Nazis Should Never be Normal (anthology excerpt)

Story by Domus Vocis on SoFurry

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When a chapter of the National Carnivore Right's Militia moves into his husband's hometown, Dwight joins him in waging a hacktivism war against the infamous Neo-Nazi group.

This is a preview from my story, "Nazis Should Never be Normal", which can be found in the upcoming "Even Furries Hate Nazis" anthology. It is edited by Kate Watts and is coming soon from Thurston Howl Publications! :D

Until the book cover is revealed, I'm using this AWESOME thumbnail (the artist gave me permission to use it, and is equally excited about the upcoming anthology) that can be found here:

"Dwight. Dwiiiiiiiight."

A tired grunt escaped my throat.

"This is your conscious speaking. Time to get up."

A part of me really wanted to drift back to sleep. Instead, I opened my eyes to find a familiar husky standing at the foot of our bed. His white-and-black speckled tail wiggled behind him as he held a cup of warm coffee in both paws.

The smell alone already drained my tiredness. "Evening, Love."

"Mm, thanks," I murmured, sitting up to grip the cup Lawrence handed me. Despite my distaste for how big conglomerate coffee had become, it didn't change how it woke you up like a syringe of adrenaline. One sip and you could get through a day of work, several sips and lethargy is meaningless. "Not bad. What time is it?"

"Five to 11:30," he chuckled between delicate sips. "I woke up a couple hours ago and got everything set up for us."

"Why didn't you wake me?" I yawned before drinking more of the sweet cup.

"I didn't wanna wake you," Lawrence shrugged. A slight grin appeared on his muzzle, and he playfully patted my belly. "Besides, you already know you're often grumpy whenever I interrupt your hibernation."

"Hahaha," I set the coffee aside and stood up in the cramped bedroom. "I'll join you shortly. Just need to grab a quick shower."

The small canine leaned up to peck my lips.

"Think of me in there, big bear," he snickered before skipping over to the front of the motorhome. And showing his ass off in those blue pajama bottoms he knew I liked.

Unfortunately, I couldn't 'think of him' due to other thoughts on my mind. The shower did indeed erase my fatigue, and after toweling my legs, I tossed on my comfortable pair of athletic shorts, deciding to let my furry chest air-dry. Meanwhile, my attention wandered to tonight and tomorrow's operations. I really hoped the A$$holes didn't decide to opt out, since they'd been known to do it in the past. And we needed those two to watch Forrester.

Greasy smells filled the small kitchen. I sniffed and smiled at what I saw. Besides setting up our laptops on the table and already running our encryption software on a separate one resting on the counter, Lawrence managed to get us midnight snacks. Among...other things, my maw watered at the double-stacked hamburger he offered me.

He bit into several strands of French fries. "Thank God for Erickson's Bar & Grill," Lawrence yipped, licking a dab of ketchup from his nose. "Sadly, they didn't have any ice cream for desserts."

Biting into the big burger, my tongue blistered at the hot sauce.

"It ain't the famous Lakertown pizza, but it beats whatever fast food crap we ate for lunch." I devoured most of the burger before my eye caught sight of the clock. "Laurie..."

"Already have the forum up," he wiped his paws clean at the sink and set the remaining fries next to his computer. "Let's check up on everyone and see if those A$$holes found anything."

I laughed. As much as I hated some of their practices and motivations, their name still made me snicker each time someone--especially a poor TV newscaster reporting on them--said it aloud. Those made for golden news bloopers.

Sitting side-by-side at the table, we tuned into the website's hidden chatroom. Having a plain façade and a layered onion routing encryption, it seemed like any other private forum lurking in the corner of the Internet. However, the forum housed more than anger management topics. On it, Lawrence and I debated various things with other like-minded individuals. On it, we discussed ideas, philosophies, new tech features, etc.

Tonight though, tonight was special.

Seconds later, the sound of tapping keyboards filled the RV.

<Themis entered the conversation>

Themis: Everyone here for tonight's operation?

** <Atlas_Watch, L0k1b0t, entered the conversation>**

Atlas_Watch: Hello! ^^ I'm ready willing n able!

** L0k1b0t: Hello, Themis. How're you?**

** Themis: I'm good. How has everyone been this past month?**

** <Miss_Sunshine entered the conversation>**

** Miss_Sunshine: Finally. You won't believe how bad traffic is here.**

** ** In the years we'd been active, re: Sonance made up for its numbers with accomplishments and reputation. Seventeen active members across the globe, over a hundred operations and enough experience across both sides of the World Wide Web.

When Lawrence heard the news about the NCRM's new compound being constructed in his hometown, of course he didn't need to convince me. I contacted every re: Sonance member eager to troll a Neo-Nazi extremist from Peninsula City all the way to Las Estrellas' golden coast. And together, we started an online campaign to drive their chapter out. We called for social media, (nonviolent) antifa protesters and everyone on the political spectrum to join the fight. This included the classic DDoS attacks, sending sex toys to NCRM addresses, spamming emails, overflowing their sites in an endless musical loop of 'Der Fuhrer's Muzzle', and even mailing a cake to Duke Forrester with 'Nazis Go Fuck Off' written in pink frosting. That apparently got the infamous chapter leader to hide out somewhere in Lakertown, afraid to show his ugly mug to anyone recognizing him.

As everyone discussed their progress on other assignments (without saying too much about their personal lives, of course), I entered the server as 'PoetParadox'.


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