The Experimentals

The experimentals (c) faolan bartholomew two thousand teenagers ranging from ages fifteen to nineteen, were standing in a giant auditorium in a haphazard mass looking around murmuring to themselves about why they had been taken here

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Unimportant Verse 11

_Yit'gadal v'yit'kadash sh'mei raba_ Would that I had the faith To pray daily. Eleven months to let you go, And an amen to end the sorrow.


Meaning & Self

There's some duality between sources of meaning, Between the types of stories we use to back identity. It's not quite good & bad or light & dark, Though I'm not yet sure just how to define it. Dad used to punish the dogs by locking then in...


Unimportant Verse 10

I could never tell you that you feel too much. That you feel too hard, or that your feelings overwhelm and overtake you. I could never tell you how beautiful that is. That I wish I could feel those things, that I wish I could feel that way. ...


Unimportant Verse 9

Tightly wound springs Of very carefully Not touching. Secret words To be said With confidence. Rules. Prohibitions. Limits. Discussions planned, Side-channels arranged, Whiskey purchased. And now anxiety Over what it means And how...


Unimportant Verse 6

Complementary, clashing anxieties. Dull clamor of intersecting feelings. Need, desire, craving, jealousy. Worry, fear, care, prayerful fretting. Love, lust, friendship, a need to share. Emotions on emotions on emotions, and, often, comfortable...


Unimportant Verse 5

"Comrade" would I call you, and "brave," and "fierce" and "true". "Lovely" have I called you, and hope but to live up to the example which you set for me. So, comrade, onward, ever onward. I know I cannot hope to offer much but word on cloying...


Unimportant Verse 4

We fit together in the strangest ways and seem to seek new seams to savor. Such joins are hardly perfect, thread tugging fabric unevenly unless it's reinforced over and over again. We seem to seek new seams to savor, and, weak though they are,...


Unimportant Verse 3

When you arrive, the whole world gets slow. Sluggish, amber-colored air mellows lively conversations. Everyone stops, marvels, turns eagerly toward you; and there are no complaints about warming our faces in the sun.


Unimportant Verse 2

Resuscitating ancient coins in class, we learned, takes a toothbrush and olive oil. Slow, steady strokes across, around... soft bristles dislodging soil one speck at a time. But no one that day was nearly as blessed, seeing a coin shine through...


Unimportant Verse 1

I see your past in cross-processed film, in blown-out colors and over-saturation. You told me all about it, told me grand stories: you were going to go back in time and save the world. I see your past in yellows and browns, in umber and...


Every time I fall

Every time I fall, The ground tells me I'm in love. "'Cause love is All low," it says. "And loves is Places." And I always argue, That love is all people. That love is dogs, And cats. And love is Emotions. But every time I fall, ...
