remember? We share the same name, its ridiculous if we continually call each other Oklain all the time''


''Fix that hangover at once, and meet me within my office'' The other oklain slammed the phone.

Oklain sighed, he'd constantly have to run errands for the mob boss, luckily these errands never involved actual crime...the only problem was how long before they would have to soon escalate?

Oklain would just have to remember to get back early in waiting for his guest, Lexiharin, He'd have something specific planned for him...


Lexiharin and Sekhai just continued to stand on the familiar street, it would appear neither of them had any idea of what they should do, there minds blank with only a reminder of the occuring boredom. Perhaps they were tired of there cliche routine, it was summer after all. Doing the same simple things they could do any day, instead of actually doing something new...Sekhai began to miss participating in sports.

Sekhai finally stumbled upon idea, first it was a few fantasies to him, but the idea evolved into something that could be acceptable to Lexiharin, it would seem nothing more but a day out as friends...Perhaps the movies?

''Wish to go to the Theater sense theres nothing to do?'' Sekhai offered.

''I guess, you think there are actually good movies though?'' Lexiharin asked.

''Yes, there should be at least one...there has to be one''

After debating on the imminence of the theater, the answer definitely stood out, they of course drove off to the theater.

Amazing how Lexiharin never formed the scenario that this could be more of a date then simply seeing a movie, luckily he didn't or else he would find out Sekhais real intentions. Lexiharin could be considered ''smart'' so why did he never see the obvious conclusions? the possible revelations....

Finally they reached the theater, it consisted of the average theatre decorations, being bombarded of upcoming movies. Sadly though most of them all seemed dull, what the hell was ''Cuisine king?'', out of the many options the list displayed only three seemed at all good.

''Ninjas or Pirates...'' Lexiharin trailed off.

''Why does it always come to this conclusion?''

''I think pirates would be a good choice''

It wouldn't matter to Sekhai which movie they watched, there for he simply agreed. He also decided to perform a deed by getting the popcorn and the drinks. the movie theatre clerk dully looked at Sekhai and asked that familiar statement

''You want something?'' His voice was just as dull as he looked.

''2 bags of popcorn and two cokes''

Upon this request the clerk began to assemble the foods.Meanwhile Lexiharin would undergo the torment of viewing horrid previews. *One he had to admit did seem to intrigue him though* Eventually the movie started, pirates were definitely the bad asses of the sea. Lexiharin found the movie was thoroughly entertaining, even the more calmer parts of the movie were watchable without a dull boredom.

Sekhai on the other hand was delegating within the privacy of his mind whether he should risk laying on Lexiharin or not, Sekhai would soon struggle through a hellish bombardment of these questions.

''I should, Lexiharin is most chances gay after all''

''What if he's not gay?''

''Well I am and he accepted it''

''If he's not then he'll never see me as anything more then a friend''

Sekhai was sadly defeated in his own dilemma. Despite the results of his own argument that only appeared to foresee was damnation he automatically laid on Lexiharin...thank god for reflexes.Sekhai continued to lay on Lexiharin while watching the movie, in the end Lexiharin didn't seem to notice, nor did he appear to hide anything either. Soon though the movie came to an end and slowly civilians filed out of the theater, Lexiharin and Sekhai would join them in leaving the theater. The first thought that came to them both was perhaps on what time it was, it would seem the movie was 3 hours long for the time claimed to be 4:50. Lexiharin would have to be on his way to see Azrain, Lexiharin was curious how much like Sekhai Azrain really was...


lAdjacent to Apartment 648l

Finally Oklain would finish the errands the mob boss gave him, as usual it wasn't crime but in the end it still contributed to aiding in it. Oklain walked down the street towards his apartment, he didn't like being outside, he didn't like being inside, not unless it was his apartment. As he continued to walk down he was confronted with the bastardizing thugs he usually saw not on a daily basis but indeed whenever he would go outside.

''Hello Wolf did you know Oklain was just freed?!'' one of the thugs called out, there were three of them today.

Oklain always tried to avoid conflict...often times this wouldn't help for in the end he'd still leave with bruises or cuts.

''Yes, I told you I wasn't the Oklain you thought I was'' as much as the thugs intimidated him he still couldn't make his voice form any tone other then a grumble.

''You know your face pisses us off, your name pisses us off, your voice pisses us off, why the hell do you even come out?''


''You know, Sometimes I think we must all be asswholes to continue to mock this wolf just because he shares the name of someone we hate'' One of the thugs spoke.

Oklain wasn't in hell going to fall for this, they done it to him before. They'd seem to finally give him a break then they'd punch him in the gut, luckily back then it was just that. One of the thugs began to walk towards Oklain, obviously as a response Oklain stepped back.

