The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 3

The thin blade of the sabre came down between the hammer and the pistol's cylinder blocking it from firing even as the thug pulled the trigger.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 5

Officer Hopps was able to return to work two days later. Nick returned the day after but was put on limited duty until the soreness in his chest finally faded. In order to keep up with his exercise regimen he joined Clawhauser at the...

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Intel In The Alleyway

**Intel in the Alleyway** By: DankeDonuts []( "Greetings! I am BB-2000! I am fluent in over six-million forms of whoop-ass!" "Wha-" The Twi'lek's gobsmacked jaw was...

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Extreme Rendition Ch. 1

One of the thugs twirled around to the source of where the voice came from, but the thug was confused as to how he was able to get behind them.

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“More Then Meets The Eye” (A Story Where Fur-haters get what they deserve)

"thug...fuck! this is just what i need!" andrew grumbled to himself as he heard thug's heavy footsteps walk down the corridor and blocked his only means of escape.

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Raisjinn Pages 1-2 (W.I.P)

With a raise of his right hand and hand signal, four other thugs walked out from the alley shadows like rats from trash. two of the thugs walked behind him and the other two moved behind raisjinn.

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Jace Gets Bested

Where there had once been a dozen aggressive looking thugs, now stood a small handful of very nervous looking thugs, save one.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 4

Some of the thugs that broke into the pokecenter escaped out of it unnoticed. \<\<\< located inside an abandoned building outside of veridian city, a group of three thugs stand in front of a tv screen.

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More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl

The thug began to walk even closer, as oklain saw a front of him only 2 of the thugs were left there, that would definitely mean the third one was...

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Rescue Mission

That did it any doubt i had in me about taking out these thugs vanished and i turned the corner arrow at the ready shooting at the first thug in my sights. he was a young tiger and as soon as the arrow hit him he fell over.


Skye: Shards of the Past - Prologue

Another thug asked, clearly nervous. "this wasn't supposed to end this way!" one of the thugs looked over and noticed skye. "hey, look - we got witnesses," he said, motioning his head in skye's direction.

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SWAT Kats: The Art of Being Naughty, CH 21-30

Just after lunch four thugs came bursting into his home. "screeeeeeeee!" his mother's screams woke feral and sent him charging out of the bedroom to be met by two thugs who grabbed him.

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