Birthday Surprise

Blade replied with a blush as his kissed icy's cheek. "i'm glad i could spend the day with you, this was a fantastic day." icy smiled and wagged as he pulled the covers onto them. "good night blade, sweet dreams." "good night icy."

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Slender Haiku

Deep in the forest, Shrouded by the dark abyss, Lays a lonely house. Inside is a fox, Fur as bright blue as the sky, Paws as dark as night. A common nightfall, Relaxing in his comfort, All is usual. The light has left him, The dark...

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch1 - An icy journey

Tecwyn just nodded as he together with the convoy leader and another walked in front through the icy path, the fresh snow crunching under their steps.

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Two Paws Deep In Icy Cold Trouble

To have a reprieve from the struggles of life was a truly beautiful thing. Gloria, despite all of the troubles she'd gone through in her young life of sixteen years, was lucky enough to have a place that she considered her own little hideaway, and...

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Dustin & Kai: Chapter 6

Kai actually invited icy over to study for english, where they became great friends. kai also had confided in icy that he was gay, which icy had no qualms in dealing with. "aww that makes you even cuter, wolfie" was his response.

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Ch. 1 - Une vielle barraque

Au fil de mon errance, je me rendais compte que si par le passé les gens avaient été plus ouverts et accueillants ici, ce n'était clairement plus le cas.


Première confrontation

Elle n'était jamais venue ici qu'une fois auparavant, mais cette fois ci, elle devra aller plus loin que cette porte en bois sombre. en effet, elle entend mieux le bruit d'ici, et au raffut qu'il y a il faudrait mieux qu'elle se dépêche.

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Un tableau, une rencontre

Il ne prend pas la peine de frapper : ça fait longtemps qu'il a arrêté les formalités ici. _- salut stu !


The Wolf of Castle Blackpaw: Part I

He drew both of his paws then in front of his muzzle and blew some warm air from his lungs into his paws, hoping to stay the icy metal for just a moment so he could pull the door open.

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As i returned home the clouds parted and the dim light of ancient stars graced the icy world. i stood, starting up at them, their faint light a rare and beautiful sight.

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The Cat's Stroll 02

**chapter 2: blue icy bear pendant, seven deep hells frozen record** * * * the slip-shaped pendant had become a bear shaped one. kyu cao's mind spun. no, this was wrong. rather, the pendant must have been in the shape of an icy bear originally.

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Se cacher et attendre

Mais que diable venaient-ils faire ici ? à cause d'eux, il n'a pas pu suivre la vampire et son serviteur.

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