The Battalion Underneath the Earth (Pulp Story/Non-EPZ)

A nazi is rarely clever enough to be deceitful. they would rather be bullies. and i am something of a nazi hunter."

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My Meeting with the Man who Helped Hitler's #2 Man Escape Death

Original journal and original photos appear in The Furred Reich Blog:...

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Nazis Should Never be Normal (anthology excerpt)

This is a preview from my story, "nazis should never be normal", which can be found in the upcoming "even furries hate nazis" anthology. it is edited by kate watts and is coming soon from thurston howl publications!

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Scoped, Dropped, never Mourned

These lies and empty promises did nothing but fuel the resistance, power their hate for the nazi occupation.


Downfall: Prologue and Chapter 1

That was before the nazi forces drove in and began to control the city. the city was under nazi control for the longest, now it's time to drive them out. the year, 1945. the occasion; the second world war.

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Order of Pengu #8

"yeah, it's nazi gold." "... why do you have nazi gold?" "well..." \*\* \*\* \*\* \*\* \*\* and elderly ram walked about his study. he had just set down a warm tray of fresh baked pastry to cool as he opened a newspaper.

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nekolis story

Comment : subject nekoli dimitrev a soviet solider was captured by nazi forces in stalengrad and was shiped to a nazi testing facility under berlin. the subject was exposed to a compond made of uranime,mercurey, and a unknown substance.


Loom of passion (Clean version)

The day he was caught arrived, but instead the forces of justice, he met the ones who anyone wouldn't wish to be caught by: the nazis.

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Captivity Ch. 3

I quickly took aim and shot the nazi down. i bent downward to find her mid-section bleeding out profusely as she was gasping from the pain and disbelief.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters

"girls i think were being abducted by nazi aliens." mai screamed. suddenly eight reptilian headed, alien creatures wearing yellow nazi arm bands and golden leotards appeared.

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