Captivity Ch. 3
#3 of Captivity - Jaye's Story
Jaye and Dr. Emily Brookes are trying to escape this Nazi experimental facility but keep running into challenges and must continue to thinking quickly to get out of it. BTW, in the cover picture, I was going to have them say something but I changed my mind. So now they just look confused but I don't care. The story is more significant than a picture.
Captivity - Jaye's - Story
Chapter 3
I glanced over at Dr. Brookes. I could probably out run her and get away myself, but I needed her to show me the way out of here. My head felt like it was about to burst with all the possibilities of escape but which was the right one? The clamor of military boots was getting closer and I, or we, needed a way out.
"There's a storage closet down a couple hallways from here," she said with anticipation.
"Can we get to it quickly?" I replied, taking a couple steps down the narrow, dark hall.
"Maybe, we have to hurry, though." She jogged past me but I had no problem catching up to her.
We turned right at the end of the hallway and the sound of approaching soldiers was becoming more apparent. We only went halfway down this corridor before she snapped left down a different one. The there was a sudden wave of unorganized chaos set free.
When she turned, we ran right into four Nazis standing in front of a door and they weren't expecting us. They swiftly raised their firearms towards us and I could vaguely hear them switch off their safeties. I had a feeling that they weren't going to show this American scientist and her experiment any mercy. I rushed forward and grabbed her arm as I heard bullets begin to fly towards us. I yanked her into my grasp and wrapped my wings around us. I anticipated to be ripped apart by their arsenal but the bullets were bouncing off of me. There was still a slight sting where they were hitting but it wasn't bad at all.
"Well, that's fortunate. Must have been an affect caused by one of the serum," she said softly as the roar of shots was rebounding off of my wings.
"Yea, well, I don't plan on staying like this," I replied, quickly thinking of my next move. I needed to be unpredictable to these assholes but Emily couldn't be notified of what I was about to do, or she might freeze up.
I burst open my wings so that they were facing the gunshots and I pushed Dr. Brookes towards the wall that had no rounds hitting it. Then I quickly side stepped, turned around, and swung my leg under a guy. He fell hard onto the cement floor as I snatched the automatic rifle out of his hands. I turned it around in my paws and pulled the trigger, killing him instantly as the lead ripped through his chest.
Then I pivoted, using my wings as a shield, and began my firefight with the other soldiers. I was able to take one down quickly when a bullet tore through his left thigh's femoral artery, followed by one that rattled throughout his torso.
I could hear Emily shout as one of the Nazis had grabbed her by the collar, while the second soldier was pulling his gun up towards my face. I had to think promptly. I rapidly circumnavigated out of the barrel's aim and rammed the butt of my gun into his rib cage. The second he had doubled over, I kicked his head into the floor. As I peered up, I could see the last soldier holding a P38 pistol to her temple. She was so terrified her eyes began to well up with tears.
I hurriedly wrenched my STG rifle up, aiming right between his murderous eyes. There was no negotiating this. He wouldn't understand me. He started shouting orders at me, on the other hand. Dumbass really expects me to know German? To hell with this. I riskily fired my gun, and Emily left out the most ear piercing scream I've ever heard.
The man fell backwards, his cranium smacking the ground, very obviously dead.
"Are you okay?" I asked Emily, swinging the barrowed STG 44 across my shoulder.
"Yeah, just a little shaken up. Did you have training before... this?"
"As a matter of fact, I did. After an incident on America's East Coast, my friend paid me to travel to Russia to escape the danger. Ironically, I ended up joining up with a big Russian militia," I explained while beginning to speed walk down the hallway, trying not to go too fast for the scientist.
"That's quite interesting. Hopefully this physical change will be more beneficial than a curse for you," she spoke softly.
"Hopefully... Let's just focus on getting out of here," I suggested, flickering my new purple tipped ears back and forth.
"We can go down this hallway for a while and it will lead to..." a shot rang out and Dr. Brookes collapsed to the floor. I spun around and saw a soldier running towards us.
"Emily!" I quickly took aim and shot the Nazi down. I bent downward to find her mid-section bleeding out profusely as she was gasping from the pain and disbelief. "Don't worry, I can get you out of here," I stammered, nudging my arms under her shoulders and knees after putting the rifle back across my shoulder. God the smell of her blood smelt good. What the hell is wrong with my nose?
She began to cough as I stood up straight with her in my arms. I couldn't believe how strong I had become as I started to run down the hall.
"Where do I go?" I asked frantically.
"You... you can go all the... way down this hall... and turn right... On the left, there... will be a door to... the outside," she whispered weakly.
"Okay, got it," I confirmed. I ran faster and before I knew it, I was at the end of the hall. As I turned right, a small squad from the left opened fire on us. As the bullets ricocheted off my wings, I could feel also feel other shots dance behind my feet.
Finally, I reached the door on the left and pushed it open. Sunshine hit my face with blinding force, but I made myself walk outside. I slightly turned and leaned against the door. How could I block it? I looked around to find that we were on the roof. Surprisingly, there were no guards. I set down Emily to the side of the door and quickly pulled some big oil drums in front of it. Hopefully that would give me some time.
As I examined the surroundings, I noticed that this building was the tallest in the area. All the rest of the buildings around it had been obvious victims of artillery and was abandoned from the effects of war.
"Try... flying..." I heard Emily choke out behind me.
"Am I strong enough for that?" I inquired even though my strength and speed had evidently increased, I've never flown before.
"You... should be," she started, " can't take... me... I'm too... heavy for your... first flight."
I couldn't argue with her. I didn't want to leave her but I didn't want to challenge her knowledge. I knelt down beside her and tried to wipe some of the blood stream coming from her face. All I could think about in that moment was how harsh I was to her at first. She was only trying to save my life and she still is.
"Just... go... I'll be fine," she expressed, coughing and spurting more blood out of her mouth.
"But, you made me stronger and got us out of there. And now you're severely injured. I can't just leave you like this," I said, trying not to tear up. I couldn't deal with those searing tears right now.
"And now you may... move on... trust me... I'll be fine..." she grunted as she was trying to sit up more.
I stood and slid the German rifle off my shoulder. "Well, you better defend yourself and kick a couple asses," I said sternly as I checked that the gun was ready to be used. "I'll see you again one day, I promise," I stated as I handed it to her. She gave me a small, weak nod.
"Now... go..." she whispered. I could barely even hear her.
I turned around and tried to flex my wings. They were so huge, just one of them being slightly larger than me. As I began to run, I started flapping them but they were surprisingly very powerful. I instantly felt the lift. The ledge of the building came up quickly and I launched myself off of it as I heard the door bust open behind me. I tried to look behind me but since I changed my focus, I plummeted towards the ground.
I desperately beat my wings against gravity and, at last, regained control. After acquiring some altitude and distance from the 15 story building, I looked back.
The giant door was wide open. Nobody was on the roof anymore, and a small trail of blood had been made from where I left Dr. Emily Brookes leading into the hallway.