Dustin & Kai: Chapter 6

Story by Aurora Australis on SoFurry

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#6 of Dustin & Kai

Here's what everyone's been waiting for. Well, at least Kai and myself as well. A short side-story before we get to Kai's mom's reaction... An introduction of a couple of friends like I had promised. Icy, who has seen us together since the beginning, and has guided us ever since, and Sky, who is such a sweet, loving fur who would do anything for anyone who needed it. This story is dedicated to those two. Here goes... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Chapter 6 Icy was a cute little demon boy. He had pointed ears and a long tail with a flattened arrow at the tip. And his skin was smooth and hairless. He stood about 5'5 and had the sweetest demeanor about him. Those who didn't understand him, well, they didn't matter. What mattered was he had become friends with Dustin and Kai before they had really become mates themselves. Icy had first met Kai in school, when they had shared several classes together. He was a quiet boy with little to say. Seemed very shy in fact. But something about the look in Kai's eyes when they met, he realized there was more to this wolf than the other furs around him. He gave a confused but curious smile back to the wolf. Kai actually invited Icy over to study for English, where they became great friends. Kai also had confided in Icy that he was gay, which Icy had no qualms in dealing with. "Aww that makes you even cuter, wolfie" was his response. Dustin and Icy had met slightly differently. Icy had noticed Dustin waiting for Kai every day after school. He saw them meet up, jump when they saw each other, and then walk home together. He decided he should get to know this wolf who Kai had taken fondly of, as he was very protective of his friends. Icy began to talk to Dustin, soon finding out that the two had talked online before they had even met at school, which was why they had become such great friends. Dustin needed someone to confide in, as well. He was new to the school, to the country. All he knew was Kai, and while he wanted to share everything with Kai, he needed someone else to chat as well, more friends who saw the two together and who could offer him advice. Dustin wasn't exactly gay when he had first met Kai. He'd had thoughts of other boys but because of his background, was relatively straight. His relationships had never worked back home, because while he wasn't afraid of commitment, he just never developed feelings for the girls who liked him. Icy knew all of this as Dustin had told him his story. He knew that Dustin was confused as to his new feelings, and began to offer advice. It was Icy, who in fact made Dusty realize that it's okay to love another male. He told Dustin "Someone who is as devoted to you as Kai doesn't come along often. I'd hate to see you lose this, and I'd hate to see Kai hurt. He needs you." That was all the convincing Dustin needed, and from there everything he did was about Kai and for Kai. As they had become mates, Icy helped both of them through it all. He was an incredible friend to both. And Dustin and Kai realized this, treating Icy as their own brother so to speak, taking him in under their protection and friendship. Several months into their mateship, Icy had given each of them a collar, a blue one for Kai that read his name, with Property of Dustin written under it, and a green one for Dustin that read his name, with Property of Kai under the name. At that moment, the three hugged tightly, holding on to each other until they began to cramp. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Sky was a bright orange fox with a white tummy and chest. He was a large fox, too, standing around 6'4. Sky had no problem making friends, in fact his flaw was he made too many friends and couldn't keep up with all of them. He had first noticed Dustin in the cafeteria one day, sitting by himself. His head was down, but as he glanced up he had sad but hopeful eyes. The fox made his way over to the wolf, striking up a conversation about the wolf's past, where he had come from, and how he got here. Sky soon found out that Dustin had moved from the U.S. and had met Kai. He also found out that Kai was to be gone for two whole weeks visiting his dad on the South Island. Both wolves had been crushed knowing they wouldn't see each other for those two weeks, but had promised to write each other every day in email. Sky immediately took Dustin into his arms and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek. He had a soft spot for furs in need, and began pouring out his kindness into the lonely wolf. For those couple of weeks when Kai was gone, Dustin hung out with Sky. He shared stories of how the two had met, and what they meant to each other. Sky immediately fell in love with both furs, even though he hadn't met Kai yet. The way Dustin explained him, he couldn't imagine the wolf being any less than a prize to anyone who knew him. Two weeks later, Kai returned. Dustin and Kai hugged for nearly an hour, rubbing each other's fur and nuzzling cheeks against each other. Smelling each other's scent and feeling the warmth as they cuddled close. Dustin wanted Kai to meet Sky. As the wolf and fox began talking, Sky was amazed. Dustin had described him fully well, but Sky was not expecting him to be so sweet. He told Dustin later that he was utterly amazed at the wolf. He knew Kai would be sweet, but he never prepared for just how sweet and adorable the wolf was. He said it was an honor just to know the two, and he couldn't imagine a happier, more destined couple than the two. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> and now for the good stuff, Kai's mom's reaction... Slowly the two wolves dressed in their now dry clothes. They made their way down the steps to the kitchen, both with dry mouths. They sat at the table where Kai's mom brought over the food, neither one saying a word. As she sat down too, they began eating, before Kai's mom finally struck up a conversation. "Sure was wet outside today." The boys nodded, neither one saying anything until Dustin piped up. "Uh..thanks for drying our clothes." Kai's mom nodded. "Sure, you two looked like you needed some dry clothes..." pointing out the fact she knew they were naked under the blanket. Kai's face blushed brightly and he nervously forked his food, not really eating more. Kai's mom was patient, she knew he wanted to say something but was shy. "Honey? Is there something you wanted to tell me?" Kai cleared his throat, deciding this was it. "Mum. Dusty and I... we're more than just friends..." A lump formed in his throat as he looked down to his plate avoiding eye contact. He felt ill and needed to escape, planning his route to his bedroom. Kai's mom nodded softly, figuring this out already. She loved her son and wanted him to be happy. She also knew he was shy, and before Dustin, he had been so depressed. He came home and went to his room. He got up and went to school. He didn't enjoy life. But since Dustin had come into his life, he had been cheerful and outgoing. He always had a smile on his face. She knew that whether or not anyone else approved, the two were meant for each other. "I know, honey." She said soothingly, and that was the last of the conversation for that night. Kai excused himself and went up to his room, leaving Dustin and Kai's mom at the table. Dustin didn't say anything either as he helped clear the table before climbing up the steps to Kai's room. Kai had been laying on his bed, curled up in Dustin's blanket, tears soaking his pillow. He had been so afraid what his mom would think. He had dreaded that moment for every day since Dustin had come. The boy's tears were some of relief that he had finally told her, some of fear of what she might think of him now. His body relaxed as Dustin came in and sat beside him. Dustin's paws went for Kai's shoulders and began gently rubbing him, working down his back petting and stroking the fur. After about 20 minutes of helping relax Kai, massaging his back and shoulders, Dustin lay down next to the wolf. He rested his chin on Kai's shoulder, his soft breath flowing out over the boy's neck. An arm draped around Kai and hugged him tightly as he closed his eyes. Both furs fell asleep again, relieved that Kai's mom knew. Now was Dustin's turn to tell his parents... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Whew! That was a relief. Of course you all knew already how that would turn out. Wouldn't be in the interest of this story if something bad happened. That's not what this story is about. So many stories out there of boys getting disowned by their parents, so much violence and sadness. So few stories of love and compassion... Please, post comments, the more the better. And feel free to give me an email as well, [email protected] That's it for now! Hopefully it won't take so long for chapter 7. I may have a few more friends to introduce.