Good Morning!

The Varlo twins rested in bed until the alarm went off, both grunted in hate then Gage moaned. "Tep... hit that." She said, even though she was on the side next to it. "You're closer..." He replied. Gage asked again and pestered him to do it,...

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I was a gay teenage zombie

Shockingly aware and witty, this thrilling tale by acclaimed horror and dark fantasy author alison cybe dishes up side-splitting laughter, stomach-churning horror, heart-rending drama and everything you'll need to know about growing up when you just don't

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Passion at the Mountains

And so, the lizard comes with a more witty plan: rather than maim its foes, make them think they will be maimed. and so, at every fire, the lizard's rage becomes a fearsome shadow, that no creatures great or small can help but to fear.

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still bull but im trying OwO

He was a sinister, witty, whiskey drinker with his friends saw him as a dead, dirty demon. once, he had even jumped into a river and saved a racid disabled person.


Path To Stardom

I bet you're witty and cheerful too." 'witty and cheerful given my situation?' kai mentally scoffed, but he had a huge smile on his face. of course witty was a compliment, but he'd hardly describe himself as cheerful.

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A Fox's Family (Intermission 1)

His older brother hym was a little brutish and far less cunning and witty. by the time sebastian had graduated high school, he'd already made thousands playing the stock market using his father's accounts.

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Birthday Surprise

As they did numerous times before, they shared more stories, witty banter, laughs, etc. they finished their meal just as natalie pulled back up to their table.

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Gaid 2 riting gud: Srsly (episod 1)

You are coming up with plots, stories, characters, witty turns of phrase and excellent names for your own benefit. putting prose to pixel is about communicating with your audience.

The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Thirteen

[personality: well-humored, intelligent, witty, brave, kind, sneaky, thief] [disposition: thief, intermediate magik] [relationships: best friends with riskar] farinay: (black panther anthro, winged) black wings, soft fur, black fur, feline features, male.

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Bri is very shy and quiet, but very witty and sharp-tongued whenever speaking. she's quite a nice girl if you're not a douchebag.

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Your not alone.

Joseph though up a witty joke and decided to use it so he said to shayna, hey shayna your like a fish, on steroids! hehehe shayna agreed playfully and tackled joseph in the pool. at the end of the day joseph had passed out un willingly.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eleven

[personality: well-humored, intelligent, witty, brave, kind, sneaky, thief] [disposition: thief, intermediate magik] [relationships: best friends with riskar] farinay: (black panther anthro, winged) black wings, soft fur, black fur, feline features, male.

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