''Damn a wolf is afraid of a mere Feline, your a sucker for humiliation aren't you?'' The thug began to walk even closer, as Oklain saw a front of him only 2 of the thugs were left there, that would definitely mean the third one was...

A greedy paw held Oklain down and the thugs came closer,one of them got out a switchblade and put it towards Oklains cheek. They unsprung it and a sensation of pain swept within Oklains cheek, he yelped and covered his cheek with his paw in pain.

As the thugs walked away at least Oklain could realize he was lucky for only one thing, at least they didn't know he actually worked for the other Oklain, whatever they would do then would be 2 times more unsanitary and inhumane. Oklain would finally stand up and began to continue the short walk home, those thugs were lucky Oklain never abused power he could have had, or else they'd all probably have their sheathes mailed to there mothers within a day.


lSekhai's housel

Sekhai waited, he thought perhaps once Lexiharin is done visiting Azrain maybe he could visit as well, Hopefully Azrain found something out of Lexiharin's preferred gender. While waiting though he would have to find out on how he could adapt to this new schedule he formed, he found himself bored throughout the three dull hours without Lexiharin. Perhaps he should get back into sports? Finally after a long time without being in them he'd have an excuse to, As much as he loved Lexiharin was almost as much as he missed sports.

His thoughts continued to only pace more and more, he found even soccer was beginning to be missed in it's long absence.

As much as there were changes there were new things to look forward to, Finally Sekhai could keep the best of two worlds!

Only worry was Sekhai just hoped Azrain didn't take a liking to Lexiharin...

The time being 7:20 PM Sekhai decided to be punctual and precise, to be right on time. Maybe boredom is what made Lexiharin so reliable, cause hell this is how it was affecting Sekhai. Apparently Sekhai decided to run towards long hills, whether out of ambition, boredom or basically a habit in the end the result would most likely be Sekhai arriving early.

After running approximately 5 minutes Sekhai finally reached Long Hills, already he beat his record on his way there.Whether fate or coincidence Sekhai noticed Lexiharin getting on his motorcycle, he greeted Lexiharin.

''You actually came early?'' Lexiharin was obviously more surprised then Sekhai was of this unexpected rendezvous.

''I guess thats been a habit lately hasn't it'' *it just had to be the boredom*

''Well im sure we both know why I'm leaving early...''

''It's a bit obvious, your almost never late for anything''

''Hmm maybe my reliability is contagious like a virus...''

Sekhai still had to conclude in his own opinion it was boredom.

''I'd stay but I better hurry,I'll be calling by 10:00 PM'' Lexiharin drove off, why did he always leave so early to get somewhere only so he could arrive perhaps to early.

Sekhai stepped towards the familiar small mansion, couldn't be small in comparison to Sekhais home. Before Sekhai could even knock, Azrain swiftly and perhaps almost instantly opened the door.

''Holy Crap I have news that you need to hear!'' Azrain exclaimed, Sekhai wondered if everyone else inside heard Azrain.

Sekhai was shocked and confused, he didn't know how to respond to the massive outburst Azrain had portrayed. They began to head towards Azrains room. It was obvious Azrain couldn't contain the information any longer, There for as expected he told Sekhai on the way.

''Lexiharins gay'' Azrain stated.

''The couch thing?''

''Eh.......oh you mean that? you do know there is more then just that crappy way to find out on those things right?''



''How did you find out then?'' Sekhai asked Azrain

''I just asked if he thought you were gay then he stuttered,''

''How much of those odd tricks you know?''

''Hmmm about 8''



Driving on his motorcycle was Lexiharin, The only reason why he left earlier then intended was so he wouldn't have to also speed to be right on time. He always followed these lifeless morals and laws and why? he never knew. Being entrapped in his thoughts he finally noticed a car was behind him, a pitch black limousine, it slowly began to accelerate towards Lexiharin. Lexiharin turned on the right to let the car past, it accelerated even more and when it reached to be parallel and adjacent to Lexiharin it violently bumped into Lexiharin sending him flying like a rag doll against the tree.

Lexiharin felt dizzy, he must've only had a concussion from the shock of the sudden trauma. Only after noticing the gash on his leg did he begin to feel pain, he began to feel weak, he began to feel...

Death? no, he didn't feel he was vitally overwhelming dizziness...nothing more...regardless of his knowledge on how death could not be possible over injuries this meager there was still a slight panic in Lexiharin. Finally though did he notice that the limousine and out came two figures...Oklain?


What will happen?

*I kill off one of the main characters *like thats gonna happen?*

*Oklain says he's sorry for hurting you!!!*

*You will be aware none of these will have an answer on what will happen in next chapter

My ideas aren't just randomly thought up, expect a twist >:3....if you have any ideas what it might be you may share *Yes thats another way of saying ''Comments Please''*